Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Waking Up To Torture In U.S., Russian Kids, British Torture of Alexander Litvinenko

I only slept a few hours before I was forced out of bed by torture by the United States.  They targeted the metal in my teeth.

It's not normal tooth pain. I  know what that feels like.  It's from technology and since at least the 26th of June, I have either not slept at all or woken up to this form of torture.

Then I got out of bed, and they quit targeting this tooth.

There is no reason for my tooth to quit hurting because I got out of bed.  They quit targeting the metal and there was no longer a radiating sort of vibrating feeling.  It's not a normal tooth pain.  It has a different quality to it and it's technology.  If you felt it, you would know.

Especially after the U.S. uses this and turns it up, and cranks it higher and higher to the point of forcing you out of your own house, and then reduces it.  You can feel the wave of energy and the way they do it, is nothing like normal human response of pain.

Then you realize at the lower levels, that it's not normal tooth pain because they are using technology.

This country has been doing this to me since I filed my lawsuits.  I had abnormal tooth pain in Portland but thought it was normal.  I don't think it was normal anymore because then the U.S. triggered migraine after migraine, and I don't have natural migraines.  This country used military technology to trigger them and cause a sudden dilation of blood vessels in my head overnight.

I have written to a few countries about providing me with information and doing an evaluation for torture.  There is no way this country is going to do anything.  They are the country that is responsible for torture of it's own citizens.  I have given up all hope of anything good happening in this country.  All they want to do is keep me here, prevent me from going somewhere where they will prove what's happening, and to stalk me and make fun of me as I try to access the courts (which are corrupt) while being tortured.

The FBI prevented me from even accessing the courts.  It's not possible "to appeal" any kind of unlawful or wrongful action when your own country tortures you to keep you from even appealing.  They stole all of my records, and they have tortured me non-stop, blocked my education for purposes of blocking living costs, and blacklisted me from work.  The only reaon the U.S. has tried to ruin my education is to dumb me down and prevent me from having any money at all.

They have held me hostage here, for 7 years.  No money, nothing.

If you come to this country from another country or are thinking about it, I am asking you to please reconsider.  There are specific groups of immigrants and people that the United States will target and your children will not be safe. It is a sad thing to say, but true, that children are at risk here, of being tortured and raped under U.S. government "guardianship".  If you imagine you are going to go to the U.S. for a "better life" for your kids, there are things you do not know about.

The only way your children are going to have any improvement in their lives, by living here, is if you are already rich, or middle class and have strong family connections or power of some kind.  If you are poor, you are putting your children at risk of being taken from you to be used by the government in experiments and research.  Not only that, the U.S. has been known to torture kids from other countries to put pressure on the other countries, if the child is connected to anyone they think has political power in the other country.

So for example, Russian kids and other immigrants, are likely to be taken and tortured by the U.S. if you allow them to be adopted here or come here as a poor family.  If you have any family member that was ever known to have any kind of "gift", in the psychic ability area, whether you are from a gypsy country, or Russia, or Asia, or latin countries, the U.S. is going to find a way to isolate you and take your child.

Then they rape your kid.  It doesn't happen as much to Asian kids because most of them are not coming over impoverished.  The U.S. LOVES the very poor Russian and Ukraine kids.  LOVES to rape them and torture them and kidnap them for human research and experimentation.  This is because most of the kids from there, if they end up over here, are desperately poor or from a poor region.  The U.S. has some kind of an idea that many Russians are typically intuitive, so they go after the kids because they're fresh white meat for the U.S.

Also, has anyone seen the photos of the Russian journalist who was poisoned with plutonium in his soup in England?  The photo of him in bed shows him with one droopy eye.  One of his eyes is open and normal and the other one is droopy like mine has been, from being tortured by technology in this country.  It's not an effect from plutonium or radiation--that is an indication of torture from military technology that targets the head.  He was an activist and journalist.  Not only was he poisoned, he was being targeted for research in England.  The fact that he has that droopy eye, which is caused by use of military technology, indicates the English government or some part of it, was involved in torturing him and using him after he moved there.  So he left Russia, to get asylum in England, and then the English government allowed him to be used for research after he was first injected with Haldol and exposed to other punishments in Russia.  The English are responsible, not just Russia.  It was England.

