Monday, July 2, 2012

Stealing The Dog From Me & CIA "Programming" Crap

I am sick of this country's shit.

They stole my son from me, and then the State was determining what pets he got to have.  I got him a Russian Turtle and they forced him to return it, telling my Aunt it was "unsanitary".

Then, my son specifically told me he wanted a puppy and I worked at trying to get him a puppy.  What does he end up with?

Two kittens.

When I was a little girl, I remember I specifically wanted a kitten, and I remember how old I was too.  I later wanted a puppy and I was told no, but for me, I really did like kittens.

My son told me what he wanted, and he wants a DOG. 

So this government gives him second best, or second choice, to him, when he said he wanted a PUPPY.  Kittens are not second to puppies, but if HE wants a puppy, then to him, that's second choice and it's not what he wanted. 

All I've done is discover that my entire life and now for my son's life, the CIA wants to control him.  They programmed him, abused him, had him tortured, and then the State interfered with even what pets he was allowed to have.  Why?  Because it's part of their shitty "personality programming".

The CIA takes all of this to the same levels...they go right down to the idea of what pet a child is allowed to have, or if they get a pet at all and it hardly has anything to do with the child or the parents, unless the parents are involved in doing what the CIA tells them to do.

I was never allowed to have a puppy, even though we had tons of puppies born all the time, and I handled them.  I was only allowed to have a kitten, and then none because they were always killed.

Then, I come over here, and when I first arrived, the dog here, Scooter, sometimes went with me.  The dog went with me until someone got pissed after I said something was going on with this girl that Sheila McGhee watches, her "grand-daughter". 

Right after I said something, I had someone GO into my HOUSE, and smear  crap all over my shower walls and put pieces of hair all over as well.  And then I was never allowed to ever take the dog, Scooter, with me again. 

I had never done the "accent experiment" with him at that point.  I played with him and that was it and he was running to me and happy to see me because of it. 

After I said one thing about McGhees, and Sheila hated me from Day 1 and didn't want me here, I get crap all over my house and then they started taking the dog to go visit her grand-daughter and refused to let me ever have the dog.  I was supposed to housesit the dog and Scooter was going to stay with me while my parents went on a short trip and then they "CHANGED" their minds and basically, the CIA and McGhees (it's all the same), demanded that Scooter go to their house.

So now, every time they go on vacation, Sheiila McGhee takes the dog.

I was never allowed to even have the dog with me again after that.  There was, later, months later, one time when the dog was in my place when my parents were still here, and that's when I wanted to see if he was afraid of a certain accent because I noticed his reaction to this one movie on T.V., with a man who had an accent.  That was months later, after they stopped allowing Scooter to go with me when they were gone from the house. 

Now Scooter stays locked up in the house, staring out the window at me, while they're away. 

It's not like someone was worried about the Scooter, or told my parents not to have him around me because I figured out he's afraid of British accents, or that someone was wondering if the dog was being tormented.  It wasn't that at all.  It was that Sheila McGhee and whoever, were offended and wanted to punish me by stealing the dog.  The only other thing that happened was I said something about how it was interesting Kate Middleton went to see the Beckham's new baby exactly 9 months after her "engagement" to William of Wales.   I didn't say it then, but it made me wonder if she's done an in vitro transfer and had Beckham be the surrogate.

After I blogged something hinting at this idea, my entire family was tortured.  I think my parents were tortured because someone thought I was being influenced to say or think certain things and it was my own calculation and idea.

Mainly, they started stealing the dog away from me, after I said something about this girl McGhees watch, and then after that, the dog is always going there, and suddenly I never had the dog with me again. Ever. 

Then, it was even more sick, because I was told, "YOU can have the CAT."  Or, "You can feed the cats."

It went from my housesitting the dog to not having the dog at all, Sheila steals him, and I was treated like I was incompetent to watch the dog (because I insulted the McGhees kid, and someone else, to the point of crap smeared all over my house), when I'm an adult.  And then I'm told I "can feed the cats if you want."

Then, I don't even look up the Middletons at all, but I randomly had someone flash a photo onto my computer one day after this, and it was of her and William wearing sweatshirts with dogs on it.  Both of them. 

Kate Middleton is a double.  She's a horrid person and she is a double.  I cannot say it enough times.  The way I've been treated by my own country is proof enough.  From how they treated me in federal confines, to insult me for HER, to everything else.  Slander, everything.

Not only that, I think this Korean exchange student was giving things that belong to me to others.  She lived with the Avilas and moved in about the time Middleton got worried.  Minjee.  Then she left for some school and went back to the Avilas to stay for awhile and it was at that time that Ivory began sporting a beard and mustache.  Only when Minjee was living there.  Then we have Kate Middleton trying to pander to Asians with an Asian hairstyle at the Jubilee, which she knew would have a lot of publicity, even in the U.S. and elsewhere.  Not only did some of my belongings get to her through FBI and CIA in my own country (who else, Mossad too?), it is very possible that Minjee took things for her as well. 

When Minjee left, Ivory's facial hair was normal again and she didn't have "hirsuitism" anymore. 

Then my parents go back there recently and bring back a bag full of things they wouldn't pick out for me to have at this time.  They wouldn't pick out tutus and ballet shoes they already knew were not mine, and tights for ballet.  They wouldn't pick out any of that and I don't know where the rest is.  If some of it is missing, I would suspect Minjee and some others as well.

Minjee didn't want to meet me.  She didn't like me and I could tell from the first day.  She got into the house as a spy for someone else and had full access to my son.

I am tired of U.S. State money going to UK Middleton.

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