Saturday, July 14, 2012

"You Disabled Yourself" and "Trust God" (Mike Nichols' Canada Plot)

I am being tortured and went to talk to my Dad and he has imprints on his face from glasses of some kind.  It's either glasses or a nose pincher that's inbetween the eyes because you can the direct outline of it.  His eyes were slightly bad this morning, but when he got back, they had had an imprint.

When I told him I needed to get out of this country for at least an evaluation, he said they couldn't help me and I said are you going to just let me die here? or become disabled? and he said "You disabled yourself."

I said, "Oh really, and how did I disable myself?"

He said, "By not trusting in God."

I said, "This doesn't have ANYTHING to do with God."

He's starting at me with blacked out eyes, and half of the things that are happening, I think someone is forcing them to do to themselves.  I think the U.S. has forced them to agree to harm themselves.

Being tortured in this country, and having implants put in my body, has NOTHING to do with "trusting God".

In God We Trust.  Isn't that what's on the money?

I believe it says "In God We Trust" on all of the U.S. federal currency that is being used to pay people to torture us with. 

"God" is going to remove these implants?  No, God is not going to do that.  Little angels don't come up in the middle of the night to perform "secret surgery" to remove implants out of citizens after their government took an illegal opportunity to cut up kids.

Who was that for?

Mike's Canadian parents?  Or was it for Mike's U.S. parents?  so they could track me all over the place?  One of Canada's kids died, when he almost killed all of us by repeatedly refusing to pull over, or stop, or slow down.  So then Canadians ask U.S. to put implants in my body? Is that why Canada did nothing?  They are totally involved in this.  Catholics already hated me by then as well.  I was snubbed by all Catholics after I told Robin I couldn't be his girlfriend because he was Catholic.  Janet Bechtold and her family hated me, the Roos family hated me, anyone Catholic hated me, including Erick Lund his best friend (though I am positive that even if Erik has been his lifelong friend since they were kids, he knows Robin is capable of doing some things people wouldn't expect); I was snubbed by University of Portland people when I applied there for an audition, not realizing it was a private Catholic university and only knowing it's where Janet went--I experienced a lot of hatred over that.  Then someone tried to run me off the road and almost killed me.

All because I wouldn't "date a Catholic".  That was it.  They hated me for that reason alone.  So then I worked for Lisa Thebault (Catholic) on the East Coast and maybe she hated me too, after I tried to turn in my IRS form for working for them.  The check I sent the IRS disappeared and was never credited to my name.  Then I worked for Kargmans, a Jewish family, and he was pissed at me for not working for them and taking a deduction to get insurance.  His wife's family is Catholic.  These were the people I worked for.  Then I had people mocking me for not being in college in 1994.  The next thing was that I was driving to another state, to "Middleton" of all places, not realizing I was going to Middleton, and that this is the name of the country that Nashville is in.  While driving to Middleton, my Catholic friend refused to stop, slow down, or pull over.  I asked him in the nicest way and then I insisted and he kept driving, face straight ahead. 

What was he?  Canada's 9-11 man?  He just gets to take control of my vehicle and then roll it?  He pre-dates 9-11.  He was ahead of his time, quite the "old soul", for 1995.  I mean, he knew how to take a car hostage and to demand he kept driving.  I was too young to understand quite how bizarre this is.  That was why I finally said I wanted to pray and he didn't want to do that either. 

If you really think about it, Mike acted like a government terrorist.  He did the exact same thing to me and Monica that a few Middle Eastern men did with U.S. airplanes.  In fact, maybe blowing up the Twin Towers was a Canadian idea.

I found documentation online, right before my son and I had the worst of the torture, about some Canadian intelligence man who was in a Canadian jail and was insisting he worked for the governmnet and that THEY plotted 9-11.

"Hey, do it like Mikey did!"

Maybe Mike Nichols didn't care if he died, because he was doing something that was going to make money for someone else, or maybe he thought I'd be thrown from the car for sure, thinking I had my seatbelt off when the other two had seatbelts on.  I had just said out loud, to drive carefully because I'd taken my seatbelt off, but then I didn't because I found I could reach without  taking it off.  He rolled the car right after I said I was taking my seatbelt off.

