Thursday, July 12, 2012

Severe Torture Tonight (about govt. implants) & Princess Diana Landmines

I am being tortured not for research.

I'm tortured tonight for what I wrote. Any torture, for any reason, is wrong and illegal.  But it's out of hate and out of revenge and to punish me for what I write.

I cannot sleep at all because of the level of pain.  I tried, and I've been forced up.

I had neck surgery (and I believe, other illegal surgery for putting in implants) in 1995 in Salt Lake City.  I believe my doctor was Catholic and the one who stitched up my head was Catholic, but there were nurses and other people there in a Mormon town.  This surgery was done after the auto accident that killed the driver (he was driving), whose biological parents are Canadians.

The records are purged by now.  I had records saved though, and I stored them with Shannon Borg and her Canadian husband.  They kept these records and then gave them to others.  My medical records from Salt Lake City were included.  The Canadian husband, who was married to Borg, also owns a medical company in Seattle.  She was raised Mormon.

I believe they are either FBI or Department of State, though he has contacts with Canada.

It was not normal for them to keep my documents and records and diaries.  I had extremely important things, and I believe some of it has been given to others for discovery on me and my family and that the other reason is to get rid of legal and medical evidence and records.

I am positive I have illegal implants in my body as of tonight.

I have come to other conclusions slowly in life, and then finally accepted it, but I am positive.  It sounds unbelievable, but I'm positive.

I don't know why they did this to me.

Now that I know my parents have been forced to work for the U.S, it makes more sense.  Otherwise, it would be nearly impossible to believe. 

I have felt it's strange that often people knew what I was singing, saying, or doing, since this time, as if I was on constant display, and think maybe the U.S. put these inside of me, to track me and then monitor who I talked to and what I said.  Maybe they were worried I knew things about my parents, of national importance, or maybe they wanted to insert me somewhere, or with someone, and then use implants to do the spying for them (without my even knowing about it).

Then, they used them to track and target me for migraine triggering, and then eventually, for torture full-time.

I believe they added the dental filling to enhance what they already knew was there on that part of my body.

I never had migraines until after the surgery, and they didn't start right away, as head injury migraines would.  They started after I worked for DelBalzos, or at the end of work for them, and that was in 1996.

I think Princess Diana knew.  That sounds grandiose, but I'm not grandiose--the fact is that if my parents did high level work or were gifted in some way that is unusual, someone somewhere in the U.S. knew and told her.  The royals are very interested in that kind of thing, at least the English ones are, because they have the same gift.

I had implants put into my body, in 1995.  Princess Diana began to work against landmines, which she said were left in place to later harm people.  She was making a significant trip to Cambodia, about landmines.

My name is Cameo, and I have government implants in my body.  They were put there in 1995 and I began having problems because of them in 1996.  Princess Diana went campaigning against landmines and was about to go to Cambodia and then had the auto accident.

I honestly feel like what if she is still alive.  If she is, she was taken bleeding to an ambulance where then government decided to help her fake her death.  If she's alive, maybe she does like newer additions.  If she's dead, I can't almost believe it.  If she is dead, I think I am connected to her death in some way.

She was against government putting landmines in places and then leaving them there, not clearing them out.  Then they were causing damage years after the wars were over. 

Why do I have implants in my body?  WWII isn't over?

If she is truly deceased, if anyone thought she knew my family through the most remote channels, maybe they felt threatened by the symbolism and began to wonder if she was tipping someone off about it.

One can campaign about landmines for many, and still have a symbolic meaning or understanding about how it applies to another situation as well.  It's a veiled disclosure.

I know for sure there were 2 incisions made that had nothing to do with my injuries.  I just felt around while being tortured and the parts that hurt don't hurt as much if I find the knobby things and press down very hard.

This is the same thing that is next to my neck where my actual neck incision is.  I was having extreme pain and vibrating and pulsing that wasn't my heartbeat.  I found this knob that stood out and pushed on it and it drastically reduced the amount of torture.  I found knobs that match this, on the underside of my jaw mainly to one side.

