Monday, July 9, 2012


I thought this was a heartfelt voice, even though it's a different kind of woman's voice.  It's from an Eastern Orthodox thing I clicked on today.  First I heard "byzantine hymns 2h (second part)" and then this one.  I thought the man's voice calling out in the first one was pretty.  Sort of middle eastern in a way, and emotional.  And then after this one is a song with this woman's voice, if you click on the name of the man posting these.

After this one, if you click on the name of the person posting it, it has a woman's voice and then there is a photo of art, and it's Mary over her son Jesus, but it's just like Gustav Klimts "The Kiss".

I was then trying to watch this, and it won't open the link:  It's for the 1st Great American Awakening.

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