Then, in 2006, I did have horrible torture after I looked up this post online, a site, about a man who was swearing there was a man in jail in Canada who swore up and down that he worked for Canadian intelligence, and they were the ones who plotted the 9-11 event.  I tried to contact the guy who wrote the article because it sounded so weird and I was sort of believing it.  This man had photos and drawings or something and was able to exactly describe the plans they'd had ahead of time and had tried to notify someone but he was ignored.  Then he was thrown in jail and disowned as having never worked for Canadian intel.

People have suspected or accused the U.S. of plotting 9-11, but you never hear anyone accusing Canada.  Michael Moore, goes to Canada proudly, and blasts the U.S. for things, but to hear him talk, Canada is the land of Zen.  Why might Canada have used Middle Eastern people they knew to plot 9-11?  Perhaps it put them in a better economic position compared to the U.S.  The U.S. isn't the only country interested in oil, and who was bragging that their economy and dollar was still strong when the U.S. dollar fell?  Canada.

They almost killed ME, and then had implants put inside of me with U.S. cooperation, in 1995.  They knew the story--how I'd asked Mike to stop.  Monica would confirm the same thing.  She would have a different outlook of it, but she would report the same facts, and did.  We reported the same thing and U.S. insurance companies documented this.

The next time I tried to find the information about the Canadian prisoner, it was gone.  Do you know what I did, after reading this?  this dirty info about Canadian intelligence?  My son and I were TORTURED so I fled for Canada.

I fled to the same country that was getting information from the U.S. about how I was reading about their plots in 9-11.  Canada must reeeaaally have nothing to hide.  First they set things up against me and my son years before I left.  I had no idea I had IMPLANTS in my body after CANADAs man was KILLED when he POSSIBLY tried to KILL US.  Or at least ME.

I was the one saying "I just took my seatbelt off so be careful!"

He fricking ROLLS THE CAR right after I say my seatbelt is OFF?  What?

I had thought that maybe he just didn't look where he was going, because then Monica pointed to some part of scenery out the window and he looked.  I thought he must have lost control because he looked.  But really, that is a little strange.  We were looking at scenery the entire time we were on the drive.  He can't look to one side and keep control of a car?  He was looking out of the windows the whole time.  And when he was first driving to the side of the road and starting to go down an embankment, I saw this and thought, "Oh, he'll drive into the desert ground there and then drive back up."  Instead, he went down the bank just a little and then jerked the wheel hard to the left.  It tipped the entire car.


Mike liked to drive.  He told me how much he drove and how he liked driving before he ever went on the trip.  He was always spying on me from the electronics side of the store when I worked in the music side.  There was one wall inbetween us and a shared office that intersected us.  Mike Nichols watched me for months when I worked there before I talked to him.  He always looked at me with a very hard and serious look.  He did not like me.  He was the only employee watching me, along with maybe his boss on occasion, like that.  He wasn't friendly-looking or looking at me with a romantic interest.  He was just watching me all the time.  So then I tried to be friendly and he blushed  because he blushes easily.  Blushing easily doesn't mean you're not the criminal type.

So aside from refusing to stop the car, slow down, or pull over, when I asked over and over, gently,not wanting him to get mad, and starting to wonder why he wouldn't. I  even said, "Mike, it's MY car, please pull over."  He refused.

So then, he only rolled the car after I announced my seatbelt was off?  (but it wasn't, because I then discovered I could reach but I didn't tell anyone--what was the point? "hey guys! I CAN reach WITH my seatbelt on!"  No, of course I wasn't going to give them a play-by-play on my seatbelt action).

So you men out there who are expert drivers...tell me something okay?

Think about it men. 

If you want to roll a car, how do you get leverage to roll it?  If you're driving straight on a straight road and turn the wheel fast to one side, it might cause instability, but how about this?  How about just slightly veering down an embankment so the car is tilting one way, and then SNAP it back the other way.

Oh baby.  Instant roll-athon.

LetS ROLL!  rolling rolling rolling rolling

"Lets ROLL GUYS!"  HEY!!! UNITED STATES CITIZENS ON THE 9-11 aircraft...LETS ROLL!  let's roll just like Cameo and Monica in the hands of a Canadian asshole. 


Mike Nichols drove my car to the point on the embankment, to then jerk the wheel back knowing the car was going to then capult and I would most likely end up without my life, because I was the one who was supposedly not wearing the seatbelt.

So it gets even better.

The first-on-scene EMT's (or hospital people) first questions were "Were you wearing your seatbelt?" and they kept wanting to know about me specifically, if I had been wearing my seatbelt.  I said yes and they had unsnapped it to get me out of the car.  They kept wanting me to say I didn't have it on and that's why I broke my neck.  I said, "No, I was going to take it off but I left it on or had resnapped it on before leaning over to grab some cookies."

