Monday, July 2, 2012

Saw a woman's horses (by looking at her eyes?) & Middleton

I saw a woman's horses (maybe) when looking at her eyes today. 

How I get impressions from a distance, sometimes, is as if I can see with someone else's eyes what they are looking at naturally.

But today I was talking to this woman at a store and looking at her while she talked and I sort of asked God or tried to see something (not focusing or making it a big deal) and then I saw horses.

I don't know if I've asked her about horses before, maybe I have, but I saw them.  It was like I looked at her and I was looking in her eyes normally and then all of a sudden, I still saw her eyes, but then these transposed horses.  I saw them a certain color, I thought.

So I asked if she had horses and she said yes.  Then I asked what kind and what color.

I wasn't really sure I caught it correctly, but it was at about (military time) 14:18 is what my receipt says but I saw it about a half hour earlier than that or around that time.

I thought they were prancing or running, and I saw them standing up.  I thought I saw one or two as dark gray and darker colors.  Not black, and not brown and not white.  So I wondered and kept asking about colors and then she described the horses and pony they had now.  I then said, did you have horses before?  and she said yes, and said she and her husband both did.  I asked what color and that's when she described them as gray.  I think she said one was gray with a black mane.  I think the other was gray too.

It was only a quick flash when I saw this.  I saw nothing while just talking to her and then I sort of asked in my mind and tried to "look" and then I left it, because I saw nothing and then, all of a sudden, I saw it.


I found out the horses were dead.

These were truly beloved horses I guess.  She had hers for 16 years.   She really loved this horse, and you could tell when she started talking about it.  She said her horse died in 2006 and her husbands died before that, from running into a fence and breaking its neck and then her horse died in 2006 of old age, from a tumor in the pituitary part of its brain. 

Why would I see the dead horses?  I thought it was maybe horses she had now but I kept asking about color and maybe it was too quick of a flash to be correct about color, but what I thought matched was her loved dead horses...I saw at least one, medium to dark gray.  But I thought maybe 2.  So I asked "horses".

Anyway.  Maybe it's because they were such a big part of her life.  She had a really good story about her horses and how she and her husband met and I told her she should write a story.

She said her husband had his horse and she had her horse and they were the same kind but hers had a spirit arrow on its leg (a stripe like an arrow) and her husband's horse had a spot or mark like a heart so they thought it was meant to be.  "The heart and arrow".  I thought the way she told it, it would be a good story. (Just tell me I really saw her horses by looking at her eyes and that it wasn't seeing through someone else's eyes in the moment, somewhere else where they were looking at a gray horse.  I *think* it really had to do with this woman though and that's where I saw the target, right in her eyes.  I saw the horse(s) making direct eye contact with her, and the image coming FROM her eyes.  I didn't see it so much in my own mind's eye, it felt like I could see a transparent impression that came up from her eyes.  It came out of her eyes, and my own eyes were open and I saw everything around me normally at the same time.  It was like a transparency of a picture or memory, coming out of her eyes.  Sort of the idea you hear about from crystal balls but it jumped out, just that, from her eyes.  I never see anything in a crystal ball idea or scrying and don't try either.  I've never seen a crystal ball before)

Then this other woman was there and she was saying she used to, or can see spirits of people or what's wrong with them.  At the register she said, "You're not psychic?" and I said, with this other woman there, "No, I'm not."  I explained that I sometimes, rarely, get insights but not like some people.  Then, I felt free to talk, because this other woman was saying what insights she got working with older people, and I said, (thinking about Obama).  They said maybe practice but how do you "practice" that?  I wouldn't know how to practice.  Usually, I ask something or if it happens, I don't try to ask for it and it's extremely rare.  Some people get this every single day and not me.  I did say, "One time I prayed, and it was connected to spiritual stuff, and I saw into someone's body."  I said, "I saw it and then I checked and it was right, and just recently, I read about a Chinese girl who can see into anyone's body.  It said she was able to look at a man's body and see where shrapnel was in his body.  They called it "X-ray vision".  So when I read this I thought, 'that's like me!' but for me it only happened one time."  Why am I being called crazy and tortured when this country still uses me?  You would think they could be nice to me or just leave me alone and get back to a normal life. 