It's not cancer or tumors.  These are tiny knobby things that are vibrating and/or radiating very bizarre pain signals and sometimes I can feel them moving or vibrating very slightly.  When I press down on the ones under my jaw (where one of the incisions was made that has nothing to do with my neck), it quits some of the torture.  I pressed where the cut was made above my ear, and it was pulsing about 3x faster than my heartbeat, and I could feel it.  It was very fast and I felt the movement with my fingers. I pressed down on it and the torture didn't quit but it was greatly reduced.

I felt my glands in my neck, under my chin by my neck and both sides are normal and equal sides.

That's not what this is.   These are smaller and they are on mainly one side and then directly under my chin where I remember the incision was approximately.  They are round, from what I can tell, like small tapioca.  The ones under my jaw are the same size as the one that is in my neck that I can press on and which then relieves much of the pain (but not all of it, the U.S. cranks it up too high and it's too severe).

Where my ear is I can't tell.  I think it's something different and maybe even smaller.  I can't even feel it right now, and right now nothing is hurting except for my heart, which is being suctioned with the technology that creates a suction of my ribs.  The ear incision was very small, I remember, it was the size of a nick but it was deep and I hadn't had it before the surgery.

This would explain why the U.S. federal government always knew where I was, at any time.

Imagine what kind of serious danger I would have been in, if I had moved to another country, or even visited, another country that wasn't friends with the U.S.  If someone had insider information and told someone "She is a spy and has implants to spy on you" I could have been killed.

I have had my son kidnapped from me and then every time I even mention it, I'm tortured, as if talking about this or still demanding the right to my son, is grounds for less-than-lethal torture.  I have been tortured from participating in any kind of appeal, and it was not possible to appeal when I was in college last term.

They deliberately made it impossible for me to even get good grades and I knew I had to do this or lose my financial aid and then at the same time, each time I even tried to put something together for my son, I was tortured.

This country tortured me as if it was trying to control and train an animal not to return to the dog dish to eat.  Every time I went near the dish, I was given severe electric shocks.  It was bad enough, that it physically impaired me and then each time I tried again, the same thing happened.  Like this country feels they have a right to use behavioral control and training of a human being in the same way they do with dogs in research.  This country has used extreme torture to try to control me and prevent me from doing things, and tortured me so badly I could not do anything useful and then they drop most of the torture, and make it look like I'm not doing anything, when it's already too late.

What does this country think they are doing?

They think they have a right to electric shock and torture a mother every time she moves torwards her son, and then expect her to drop it?  Because what? the U.S. wanted to use me in proximity to someone they wanted to spy on without my even knowing that I have implants in my body?

What does this country imagine I can look forward to?  I discover they put implants in my body, which underscores how I'm possibly being tortured and then what.  They think then I am going to file a RICO claim for obstruction of justice?

They tortured me when I was even filing for habeas corpus.  Why do you think that got dropped?

So even if I prove implants and torture, I am supposed to go before a jury and tell people how this country prevented me from even appealing for my right to parent my son?  but what?  But I don't get him back, even though this country kidnapped him and took him in the commission of crimes?

This government stole my son during commission of illegal crimes and he is just like RICO property.  Then they had him adopted out to people they knew already knew what happened and that it was illegal.

So is that how I get Oliver returned? by proving this country made an invalid adoption and transfer of property that they knew was illegally obtained?

Or is it so much more just and rational, to return my son without any court process, on the basis that the adoption is nothing, and can be revoked as invalid with a Judge's order, should a decent government professional intervene.

After assaulting me and allowing torture of all of us, the FBI wants me to go on U.S. healthcare?  Imagine what they would do next.

They had CPS take a CT of my head just for government research and sent it to the Department of Defense through a secretary that worked at that Irish-Catholic law firm that was assigned to my case.  Her daughter or son was DOD and they took my CT and gave it to DOD, to CPS, to the state.

My country has made me a laughing stock.  Worse, they've driven me to say horrible things and react in ways no one reacts when they not tortured.  They've used me.

