Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Dad's Prediction Tonight

I went up to the porch after my Dad got home. My Mom wasn't home yet. I saw that my Dad had left out catfood dishes for the cats. When I looked, the cats had eaten from one dish but not the other one, and it was in a line. I thought, "Why did my Dad arrange the catfood in a line, like cocaine?" That was at about 5 p.m. or so. I went in and ate with him and watched some t.v. Then I left around 6 p.m. or so and my Mom got home about 6:45 p.m. I walked over to her car, from my house and followed her indoors. Inside, on the t.v., was a movie playing and at the moment I walked in, the actress was snorting a line of cocaine. That was at 6:51 p.m. thereabouts. So basically, having no idea of when I'd come over the first time, or that I'd show up again, my Dad predicted I would see a line. This is why the U.S. government is interested in my family, and why they put implants in my body without my consent. They have monitored me and wanted to track me to see if I knew about national security secrets or who I talked to, and then used the implants against me to torture me and steal my son from me.

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