Thursday, July 19, 2012

Photo of Implant In Tooth (not a "filling")

I already posted this, on my last post with other photos of things that suggest implants. I thought I'd post it again though, since it's easier for some to understand than perhaps the other ones. The small dot on the right hand side of the shot is of the left side of my jaw, so it's the left molar. My teeth sort of look crooked here, but they're not. I do have fillings, but they are not where this dot is. For example, I have a small area there that has metal filling, and it doesn't show up on this shot, but it takes up about 1/4 or less of the back surface of one molar and then there is another tooth with a different filling where some kind of energy comes out of it. If I have put a piece of dental floss inbetween this area, when there is extreme pain, sometimes, it felt sort of like I was obstructing some kind of energy but the pain was so extreme I had to leave the house, or cried, or suffered anyway. I have been suffering, with some of the highest levels of pain, since 2005. It has occured since 1992, when I got targeted with a weird seizure thing at school a few times and then I went to the East Coast, and no problem. I got back and it happened once when I was in a public campground with my friend Monica. After this, nothing, and never any headaches until after the 1995 surgery. Then, in 1996, I was targeted and experimented on. It turned into hate crime in 2005. Then, the worst I ever suffered, far worse than even constant migraine and being refused treatment, was with my son Oliver. That was the most extreme and violent suffering I have ever known, and my son went through it too. The cat, all of us. But my SON. The problem with CTs is you have to know what to look for, and then keep looking because this kind of stuff isn't made to be easily detected.


  1. That is a cavity filling. Nothing more.

  2. Hi, thanks for allowing me to clarify.

    No, if you go to the other series of photos, which is a few posts back, you can see the progression and outline of where the teeth are. This is not a filling. It's not even on the side of, or top of one of my molars (where I do have fillings). It's a different artifact.

    I have metal fillings in 1-2 teeth and it's on the surface. That metal is not even registering on this filter for the scan. So basically, you can't even see the actual metal from where the filling is.

    With other filters, you can see the area where the filling is. I guess I might upload those to show the difference.

    What this is, right here, is an implant. And there is more than one inside of my body.

    I have several.

    So now that I know this, I can think back on past conversations I've had and think about who has acted like they knew I had implants and someone could hear our conversation.

    For example, Br. Ansgar was not honest, however, when I think back about "was he one who knew I had implants?" in my body, I would say, "No, I don't think he knew--at least not at first." I can say this because he wrote me letters and his letters sort of tried to cover up for what he said to me in person, things he would only say if he didn't think I had implants. If he found out later, that was later.

    I believe anyone who has known the truth has been unable to tell me, if they actually were decent and wanted to tell me, because how do expose a top secret crime and use of implants maybe intended for something innocuous, that are later used to torture? If someone knew others would pick up on what they told me, they're not going to tell me. I feel extremely sorry for anyone who didn't know and tried to tell me something, even small, who was later punished for it. Whoever you might be, if something weird happened, believe me--it wasn't me.

  3. I am a dentist. That is an everyday filling.

  4. You could be anyone, as an anonymous person, claiming to be a dentist.

    Yes, I have an 'everyday' filling in my mouth. But it's separate from what is inside of the filling. And that clinic and the next refused to give me x-rays and had their records "disappear" from their offices.

    The dentist who put it in my mouth worked for the U.S. military (he was still on active duty) and did this at a federally funded clinic.

    Of course there is going to be normal filling areas, if they also used an implant. The implant part is totally separate and it gets "turned on" or activated and causes a non-normal pain throughout my entire jaw and neck. I have also felt something inside of it, or near (bc there is a gap) moving. A normal dental filling does not "move" or vibrate.

    It is NOT just an everyday filling.

    I would add this--that my medical records began disappearing after I worked for Lori Cartright, and this was the next person whose kids I babysat.

    The Del Balzos were microchip people and I was forced to work for them after my surgery in 1995.

    I swore I would never be a nanny again after that bc I grew to really love the girls and couldn't stand investing all that time and love and devotion, for nothing.

    So I determined I would not be a FT nanny again, and would then wait until I had my own child to lavish my education, training, and affection upon.

    However, then a "babysitting" job that was PT came up, and since it wasn't FT nanny, I gave in.

    It turned out to be for yet ANOTHER U.S. government employee: Lori Cartwright.

    It is very possible she is actually related to the Chief of Strategy James Cartwright, who I met in D.C.

    When she acquired a boyfriend (FBI probably), she got rid of me, because he wanted this.

    However, while I watched her kids, in Oregon, is when I first had a CT and THAT place refused to give me a personal copy and then claimed they didn't have it anymore and couldn't find it and had no record of my having a CT done there. Then, after 7 years was up, they just said their archives were expunged.

    That CT lab GAVE my CT to other people in Oregon and outside of Oregon, but they refused to let me view it myself.

    If it is true, that this woman is related to James Cartwright, that is U.S. military gangster crap.

  5. You sound like a paranoid hypochondriac. A doctor or dentist's worst nightmare. Nothing is wrong with you. Accept it. Your problem is in your head. Go find a psychiatrist that you choose and show him or her your crazy ramblings. You won't because you can't face the truth.

  6. To "you sound":

    Thanks for expressing your opinions freely in the U.S. Lucky for you, you're not being tortured over freedom of speech.

    Other U.S. citizens are not so lucky.
