Friday, July 13, 2012

My Raspberry Stolen & Given to Kate Middleton by Californians & U.S. Govt)

My raspberry shoot was stolen today and given to either that girl in town, or someone she knows that is connected to McGhees, or was sent to California to give to Kate Middleton, who has been stealing from me since I was a kid.

It was done yesterday, while I was forced to walk downtown because Kyle Collins from University of Arizona kept coming up with excuse after excuse to have me leave my house when people from California were in town.

There was no reason for him to insist that I leave my house, and I had already sent over the forms and documents they needed but they lied and came up with an excuse to force me out of my house.  I knew there was some reason and that it had nothing to do with not being able to see my signature.

My parents had dinner last night with "friends in town from California" and yesterday about the time my raspberry was stolen, I believe, this woman from California, with CA license plates drove by me, laughing and mocking me.  She had dark brown shoulder length straight hair, and was driving a white sportscar style station wagon.  The plate number was fairly long, with a 5 and an X and C and a long string of numbers and I believe I wrote it down somewhere.  She had some people backing her up and following her and I wrote down those plates as well.

Not only that, I was stalked by U.S. government employees right after I had left my house.  I was about a 1/2 mile from my house and a man in a U.S. Government plate vehicle was laughing at me and came around the corner.  He was driving past me torwards my house.

Then, after my raspberry was stolen, Kyle Collins left a message on my parent's voicemail saying "I got your message and we're moving it forward."  He left this message at 4:45 p.m., after I'd left the house.

At that time in the afternoon, I was at a hotel where I was told to fax over documents because it was cheaper there, and talking to a new woman there who was wearing the bright turquoise color that this girl from church (McGhees kid, supposedly) wore when she deliberately walked over my feet and my Dad sat there smirking about it.  This is the girl that then Bill O'Reilly was wearing the same color of, to match that night or next day.

Wait.  At 4:45 p.m. I was walking to that hotel the first time, and the fax wouldn't go through.  I didn't leave his place until 5 minutes before 5 p.m.  The man sitting there jolted and looked shocked when I said to him, "Will you take 2?"  because I was asking him if he'd take $2 instead of $2.50 to pay for my fax.  He jumped and stared at me like he was worried.  Then, the faxes wouldn't go through and he said don't worry about.  Then the second time I went, and tried a different number I couldn't find it but they didn't want me there and acted uncomfortable.

When I left their place, it was 4:55 p.m.  I had arrived at about 4:40 p.m.  During this time, my raspberry plant was stolen out of my own pot, off of my porch.  Then I saw this woman who "looked" like Kate Middleton, in a black SUV, laughing at me (but I didn't think it was her, it just looked like her) and then walking back to my house this woman from California was driving from the direction of my house and laughing at me.  The entire mood in town changed, from being respectful and normal while driving, to mocking me and laughing me and looking like they'd just won the jackpot.  The U.S. government man was the first one whose plates I wrote down.  He looked shocked.  Then he was followed by a guy toting a portapottie, and they were all in game mood until I wrote down the U.S. government plate number.  Then they weren't laughing anymore.  I hadn't walked with a bag or any paper, just a pen in a pocket, which I took out before he came around the corner laughing.  He saw me writing his license plate down on my hand and stopped laughing.

They stole the 2 year raspberry start that I had bought for my raspberry garden, and left me with 4 small starters that are not even mature.  The 2 yr. start is the one you plant and which bears fruit the next year.  These other plants are seedlings and are not even 1 yr.

This country got onto my property, or had my mother or father go onto my property, steal a raspberry plant from me and then gave it to the people they had dinner with from California who are now giving it to Kate Middleton.   This has been done to me since I was a kid.

After they forced me out of my house, to fax something to University of Phoenix, to make sure it was while these people from California were still in town, my mother told me yesterday that she had rushed home around 4 p.m. or so and went on my porch to see if I was home and I wasn't there.

I asked my parents where they were last night and they said they had dinner with people.  I said who and they said you don't know them.  I said well I'm asking for conversation, so who? and they said some people from California that you don't know.  I said, "Does she drive a white stationwagon? because I saw a woman today who was passing me that drove a white station wagon with CA plates."

They were telling me they'd had dinner with Californians but my guess was that they'd been at the McGhees. 