This guy tried to assassinate me while I was reaching for the cookies. 

The only thing these people all had in common was Catholicism.

There was no reasonable excuse for this guy to roll the car.  I thought, he was tired, or "he lost control when he looked at the scenery" but no, that is not exactly all that was going on.  This man deliberately took over my car, like a terrorist and then rolled it.

What were people doing on the U.S. airplanes before they crashed?  Praying.

Just like me and Monica when Canadian asshole Mike Nichols colluded with U.S. assholes to kill us.

What do most people do when a terrorist is at the wheel?  Pray.

Of course his face hardened when I then said did he want to pray with us.  He was a frickin' terrorist.


How is Canada's whistleblower doing, by the way?  Still alive is he? 

THEN, this man's parents and lawyers came up with this idea of trying to get sympathy and displacing blame by saying, "He was talking about marrying you."

No he was not.  Mike Nichols was never talking about marrying me.  Mike's parents and family lied.  Mike and I were not even dating, and were not romantic in the least.  I said I would go to a movie with him one time and that was it.  Mike was never planning to "marry" me, or had any thought to do this.  He watched me, with a hard and fixed stare, when I worked, and I kept wondering what his problem was.  Then later, he is "marrying" me after he has talked to me for maybe 2 hours total?  Not one date between us?  No, and I never got that impression from him at all. His family lied and said this as an excuse for why a strange man would want to go across the country with me and my friend when he didn't even know us.

It didn't look good.  First of all, a totally strange man is going to leave his life, to go on a trip that he then rolls the car over, after refusing to stop or slow down?

They needed an excuse to keep it from looking shady. 

Claiming he wanted to marry me, made it sound like that was his motive.  They needed a good motive for him.  So they lied that he wanted to "marry me", and that's why he went with us.  He wanted to "marry" me, so of course if he rolled the car after I said my seatbelt off and refusing to stop, he's not guilty of deliberate attempt to kill or harm us.

I had my head down, behind the seats, getting cookies, when he decided to start going over the side.  I looked up, and saw where the car was, and he jerked it back and then the car was rolling.

Not once did he say he was interested in me.  He said he'd go with us because he'd check out Middleton and then go to Canada.

I had implants put in my body because of U.S. and Canada so of course they worked together against me and my son later.  They smeared me jointly, with a motive of crime to conceal.  After my accident in 1995, Princess Diana took up a landmine campaign and was photographed with landmines and wearing a halo, right after my accident happened and I had implants put in my body through illegal incisions that had nothing to do with my neck.  Then she gets in a wreck in 1997.  A few years later, hijackers take over U.S. planes just like U.S.-Canadian Mike Nichols HIJACKED my car.

Mike Nichols was not a victim.  He was a hijacker, and me and Monica were victims.  Then I was stalked ever since and tortured.

Lets just get RID of any idea that Mike was a nice guy, because he wasn't.  He stalked me from the start, then pretended to be nice, then hijacked my car and then his family lied to give him an alibi for trying to assassinate me.  The alibi was that "he talked about marrying you".


The Nichols family is U.S. Government and raised a criminal HIJACKER.  Then this Catholic U.S. family that raised him, colluded with Canadians who wanted to kill me.

You can ask Monica about any of the facts and she would say the exact same thing.  She would testify that I repeatedly asked him to stop.  Repeatedly asked him to slow down.  Repeatedly reminded him that he was driving MY car.

"Mike! This is MY car, and I want you to stop NOW!"

He refused.

He deserved to die.

What is sad is that then my parents were made to feel like they had done something wrong, and they were nice to the Nichols and cried and felt horrible because of what had happened to their own son, Gannon, and related to the loss of a child.

Mike Nichols knew what he was doing.  Not once in the trip did I take off my seatbelt until then, and that is when he drove to the edge, and then jerked it back to roll the car.  I never had my seatbelt off, for 2 days, and then the ONE time I said it was off, and drive careful, he drove over to the side of the road.

Monica had been pointing out scenery the entire trip.  Her pointing out something then had no bearing on the crash. 

It was a sunny day, a perfectly straight and level road, and after asking him to stop and having him refuse, and then praying, there was nothing else I could do.  So I said I was going to take off my belt and get some cookies.  I was only 20 or 21, so it's not like I understood how disturbing and weird it was for him to repeatedly refuse to slow down or let me or Monica drive.