I don't want anything besides boring if that means no torture.  I don't find torture "exciting", or witnessing my parents tortured or son tortured, "something inspiring."

Also, maybe someone once did fly.  Ezekiel.  It says the spirit lifted him up and took him away.  It doesn't say whether he flew like Superman, was dragged through the sky with chariots and spirit horses, or 'traveled in his mind'.  It sounds to me like they lifted him up and transported him to a different location.  Where he sat stunned and dazed for days. (Ezekiel 2:10-15) 

Yesterday I was talking about how I remembered what books we got for class in elementary school and how excited I always was on the first day of school, to go in and find the books on my assigned desk.  .I was telling my Mom this and then I saw a book and she said she didn't remember anything like that when she was in school. Then I was about to describe one of my books and thought, "Wait, I didn't have a "Jane sees Spot" book.  I thought this and didn't say it out loud.  Then my Mom spoke up and said, "I had a See Spot Run" kind of book but that's all I remember. I said, "That's what I just saw", and I said, "And I knew I didn't have that book so I wondered why I was thinking about that book."  Then I asked what it looked like because I saw drawings and stuff.  (I saw this, not coming from my mother, but feeling like it was in the mind's eye in my own mind, so at first I thought it was one of my books and then I realized, no, that's not my book and who's is it?)

I was then thinking about it again.  I remember how excited I was about my books.  They were always brand new, stacked up on my desk, waiting for me on the first day of school.  Then one year, it all changed.  It was a bunch of used books on my desk, and my name was nowhere.  And I remember, I think, one of the books was even missing and I had to ask for it.

I remember this, because the teacher made a big deal about it.  It was like, even as a kid, I knew something was going on because of the smug way the teacher acted and how the books changed.  I guess that's when the CIA decided to switch out their program and gyp kids.  Gyp me, at least.  They've been using me since I was a kid and then they decided to torture me and torture my son too.

It's when I remember they got mean.  Some of them, got mean.

And then, looking back, it was Kate this and Kate that.

I think, IF she did have Victoria Beckham act as a surrogate for her, and have a kid for her in the U.S., 9 months after she got engaged, it would make sense.  Maybe that's not what happened, but it would make sense.

It would explain why so many Catholics were so interested in torturing me and supporting Kate.  If they thought Middletons were going to raise a Catholic baby for "royalty", they'd be all over that.It would explain why they showed up for the baby 9 months after he proposed and why they wanted to be "married" before the baby was born (so it wasn't a bastard).  It would also explain why I was treated the way I was treated, in my country, by government workers.  If she's a double for the U.S., and Catholics or Jews want that, then they would make it personal, and if she works for the U.S., that's how she got FBI records on me.  Not only that, then Queen Elizabeth changed the law to include girls in royalty order and also, Catholics, and they gave the Pope a tartan.  Having someone Catholic raising a royal would also be what would lead the Northern Irish to have a wedding invitation and go, and to have peace treaties with the royalty.  Victoria has dark hair and is flat chested like Kate, and her husband is blond and close enough to looking like William of Wales.  All they'd have to do is have it transplanted when Victoria was in England visiting or if Kate was visiting, or you can even ship things anymore and have it done in a lab.

It would absolutely explain why so many Catholics tortured me in TN, along with others, and her connection to the United States Department of State would be why my son and I continued to be tortured while they gave the Middletons money.

She is totally U.S. hook.

I already said it, but I'll say it again.  I'm tired of the State supporting UK Middletons.

My whole family was horrendously tortured, by use of Department of Defense technology and for them, assault, when I first even hinted at the idea, after this girl Harper Seven was born.  This further supports the idea that we were tortured because someone thought another person had revealed "state secrets" when no one did.  It came to mind when I noticed the timeline.

And that came to mind after I first wondered if William had an illegitimate kid with a Colombian woman.  If she's Catholic, maybe that's also an issue.
I don't care, and wouldn't care, if I didn't know my son is tortured because of her and she knows about it.  And it's affected my life, and has been part of the motive for defaming me through The Willamette Week,something that the Jewish editor in chief has done nothing about.

We do not want to be tortured by The United States of America.

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