Monday, July 9, 2012

Target Tooth: Military & Commonwealth & FBI

The last several days of torture was to target one of my teeth.  Again.  And they split one.

This country has tortured me to cause severe pain and for sadistic pleasure in ruining my teeth.  If my tooth is now split the torture should be worse.

It's not worse because they spent several weeks torturing me to my tooth and knowing it would split.  There was nothing wrong with this other tooth at all.  Nothing wrong with it at all.  Not until this country tortured me again recently.

First they tortured me in the same area chiseling out a section of tooth from one molar and then they tortured me again and targeted a different tooth and it caused it to split.

Someone, military, turned off my cell phone so I couldn't call anyone.  My laptop and my cell phone were shut down.  I had no communications or ability to call out or contact anyone.  Then it was just normal, supposedly.

Today I've been heated with lasers and they are using technology to create a suction of my heart and ribs.

Let me get this straight.

The FBI demands that I go on healthcare after someone ruins a tooth, just so someone connected to them can look at it and approve of their work and mock me and degrade me.  Then I refuse to go on healthcare and the FBI tortures me, and allows torture, to target a second tooth.  They split my tooth.  First they chiseled out a section of one molar to fall out and then they split a second tooth.

That's not torture?

I don't know what torture is?

I know what is to live in N. Korean prisons because this is worse than the treatment of some of the people there.  What my country has done to me and my son and family is past belief.  It's beyond any understanding.  And they force me to live here and blocked me from trying to escape.

THIS COUNTRY dragged MY SON back for MORE TORTURE.  Look at what they've done to me since I was thrown back over the border.  It's exactly what they wanted.  And Canada colluded.  I WILL NEVER GO TO CANADA.


I WOULD NEVER THINK of going to Canada.  They tortured me there, forced me to sign false statements, and tortured my son Oliver.  They kidnapped us in their country and put an innocent mother under false arrest.

CANADA is THE DEVIL.  They are not shiny, happy normal people.  They criminally colluded with the United States to torture me and my son and may the curses of God be upon their country for what they did to us.  They then used Canadians in the U.S. to torture me further and my son further, and stole my property from me.

If anyone thinks I am STUPID enough to think that just because they signed a "declaration" for the United Nations CAT, that means something, it doesn't.  So what if they signed something.  Guess what?  The U.S. signed the Constitution and Bill of Rights and put their stamp on MY birth certificate.  My citizenship and this country's guarantees mean NOTHING to them.  The U.S. has "signed" plenty of declarations.  They have SIGNED in how many laws against assault and torture?  How many laws have they signed in?  How many Judges have they sworn in and signed in?  How many papers have been "signed" with the FBI, by the way.

The fact that Canada signed a declaration didn't prevent them from breaking the law, engaging in criminal conspiracy against me and my son.

Look at my son Canada.

God damn you.

Canada deliberately falsely arrested me, to hand my son and I over to torture and they already knew our circumstances.  Then they humiliated me and forced me to sign a false confession and wouldn't even allow me to CLEAR it up at their embassy in D.C.

They treated me like a criminal at that embassy.  And then had some people inspecting me like a captured bird, with pomp and ceremony and satisfaction for others.  May all blessings upon Canada and the "Commonwealth" be cursed and damned to Hell.

The Commonwealth RAPED my son.  Your Commonwealth allowed rape of my son, torture by forced ingestion of permanent solution; torture of me and degradation beyond any normal measure, as you quietly kept what you knew to yourself out of PRIDE.

ENGLAND IS GUILTY.  AUSTRALIA is guilty.  Instead of pretense and using christianity as an excuse to further your crimes while concealing your reputation, you should all be in jail for aiding and abetting.  Some part of Ireland is also guilty. 

My son had acid poured on his fingers by state workers, and police and FBI locally covering and participating.  Skin on his cheek cut out and with the Judge Hotchkiss and Anne McIntosh (FBI and military) CONCEALING this.  Anne Crane is one of the guiltiest parties.  She is FBI.  I was told Anne Crane worked for the FBI when I was in Tennessee.  That woman witnessed torture and worked to KEEP IT UNDER COVER.   How common is it, for FBI to get an agent into a position with proximity to children, for purposes of covering up evidence for criminals? and writing up visitation notes that made me sound mentally ill?

Who does that benefit?  The FBI.  The FBI defamed in their own notes, so they wanted it to sound consistent,that I was mentally ill, by a seemingly unconnected worker.  If someone from "CPS" or a visitation group was the only person with access to me, for purposes of writing up "documentation" and notes about my behavior and demeanor with my son and in general, these FBI ASSHOLES wanted to make sure I sounded as crazy as possible, so it FIT with what lies they spread about me in their internal records.

The FBI is guilty of torture of a child and being firsthand witnesses to torture.

They placed Anne where she was after I didn't marry their FBI worker Alvaro Pardo.  And then they decided to ruin my records.  Okay, and then at the same time they are torturing Oliver Garrett and his mother, they're paying UK Middletons?

