Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mom and Dad (Whacked With Pipe) & Church Attire

After church, my parents arrived and my Dad's insides of his eyes are totally dark.  They weren't this way yesterday because I mainly noticed his neck and jaw and asked what happened and he said he was whacked on the side of the head with a pipe a couple of days ago.

But what I saw yesterday looked newer too, like someone did something to his neck on purpose.  Today he showed up from church and wearing things he wouldn't typically wear.  He would never wear this shirt that he was wearing.

My Dad has an artists eye.  He knows what is in good taste or not, and he has style and things he likes.  So does my Mom.  There is no way my Dad would ever pick out an oxford style shirt for himself that has Native American designs on the back neck.  He might like designs or art, but he's not going to wear it on a shirt like that, and not to church.

I grew up with my Dad wearing a sportscoat to church every Sunday.  He wore a suit every Sunday and it didn't matter if we lived in the country or if the church was small.  He always wore a suit, buffed his shoes with shoe polish before going, and my Mom wore a dress.  My brother wore slacks and nice shoes and a shirt and I wore a dress or skirt.

Even if we were in other areas going to church, if it was really casual, my parents still had good taste.  I see my parents showing up with clothes that someone else wants them to wear, and then mismatched and it's not them at all.

It's not just my parents.  Someone has tried to get my parents to buy things for me that are unattractive too.  Or given me things they hope I'll wear when I never would.  Someone had my mother drive me all the way to K-Mart one day, and this is when, if the FBI had not obstructed justice and my travel, I would be independent  and financially secure myself.

All they've done is degrade me.

My mother drove me all the way to K-Mart and then I was told to pick out 1 pair of jeans and 1 pair of running shoes.  Jeans and shoes are something I am particular about, and I've blogged about that in my 2007 or early part of my blog.  I don't like cheap jeans, and I'll spend money for good ones when I can, and I don't like cheap running shoes.  I don't even believe in cheap running shoes.  I'm a runner, and I've run competitively since I was 15 (except for down times for injuries) and the shoe matters.  I have never spent less than $100 for a running shoe unless it's a very good brand that happens to be on sale.

I have always bought brand name jeans (except in specific occasions) and brand name running shoes (because you can't go cheap).

So here we are at K-Mart and I said why are we here? and she said she thought to buy me 1 pair of jeans and 1 pair of running shoes.  I said, "I already have shoes" and she said she thought they were looking older so get a new pair if I wanted."

My mother would never, one day, decide to go to K-mart, of all places, as the place for me to buy cheap bad looking jeans and cheap running shoes.

I said I didn't want anything.  And I walked out with nothing.

Meanwhile, in the store following us, was a woman with a British accent.  Some high pitched British accent and she perked up only when she thought I was going to buy this water from B.C. (Canada) and I didn't.

So who would want me to downgrade myself and go against my own natural style?  Someone who is jealous of my style and who tried to copy me.

I had Chris Rozollo, as well, trying to make me look cheap and "normal" by telling me to get rid of my nice clothes because "you're not in D.C. anymore" and then telling me not to wear high heels and only wear flip flops.

Another person told me not to wear heels once, and that was the same man who raped me, Josh Gatov, before he raped me.  He didn't even have a reason to tell me not to wear high heels and he went out of his way to try to persuade me not to, when it was none of his business.  I never forgot it because it was so weird.  Not one woman or man ever tried to tell me what to wear and then in 1997-1998 or whenever after I met him, he was telling me not to wear high heels.

In high school I wore flats to school.  After high school, I wore heels.  I had flats, but I wore shoes with a heel under my jeans to give my legs length.  A good long leg-line looks good with jeans, so I wore boots (or semi-heeled) shoes with my jeans and then I wore skirts with heels.  I didn't wear sweats like other college students.  Not once did I wear sweats to college.  I wore heels almost every single day and I had several pairs.  And this rapist Josh Gatov was telling me not to wear heels and wear tennis shoes like everyone else. 

I think someone didn't want anyone to notice I even had nice legs, and I did.  They were every bit as good as longer legs, because they were thin and shapely and I had a good proportion. 

It's like some kind of generational evil eye over legs.  Granny also had knock-out legs.  I've seen photos.  My legs aren't as good now, but they're fine, and they were amazing when I was able to run.  Granny's legs were to die for.  She told me she encountered so much jealousy over her legs.  She was 5'6" and had these long, great proportioned, long and shapely legs.  Her girlfriends and even her own mother-in-law were jealous of her legs.  They told Granny to "cover up" and then talked about how they thought they had better legs than she did.