They wanted to keep using me, with the implants intact.

I am tortured by external means, as are my parents, with torture directed from satellite and long-range, and other means.  That is external. The jabs to my head are external.  Twitching from MRI and microwave technology is external.  However, they are most likely finding their target by the implants they put inside.

And some of the torture is to create or "turn on" these implants that are inside of "Cambodia" (Cam's body).  These create severe pain and it's so bad, I want to die. 

My life quality has been zero.

This country let me live, with landmines inside of my body that they've used against me and concealed, and then allowed others to find and utilize for reasons of hate and punishment.  Then my own country refuses to acknowledge I am tortured at all, or that the implants are there, and refuses to remove them.

Is Diana alive?  Because the further along I get in this, the more I keep feeling like anything is possible.  Is she alive?  It makes more sense for her to be alive.  I can't comprehend the idea that if she is dead, it is partly because powerful governments were threatened not only by "landmines" but by the Cambodia symbolism. 

Princess Diana held bombs that were round, in her hands people.  Is England listening, because listen to me.  She was photographed before her disappearance or "death", holding a round bomb, with a "Halo Trust" sign on and then she was going to go to Cambodia.

I was told I was going to be fitted with a "halo" to stabilitze my neck during neck surgery.  A "halo" is a device that goes around the head like a helmet and then it goes to the collarbone and holds the head immobile so the neck cannot be moved.  At the last minute they said I was still enough that they didn't need to use one.

1995.  I have implants that are round, put into my body through incisions that have nothing to do with my broken neck.  I'm told they are going to fit me with a halo but they decide it's unneeded.  I begin having migraines triggered to wake me up in the middle of the night a year later or less, when I never had them before.

1997.  Diana is taking on land mines.  What year did that begin?  She holds a round bomb, wearing "halo trust" and goes to Cambodia or plans this next and then dies (or the death is faked).

It appears she got involved after I was implanted.  You know, something planted.  What gets planted?  When something is planted, it's in the ground right?  Just like landmines.  Mines planted into land.  Here is something from wiki:

During her final year Diana lent highly visible support to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, ...

The ICBL.  Sounds almost like "Ichbal" doesn't it?  Close to Ichabod.  Very close.  You know, Ichabod Crane, from the book "Legend of Sleepy Hollow".

I was asleep when I had implants put into my body. 

So what's the pun Mike Tanzer?  Mike decides to pick up a new book about Ichabod Crane and asks me I've heard of the character. 

ICBL + Cambodia= Ichbal, cambodida..Ichabod?

Is that what I've been to this country?  A joke. 

Do you know what they set up in Wenatchee (where Mike Tanzer has ties, through the Sterling family), in Dryden across from the road that led to the Avila's house where my son was taken?

They had a huge Ichabod Crane facing that road that my son was driven torwards, with the head off of this huge structure that was Ichabod, and they put it high on top of a grocer-farm market where everyone could see.

Then they give me Anne Crain to cover up torture,  after Dr. Crane smeared me with other doctors, when he was from diplomat parents in D.C,, after this country tortured me.

My son and I, mocked.

Ichabod Crane.  With then Mike Middleton driving a car called "The Phantom" when my parents and I were harassed about "ghosts" and my son's name was drawn next to a ghost at the courthouse for the final termination trial hearing.

These federal Judges colluded with the highest levels of government to block me from fighting for my son and proving I am innocent and that we are victims of torture.

If anything is "too late",  God says, Listen up America.  It's your turn, you American government criminals, to hear these words:  "It's too late".

Your card has been taken, and I will write and rewrite and write and copy this message to every single embassy in the world if I have to, and publish it as many times as I have to, in as many different ways as I can.

Return Oliver Garrett to his mother, Cameo Garrett.

Just think, I could have gone to Colombia, where Princess Diana was last seen, before her plans to go to Cambodia.  Colombia is full of land mines.  I could have gone there and had anyone find an excuse to kill me, by accusing me of being a spy when I had NO idea.

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