When I said something the other day recently about Kate Middleton and "oh I'm supposed to love Kate Middleton as myself?" (love thy neighbor as thyself) they froze up, both of them.  Like in shock which made me wonder if Middletons were in town or their friends were our neighbors.  Then it was said, no, to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.  How do I know that my parents aren't working for the Middletons, or my mother isn't, because she's been doing it since ? I was a kid for U.S. Government.

Marry the guy with the head injury?  Be a dental hygenist? don't take math?  all of these things, for people who supported Middletons.

I'm putting up the U.S. Government employee plate number on  my next post.

Then this morning I went over to my parents house and it was after my mother left for work and after my Dad had left, and someone left a torn off piece of a raspberry bush on the porch next to their door.  Basically, right after I found out it had been stolen.

When I called my mother up to tell her what happened she said maybe the deer got it. I said, "Deer can't even get onto my porch".  There is no possible way deer got it.  Someone took it, and took the roots and then patted it down.  Deer would pull it up with their mouths and there would be a hole or disturbance of the soil.  Also, deer can't get their heads inbetween the gate around my porch and other plants were next to it that they didn't touch if they had even done this.  Deer would either chew off the tops or pull it up by roots and leave it.  They don't pat down the soil as if nothing happened.

 I said, "I can't take having everything I own stolen from me."  My mother said, "THEN MOVE."

The man with U.S. Government plates had plates 0556K.  United States Government.

He wasn't even around the bend where I could see him yet and I took out my pen and was ready to write his number on my hand.  And I did and then he saw this and quit laughing.  Everyone who followed him after that, I don't know how they knew, but they looked shocked and were not laughing anymore either. 

It all changed after about 4:45 or so because that's when they stole from me.

It was people from California (1 woman in a white station wagon), 1 from TX, 1 from AZ, people in cars with OR plates from out of the area.

Basically, they stole my 2 yr. plant and left me with 4 tiny seedlings.

Other plates of people who mocked me include:

416 BF6 (or BFG, following govt. truck)
485 EHG
296 BBC
556 FPA
657 ELR
316 YDM
207 BAW
723 EWL

The guy driving the vehicle with plates 723 EWL was following the woman from California in the white station wagon.  He was in an unsignificant car but I knew when I saw him that he was part of something bad against me and that something had just been done that he was happy over.

They stole from me.

Other people who drove by to mock me after I was stolen from were 340 EJU (I believe a woman mocking and then she was followed by a friend), and a man in an SUV with fully tinted windows, even on the driver's side, ZLL 179.  The tinted windows were either 340 EJU or ZLL 179.

I had written only 2 numbers on the palm of my hand, before I later had paper.  They were:

0556K, and 416 BFG.

These people are stealing everything I have, everything in my life, and have made a game out of it, to mock me and torture me and my son with.  They STEAL my raspberry plant?  This man Kyle Collins was a lure, telling me to leave my house and print something for them when they already had the signature from me.

The only reason he'd keep insisting this be done, would be if someone was in town that was only going to be there for a specific amount of time and if someone was wanting to steal from me so they had to have me away from my house.

I had just said, out loud, in my parent's house, the night before that I wanted to put my raspberry garden together and I was going to return this laptop to do it.  After I said this out loud at the house, I was being told I had to leave my house because University of Phoenix made the excuse for me to leave.  Then I know the manager for the hotel, where I was told to go to fax something, knew what was going on because he acted too jumpy when I said, "Will you take 2?"  He stood upright and looked scared for a minute which I thought was weird, and then he saw my money but kept staring at me, like he thought I knew what these people were doing.

Then I told my parents this, this morning, that I wanted to plant the raspberry and start my garden and my Dad said, "It's too late for that."  I said, "Why is it too late? you don't plant raspberries until the Fall." I thought he meant it was too late in the year.   Then I went back to my place and found out someone had stolen my 2 yr. raspberry start.

This country is supporting criminal theft against me and has been doing this to me for decades.  The U.S. government has been directly involved in stealing from me so everyone else thinks they can steal from me too.

They have been moving my property "forward" since I was in high school and possibly earlier but I didn't know about it then if that's the case.  These people are stealing from me and the government is involved in it.

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