Saturday, July 7, 2012

Opera by Tchaikovsky

I heard an opera this morning.  The sun was shining and there was a light breeze out and I felt like listening to classical so I got to catch the full first part of an opera.

It wasn't my favorite opera actually.  It was okay, but I like other things by Tchaikovsky more.  I didn't especially care for the soprano but she wasn't bad either.  The part that caught my attention most, when I perked up, was with the men.

It was about 3/4 through and there was this section where 2 or 3 men harmonize and they're tenors I believe.  The composition and the work of these men on that section, and the tone of their voices, was really beautiful.

I lean torwards outstanding clear mezzo-sopranos, but these men did a great job.  They were all Russian and Ukraine and it was performed by the Los Angeles something or other.  Jefferson radio is where I heard it and it ended at 12:30 p.m. 

I had just made apple dumplings.  I put apples and cinnamon and sugar (or substitute) and cooked until tender in a saucepan and then I had these twin dragon egg roll wraps (no egg or dairy in them) and they're very thin.  I filled them with the chopped up apple mixture, rolled them and pressed in the ends like you do with egg rolls and had two of them for breakfast.  Then I dipped them in the sauce from cooking the apples.  They were sort of like those McDonalds apple and cherry pies you can get.

I've made cabbage and carrot and mushroom egg rolls too and then dipped in hot mustard and sweet chili sauce I made here.  The best part is it takes only a few minutes.  I was able to braid my hair in the time it took for them to bake in the toaster oven. 

I've also tried these seaweed sheets and they're great!  I put short grain brown rice in them, tofu, and whatever vegetable, and then you just wrap it and it's ready to eat.  It's no work at all.  If I had a rolling mat, it would be very easy to make sushi, (vegan), but I just rolled it up like a burrito since I don't have a mat. 

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