But oh, complaining about how appeals or providing me with a lawyer "costs too much money".  They obstructed justice.  Laura Laughlin knows exactly who Anne Craine is.  I hope all of the FBI responsible die horrific deaths and soon.  Those FBI are not federal agents, who contributed--they are abusers and denigrate the law.  They have nothing to do with justice.  Anne Craine is headed for cancer.  Anne Craine, may you be cursed and your house be cursed.  May every room of your house be inhabited by the same spirits you entertained in allowing torture of my son.  May they surround you and in the name of Jesus, may they make your life miserable.  Inhabit the evil spirits you entertained.  Amen.  They will enter your body and you are going to become ill and it will be because of God paying you back what you deserve for the torture of a child.  Do not blame witchcraft or try to make me into something I'm not.  Accept responsibility for your own actions and the fact that if God chooses to punish someone for their cooperation in torture of a child, including Oliver, He is powerful enough to do things you may want to blame on other people.  If you suffer, it is a just retribution from God.  May you suffer and die in your suffering unless you repent and confess to what you have done.  Amen.

This is my thin son, and my brother (it doesn't even look like him and he doesn't bleach his hair.  In the background it almost looks like a military Pentagon or CIA board, doesn't it?  Actually, it resembles the boards that the UK scientists were working on, when describing the great things the new reactor or atom splitter can do.  Do you see the huge bump on my brother's head?  That's from torture.  This country allowed scientists to torture my brother on the front of his head to create huge swelling, just as they did this to the back of my own head.  My parents knew it was going to happen.  They had just gotten out of church led by the 20+ years criminal military pastor with the Air Force who most likely laughed and let them know what was coming next. 

The B.B.C.  Don't you remember the article I'm refering to?  I made a huge post about it, because it clearly mocked my torture, proving the UK scientists have worked with U.S. scientists to torture my family.  My son was never this thin when he was with me either.  This country did atrocious thing to him, preventing him from eating the best food to stunt his growth,  forcing him to wear shoes too small for his feet..I saw everything, including hypnotism.

Anne Craine is going to die.  And when she dies, I will praise God that He allowed it to happen and brought down the curse to pass.  God does not mess around.  I promise.  And don't blame me, because I have nothing to do with it, and God wouldn't listen to me if He didn't already know Himself what she has done.  That goes for others as well, but Anne Craine was proud to put it in my face and in my son's face.  Your recovery rate is not going to be good.

(I wrote the first part and then stopped and prayed it.  Right after I asked the same evil spirits she had entertained to inhabit her, and all of a sudden I saw this filmy thin spirits moving upward, a whole bunch, like maybe 25 or so.  They looked afraid like they didn't know what was going on.  Maybe these are the same things that were around my son--fear--because of what was done to him and the trauma of separation from his mother.  They looked afraid.  I've never seen spirits before, in the mind's eye, until tonight.  They had eyes and mouths.  So may fear and everything else inhabit your life Crane.  By the grace of God, may He avenge for my son.) 

God also damn those who have tortured me and my son, my brother (as you can see), and my parents.  I won't pray specifically because right now, I felt it was to pray about Craine, FBI crap.

And by the way, I just saw this article byline about many americans mixing multiple faiths, such as christianity with shamanism, and it describes "eastern" or "new age" as seeing spirits or other things.  I don't "blend".   I am christian and that's it. I have one religion and I am sometimes attuned to the mystical or supernatural side of christianity.  I am also aware of military and secular attempts at mind control and their techniques and I believe in being careful and testing things out because of that.  But no, I do not practice anything besides christianity.  Anything about dreams or spirits or mind's eye or having impressions, or x-ray vision (1 time), has to do with prayer, for me, and sometimes it's random and I think that's more government.  I have one religion.  Just as judaism has a mystical side for some, or muslims have a mystical side, or hindus, or almost any religion, I am christian.  I like Native American ideas about animals and things too, but I don't practice any other religion.

I will add this.  For the person who has mistreated my son the most, and tortured him and been responsible for allowing and directing torture--may you be cursed 3 times the curse of Craine and may it go to the next generation. 


  1. "Anne Craine is going to die. And when she dies, I will praise God that He allowed it to happen and brought down the curse to pass. God does not mess around. I promise. And don't blame me, because I have nothing to do with it, and God wouldn't listen to me if He didn't already know Himself what she has done. That goes for others as well, but Anne Craine was proud to put it in my face and in my son's face. Your recovery rate is not going to be good."

    What do you mean, "Anne Craine is going to die"?
    What bad things did she do?

  2. I believe she is going to die of a cancer but I don't know how to explain why I think this. I prayed God would avenge my son for what she is responsible for.

    She is an FBI employee; she witnessed and encouraged torture of my son; she poisoned my son; she denigrated my son and accused him of putting his shoes on backwards when she had done it and my son was truthfully telling me she did it (not knowing it was a big deal); she is corrupt and documented mind control of my son during our visits; she hid from being cross-examined in court when I had a right to cross-examine her; she defamed me and wrote up visitation notes that made me sound nuts and unstable when I didn't say or do half the things she reported. She did favors for the Catholic church, for the FBI, and for CPS. She began wearing a saints bracelet that matched the one my ex Alvaro Pardo wore to rub it in while she brought my son into visits with visible evidence of torture and she did not make mention of torture in any of her reports; she failed to protect a child and report harm of a child, but of course not, when she engaged in inflicting the harm.

    Anne Craine is going to die of cancer, and she might be spared if she confesses, but she won't.
