Saturday, July 21, 2012

Premeditated Torture & Del Balzo's Hit & Run Brother Dom in NY

I was tortured to the point of waking up at 3 a.m. and it was premeditated.

Please kill the persons responsible for this.  I cannot take the corrupt activity of this country any longer.  I don't understand why someone cannot kill this group.

I put up photos that prove at least one implant and then email all these countries, and this country still allows corruption.

I will not be voting for Obama.  I don't care who the President is, and how they may claim to not be in control--they are in control.  In fact, they are responsible for whether their own citizens are tortured in the U.S. or not.

My Dad knew this was going to happen and so did my Mom.

My mother just coughed just now, from her window, which means she knows it's a Catholic.  It is a Catholic man who is in charge of the military.  Leon Panetta.  His friend who is in charge of Defense is Dempsey.

I guess they figured if I wrote about Jews, it was okay, so don't torture me, but if I write about the Italian Catholic Del Balzos, go ahead and torture me.  Why?  Because Panetta knows the Del Balzos.  They're like first cousins.

Also, this country poured corrosive fluid down my son's throat at the same time they tortured me and ruined my voice with a poisoned cigarette in Seattle. 

I hope some group figures out who is responsible and bombs them.  The entire group that is responsible for torturing U.S. citizens, needs to die.  It is self-defense, it is the only form of patriotism, and it is the only way to get rid of corruption at the top, where they feel they are immune to courts and safe from prosecution.

This FBI director in Oregon, Fowler, is a piece of crap.  He is straight from NY, sent to cover for all of the military's illegal crimes. 

It was a U.S. military man who put one of the implants in my teeth.  That was done in 2006, and then they blocked me from seeing my own dental records because of it, but they looked to make sure it looked okay.

Before this, they used Carl and Mary Del Balzo, to watch me after they put implants in my body in 1995.  I was forced to work for them.  When I went to the Cornell website, it was throwing out stuff that didn't look accurate.  It was like someone was making things up online as they went so I'm not sure, but it had Mary Del Balzo listed as having the maiden name Nozze.  I know her Italian family is East Coast because her brother Dominic was in a bike accident and had a concusion and then asked to be taken off of life support.

Her brother was hit by a car, I believe, while riding his bike downtown. It happened sometime after I was working for them.  Maybe someone knew what Mary Del Balzo was responsible for and decided to take it out on her brother.  I never thought this at the time, because I didn't know what a cruel and wicked person she was, but she knew.   She knew what happened to me and she was working for the U.S. criminal government to keep tabs on me.

Mary Del Balzo possibly killed her own brother Dom, by retribution for her corruption and criminal actions when I was a seriously nice and innocent person who was forced to be a nanny for her kids and did a good job too.

So yeah, someone ran into him, with a car, and knocked him off his bike, and he had such a massive head injury, Mary had to leave Oregon and fly over to New York to sign papers to take him off of life support.

God avenges Mary, and God is not through.  God damn you and your family for what you've done to my family, and what you have done to my son.  Not once did I have a bad thought torwards you and I served you.  I was your household servant, and I loved your children, and gave your daughter clothing I had saved since I was a kid, and you repay me with your mafia-government mixture of corrupt monitoring.  I'm sure it's been profitable for you and your own kids.  I wonder where they are going to college and getting scholarships from.

After Mary's brother Dom, got yanked off of life support, they began testing the implants planted in me to see how I reacted to torture.

It was revenge and I had nothing to do with it.  They have been trying to commit hate crimes against people who they think care about, to get to them, and to ruin my life, by using the U.S. taxpayer monies to commit gang war crimes and try to classify it.

Maybe this is why someone later plotted to commit a hit & run of me while I was driving in 2003--continued revenge from Del Balzos and company.

It was Mary and Carl's unique choice to engage in torture of human citizens of the U.S.  They used me as their NANNY and then did this to me.  And here I was, loving their kids, giving their oldest daughter my lacy clothing, and their youngest daughter was sobbing every day when I left the house and Mary came home.

Maybe that's because Mary was SUCH a great mother, right?  Her own 3 year old is afraid of her?  Maybe her own 3 year old was afraid of her own mother, because her mother is a criminal witch.  If she tortures her own nanny and monitors the nanny for effects of torture, what is she capable of with even her own kids?  I remember she started putting all of this pressure on Sarah all of a sudden. 

Here I was, the one with government implants, and those in government could overhear Sarah sobbing for me not to leave every single day when Mary got home.  That must have felt really good.  It was probably more of a shame for Mary to know all the adults could hear this, than it was to feel sorry for her own kid.

"Pameo!  Don't go!  please Pameo..." (then Sarah is hysterical and sobbing and this happened EVERY single DAY).

The entire U.S. government that was responsible for putting implants in my body overheard all of this too.  So what was Mary's solution?  well, maybe she'll stay home from work now.  Supposedly, she could afford to do this now because she and Carl "managed" their budget and stopped going to Starbucks as much.  That's b.s.  She got paid off.  She didn't have to work anymore because she got a pay out for using me.

What was Mary doing when I was gone?  Sarah was "real close" to Mary and thought real highly of her.  Mary Del Balzo is FBI.

That's the killer.  She's part of the FBI on top of everything else.  She is connected to them directly I mean.  And yes, she worked for Intel, the microchip company, from 1995-1996, which was at the time they hired me. 

Good job killing your brother Mary.  And your kids really loved you when they were little but probably they don't remember because if you're a government-mafia bitch, you don't mind brainwashing them anymore than you cared that my son was forced to swallow bleach.




  2. Um no. Mary Del Balzo is a criminal bitch.

    Her own children didn't even want her to come home and then she doped them up later on what appeared to be tranquilizers, to keep them from crying when I went to visit them after I quit working for them.

    I can write much more about it, and will, when I have a chance.

    Mary Del Balzo is a mafia-Government criminal. I was FORCED to work for her.