Let me first clarify something--I don't know what Alexander Litvenenko's politics or actions or beliefs were. I've never checked and just now I couldn't even remember his name so I looked it up.  I have no special interest in him at all.  I do not favor his friends and supporters, and I do not favor his enemies.  I am completely neutral.  I have no basis for making any kind of opinion.  The only reason I ever heard of him was through general new generated at the time this happened to him.  Maybe he did some bad things in Russia--I don't have a problem thinking it's possible, because I have no idea.  I'm not a spy, I've never been a "spy", I have zero info or even knowledge of his beliefs.  I read about his punishments, that's it.  I have nothing against any enemy or friend of his because I'm not part of his group.

However, today I realized, after seeing his photo again on Geraldo Rivera a couple of days ago, I noticed his droopy eye and realized, that is something separate that was being done to him.

Since this is something that's caused by military technology, and airways and space over specific countries is normally governed by that country's own military and government, that country that would have the ability to target him would be England. 

Imagine the danger I was in to then naively call up the CIA and say anything about that man.  The National Direcorate of Intelligence was....English.

If I had called CIA to say one word, when the National Directorate of Intelligence is UK English and U.S. (dual citizenship), that person had information on Alexander already.  They have friends with the Department of Energy who are also UK.  It's not hard to target me.

I'm not saying England poisoned Alexander's soup.  But most likely, looking at that droopy eye, England was at least responsible for that.  I'm not saying "all of England", but clearly there was some fringe group at least, in government, that allowed this.  So if this is true, they gave Alexander "asylum" to then target him for more research.

Why, I have no idea.  I have no clue what he's about.  But then what was done to HIM, was then done to ME and MY SON, in the United States of America.  So what would CIA, England, and Russia all have against that man?  Is it just that these various countries like to pick out journalists and activists, no matter what they believe, for special torture and use?

They put this man in a bed marked "Evolution",r:10,s:10,i:143

There are close-ups of his droopy eye.  I am trying to find one to paste here.

My son and I were subjected to torture before I called the CIA--migraines triggered and that kind of thing, but after I called the CIA, we were targeted for horrific full-time torture by this country.  Russians/Ukraines in Wenatchee were part of our misery. 

Here is proof that The National Directorate of Intelligence was British at that time...

First, right now, the Director is James Clapper.  Before James, it was Dennis Blair.  He is U.S. Navy (Hi Harper!) and went to the University of Oxford in England.  He also attended St. Andrews, Kate Middleton's alma mater.  He was director of U.S. intelligence from 2009-2010.  My son and I were brutally tortured at this time.  Then James Clapper took the job after May 2010 and he is Roman Catholic and is U.S. Air Force.  John Michael McConnel was Director from 2007-2009, which was a time that I was not tortured as much.  But that's not saying everything.  John Negraponte was the 1st Director of National Intelligence and he was born in London.  He is a British citizen and he was in charge of all U.S. intelligence from 2005-2007, which is when torture against me began full-time and I was blocked from my lawsuits, college, and tortured by military and had my son tortured.

He did it for Kate Middleton.  We had a UK Director of Intelligence in the U.S.  The rest of them, are all tied to London except for McConnell and his directorship was the only time I had a small break from torture.  The rest of these men are Roman Catholic and/or British connected. (London born UK citizen who took over the U.S.A. for double operatives Middletons and to take the royals in England). 

This is crazy.  It's like U.S. citizens are so busy with trying to work and find work, they didn't even have time to catch that part, that, oh yeah, our entire country is being controlled by a London man.  That's who they picked for the position, and then Catholic Englishman after another into the same job.  Have you NOTICED that I've been talking about being tortured since then?

Then I get handprinted, thrown into a psych ward and injected with Haldol, all for Katie and her Catholic English colleagues and Jewish rapists.  England OWNS the U.S.  Catholic England owns the U.S., to be more precise, and it's looking like they own England too.  The English government is in a MESS.

I had Russians in Wenatchee driving to the property where my son and I were being tortured, and I was tortured by one of them in her car as she drove me from their church, and she works for CPS and social services.  They did favors for England because England did a favor for them.  They killed people for them. 

My son is not safe in this country.  We are being tortured.

Have you noticed how I haven't been in college since 2005?  and then how everything has been obstructed in my life?  Look no further than Catholic London and Middleton.  We are dealing with Middleton in the U.S., infiltrating every U.S. Department to torture U.S. citizens so certain UK citizens and intelligence can continue control along with Jews, for their own political interests. 

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