I then see my parents wearing some of the same things I know they'd never wear.

It's been this long concerted effort to drive me out of doing anything normal or something I want to do, or driving me out of being myself (which is a threat to some group), or out of my own style and dignity.  They forced me into homelessness??? and then they tried to make it about a "prodigal" idea, like it had nothing to do with enemies and was about my relationship with my family.

My family didn't obstruct justice, cut me out of court, and block my travel.  They were told later, to do exactly what someone else told them to do.

So when I see my parents, who have incredible taste, wearing things I know they don't like, it makes me wonder in the same way as when I was told I could get, specifically, cheap jeans at K-mart and cheap running shoes, the 2 things I'm not flexible on.  I have cheap jeans I don't like that I have to wear bc I was driven out of money and work and college, but I'm not going to spend money to buy more.  I got these one out of necessity.  And why would I trade in good running shoes, no matter how worn, for a bad pair that's new?

I've bought cheap shoes.  There are some styles where it doesn't matter, like heels sometimes or dress or whatever.  But if you're buying a running shoe, for supporting your feet and legs, you don't go cheap.

Sometimes if you can't have what's right, you take nothing.

I don't need "filler friends" or "filler boyfriends" or "filler clothes" or whatever, just so someone can try to say I'm "common" or "like everyone else" if I am different and I was just being myself and why should anyone care if it stands out?  Other women also wore heels and coats, a lot of international students did--women.

The people who hate us, want to take away our individuality and reshape us and try to have us drop down to something we're not.

I told Christa Schnedier, many times, I was inflexible on jeans and running shoes.  If I didn't blog about it, and I think I did, I know we discussed it a lot.

The first time I even wore a fleece or zip up jacket to college was in 2002.   I guess I had casual fleeces back then, but still, I never wore them with sweats.  I wore them with jeans.

I didn't wear spike heels with jeans, I wore shoes with a half-heel, about 2 inch heel.

I didn't wear spike heels with jeans, I wore shoes with a half-heel, about 2 inch heel. I wore other heels or semi-heels with dresses and skirts and sometimes flats with skirts. But I wore jeans, all the time in college and I had a pair of "loafers" that were black and had a silver thing across the front and a square 2 inch heel in the back. They looked like Queen Elizabeth's shoes, sort of, which I noticed a decade later...oh, same shoe I used to have. I wore those all the time.  I called them my "pilgrim shoes" because I thought they looked like Pilgrim shoes from Plymouth.

I wore Birkenstocks in 1996-1997, with cargo shorts and tank tops and thin t-shirts in the summer, and even these shoes in the Fall, with jeans.  But not sneakers and jeans.I had Birkenstocks I loved, with two straps across the front, and then I later got another pair and hated them. They looked okay actually, and I even wore them in 1998, but they were too heavy. It was like dragging boats under my feet and I used to trip in them all the time. But I wore them to college in the Summer with knee length shorts.  I stubbed my toes all the time and I still wore them.  They were sort of braided or open toe but criss-crossed not the two simple strap ones I had liked.  I had cherry wood, mahogony colored leather loafers in 1996-1997 that I wore with jeans.  They were slip-ons, penny loafers, with dark mahogany cherry wood colored leather and a black comfortable rubber sole.   and I wore them with dark jeans and brightly colored shirt and sweater.  I wore them to the Rose-Lewis' house and he said I had the same shoes as his wife.  I mixed a colorful orange and other colored sweater that was knitted with it, sort of Oilily style.  I remember exactly where I left my shoes that night at the Rose-Lewis'.  I had loose leaf strawberry herbal tea that night, from a square tin imported from England.  I could tell you the entire contents of their cupboards and refrigerator from memory.  I could tell you exactly what the boys said and did that same night.  I can tell you what I watched and I can recall the expressions of their faces when they saw my shoes. It bothered them.  I remember, at that time, wondering why the shoes I chose for myself bothered them.  They were Nine West leather loafers and I remember the exact shape and design.  I could tell you what color their boogers were that night. (maybe).  The sole of those shoes?  They had a groove along the side of the black rubber.  Remember?  Can you tell me what the traction of the shoe looked like if you turned it over?  The groove was along the heel on the side of the shoe and sort of arrow-like.  I wore thin dress socks with them.  The bottom had intersecting arrows in a grid on the sole and the front was different.  They were pretty much skid-proof.  The side groove was an elongated >  but it was sort of a long oval too, but wider at one end than the other.  The sole was possibly very dark brown and not black.  Size 7 1/2.  Yes, dark brown.  I usually bought my shoes at Nordstrom Rack, which had good shoe sales.  But I got these new, in the Nine West store.  I still remember both of them, bending over and looking at those shoes.  First Scott looked at them and looked weirded out and then he said, "Hey Laura, Cameo has your shoes."  The dog was there in the hallway sniffing around and then Laura went over later and they both had this odd look of shock and dismay on their faces.  I remember this because I thought, "Why do they care which shoes I own?"  I never saw Laura with a pair like that but this is what he said out loud.  And more importantly, why were they upset or sort of spooked that I had that particular pair?  So I never forgot it.  I remember Laura's expression exactly.  She looked over and stopped, with this pause and apprehension and a look of distant dismay as if "what does this mean?" 

