Thursday, July 12, 2012

Princess Diana: Alive or Dead

If Princess Diana didn't die, but faked her death, where would she go?  Would she move to the U.S. to work quietly at a large dam, with federal security, where the public didn't go?  Did she work as a spy for someone in U.S. and know more about U.S. people than we thought and then sought protection here?

On the other hand, if she really did die, it was 7 months after she was photographed wearing a "halo" in Angola, where she was also photographed holding a small round "anti-personnel" mine.

The implants in my neck and jaw are round and about the size of large tapioca pearls.  They don't "go off" if I press them--it's the reverse--I feel pain emanating in the region and then if I push on walk, or press down on it, the pain is less or it stops it.

They are not even on the plate in my neck, but close to it. 

I saw some photos of Diana holding anti-personnel mines, and wearing a halo (which fixes on the head the same way the one they were going to give me affixes) and then one of a man putting a rectangular strip of something across the top of a round mine she is holding...not sure.  I would have to look more closely.

From Angola in Jan. 1997 she went to Bosnia in August, and she was in Colombia right around that time.  She was planning a trip to Cambodia, which was next, and then the accident occured in August.

If people of meditteranean appearance were seen at scene of accident, who left before others got there, I wonder what nationality.

I was first getting migraines triggered to my head, near the end of my employment with Carl and Mary DelBalzo, who are Italian. I was a nanny for Sarah and Angola DelBalzo.  I went to work for them with a neck collar holding my neck in place.

It was then happening to me at work, for Ed Israel, who was my Jewish boss, at CTR in 1997.

There is no coincidence between me and Diana.  I don't know what it was all supposed to mean or be for, but it's not a coincidence at all.  That would be impossible.

Here is another thing, I sort of feel like it's even possible I was a running joke with some of these people.  They may have known about what happened, and actually just made fun of me.  "Anti-personnel" mines.  I mean, how perfect.  Cameo L.  with the implants.  If some of the people were not mocking me, it is possible that those responsible for what was done to me, got worried she or others were getting too close to tipping someone off about the crime.

One of the groups that is part of the ICBL is Physicians For Human Rights.  It's possible that a doctor knew what had been done to me.  If it was then about other landmine victims, that's good, but it also could have been a way to put another idea in the public eye, if necessary.

Something I said to my parents before I left on the roadtrip with Mike and Monica, was possibly a threat to The United States.  We weren't getting along then and I was mad and I said, for the first time ever saying something like this, "I remember things."  I implied I remembered things that I wasn't supposed to know about or that someone hoped I'd forget when I was a kid.  But I said it in context of how I knew about secrets and remembered things.

I knew nothing about my parents' abilities or work.  I was only referring to childhood stuff that wasn't that big of a deal.  But they both froze up and then got hard eyes and I got a very distant and removed hug and I felt like I was walking away with their thinking I had some kind of insider info.  It wasn't the hug before I left, because I remember that felt sad, right before I left and I was about to cancel the trip because I had a bad feeling about leaving.

But most likely, if the U.S. thought I knew anything, about anything, they would put implants in my body.  And Robin Bechtold was a drug dealer.  I got the card from "Katie" because of him and his family, after the accident, in Salt Lake City.

I am 100% positive that the United States illegally put implants in my body.

In 1992, I was "hit" a couple of times with drooling seizures at the high school.  I don't have seizures.  I never had migraines though, or anything else.  It quit when I left Oregon and went to the East Coast.  Then I got back and it happened at the beach I went to, to camp, in Oregon.  It was only Oregon.  Then I had implants in my body after 1995, and that's when I was being hit with military triggered migraines, one after the other, at weird times...once in the middle of the day at DelBalzos and then mainly in the middle of the night while I was asleep.  It didn't happen right after the accident, it was almost 1 year later.

(right now I have military trying to ruin my ear again, with repeated targeting of one ear that has been causing me to lost my hearing)

I have had my CTs, MRIs, and dental records all stolen and given to government ever since 1995.

This country tried to kill me several times with "accidents" and I was targeted while driving, with power going out of my car batteries (on 3 totally different vehicles where mechanics confirmed there was nothing in the car that should be causing this).

After I was hit in a targeted hit and run, when I didn't end up in a crash on the freeway after power in my cars kept going out, I was then blocked from traveling and forced out of college.

Judges have colluded with federal employees to obstruct me from getting my son Oliver back. 

Every time, back at the time of being tortured with my son, that I started to look up anything about Princess Diana (not thinking it could be connected to my life at all), I was stalked huge.  I was not only stalked, but then bad things would always start to happen.  I quit looking into anything because it was so bad.  Maybe someone just didn't want me to know more about myself and what was done to me, because that reflects upon this country and (if she's really dead bc I think maybe she's not) who might have wanted to kill her.

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