I don't know Laura.  Maybe you tell me.

They were penny loafers and I didn't have pennies inserted into the slots.  Pretty sure there were slots for pennies.  The sole was a diagonal on the heel if I remember correctly, with a criss-cross pattern and a couple of bars at the very back of the heel.  I might be wrong. 

It was pouring rain that night.  It was Fall of 1997.  I was fired shortly thereafter, from the entire household, Lorraine and Rabbi Rose and the Rose-Lewis'.  I was asked to housesit after this and then it was over.  The only thing I heard from them inbetween this time and when I was raped was through Halea Vice.  She told me, "Laura and Scott asked me if I thought you were as sweet as you seemed to be."

I wonder if they were asking my friend Halea Vice "Is Cameo really as nice as she seems?" before or after I was raped.  Oh, I think it was before.  Yeah, it was before. 

The radio station is playing "I'm Walking On Sunshine" now.  I wonder if Kate Middleton walked on pennies for her wedding.  That would be quite symbolic wouldn't it.  Even more hilarious--I was given the job to work for these people by "Penny". 

So, my son's report card system is coming from University of Oregon.  He lives in Dryden, WA and his teacher "Tina" is using a report card system from The University of Oregon.  This is the college Scott and Laura went to.  I don't know why Tina from Washington is using a system from Oregon.

Dryden, Washington is using a system collects data about my son for University of Oregon.

It's not like both states are not responsible for what has happened to me and my son or anything.  So basically, my son's personal information is not just being collected by Washington State, it's being collected by Oregon state at the University of Oregon.  I'm the mother, and I worked as a nanny for all these kids and their parents have done nothing but reward me and my son by screwing us over.

Later, in 2004, I sometimes wore skinny heels with jeans while dancing. I always wore leather shoes unless they were tennis shoes, or flip flops with jeans (for summer) or shorts. I didn't wear heels with shorts. I was never a "jeans and tennis shoes" person. I thought it looked cloddish.

Now I think it looks okay because there are more options depending on the jean and shoe.  And I wear sneakers with jeans now bc it's what I have.

My enemies have tortured me and given me the "Moron Makeover".  Tampering with my grades, and ability to work or excel as I normally would.  That's on top of everything else.  They do the same thing with my parents.

I want my son.


  1. Cameo,

    I have read your blog for years. I have to say that your parents love you very much. You should not look a gift horse in the mouth. They love you enough to let you live on their property and love you enough to attempt to clothe you and buy you new clothes. You need to think about where you would be if you were not living there. You would be homeless. I agree that what happened to you and your son was very tragic. You need to place the blame on yourself for it. I find you to be very selfish and ignorant to your own surroundings. I find you to be very jealous and very bitter at the world. You are jealous of any of the relationships and friendships that other people have established with others and their happiness. You do this because you are jealous because you have no friends. You have no life. You are alone and have alienated yourself. Your parents deserve to have friends and your son deserves to be happy. You don't want people to think that you are mentally ill but you do and say crazy paranoid stuff on your blog. I find it very hurtful to point out the hair on your cousins face. I also think its very ignorant of you.

  2. You've read my blog for years and done nothing helpful for anyone and zero volunteer work for others. Do you go to church? maybe you could find a good outlet for yourself there rather than waste time with attempting to smear me. Go gladiator.