If Mike Nichols was adopted by U.S. parents as a child born to Canadians, there is something to do with the Government involved.  Especially after what he did to us.  It was well-known at the company that I had already invited anyone who wanted to, to go with us on the trip and then Mike came over, already knowing I'd say the same thing.  He quit his job, and this is after taking the job after I was hired there.  He hired in next to me and then watched me all the time.  I worked at Incredible Universe and then he was hired after me and watched my every move and it wasn't friendly.  He and his friend there even made fun of me and then I was friendly anyway.  I was naive.

The hard look that he got on his face when he refused to pull over, while I kept asking him for a 1/2 hour (I didn't ask him a few times, I kept asking him for over 30 minutes), was the same hard look he had while watching me at the company.   And then, of course, I got a card from "Katie" out of it.  So when I say I repeatedly asking him to pull over, it was not just 5 times in a 5 minute period.  I kept asking him and tried different ways of asking him when he refused, for over 30 minutes.  Then we prayed and then I said nothing after that, at all, because I had a bad feeling and he had not pulled the car over.  I said I was taking my seatbelt off, and he decided to roll the car.  That's what happened.

He had a black Honda Accord sportscar with a sun roof if I remember correctly.  He said he was going to sell it.  It looked like the car that later Mike Tanzer was driving on one of my dates with him later, which he said was not his car.  So why drive someone else's car?

Let's see.  Josh Gatov was supposedly not driving his own car when he raped me.  Bujanda didn't drive his own car.  And Mike Tanzer didn't drive his own car. 

The MINUTE that I looked into possibly suing the family for damages on their own insurance, is when then I was targeted full-time with military torture.  By then it was 2002.  After this, this country used people to asssault me, vandalize my cars, and stalk me.  I filed lawsuits and then the vandalism quit, and then the U.S. obstructed justice.

Where did the plane crash, you know, the U.S. plane, that was hijacked...where did it crash after the man was recorded saying, "Let's Roll!" I think it was Philadelphia or something.

What I didn't realize at the time, when I was only 20, or 21, is that what Mike did is called "hijacking".

(this DJ for classic radio, by the way, is very obnoxious. Barbara Summers or Sommers.  The woman is obnoxious.  She's played one song about letting cars crash to how "it feels like the first time" one too many)

At any rate, what Mike Nichols did, is a crime.  It is called Hijacking.  Mike committed a crime and the police initially investigated but then dropped it, when it was a vehicular manslaughter if you couldn't prove homocide.

Refusing to pull over and return the rights to a vehicle to the owner and then crashing it, is vehicular manslaughter.  The police were first investigating on that basis and then the Nichols family lied and said, "He was saying he wanted to marry her".

His family was trying to give Mike an alibi and make him sound better than he was.  The police first investigated for criminal charges, and they had facts to prove a crime and said to me, "Well he is already dead" so they were claiming it would be pointless to file a crime on a dead man.  I am not sure that it would have been pointless to file charges on a "dead man".  If it was a crime, that affected how insurance companies and people handled matters, and it also protected me in the future by showing that if anything odd happened in the future, there was a prior crime to look at. 

The friend he had at work, who mocked me while he was him sometimes, had dark brown hair, was taller than Mike, and worked in electronics as well and was from a Jesuit high school.

I guess, actually, it's not "vehicular manslaughter" since I didn't die, but some kind of vehicular assault.  I asked my mother just now, if there were police and she said "There weren't any police, it was an accident."  I said, "No, I remember there was some question about it being a crime and police but I never talked to any police.  There was some question of a vehicular crime but they said it didn't matter because he was dead."  My mom said, "It would matter, even if he was dead, if it was a crime, but it was an accident."  I said, "No, it wasn't.  I told him to turn the car over to me and he refused and then he crashed my car when he heard my seatbelt was on."  I said, "That's a crime, because it's illegal to keep driving and take the car when I was telling him so many times to pull over.  That's a crime.  It's vehicular manslaughter."

My mother said, "It's not vehicular manslaughter--you didn't die."  I said, "That's true, but I almost died, and it was because he ..." and my mother stopped me.

I said, "I never talked to any officer.  I'm going to see what the limitations are."  I know that at one point, before torture, in 2002, I did try to call police and they told me it wasn't a crime and he was dead. 

It matters.

I want criminal charges to be pressed because it has affected my life and is a factor in my treatment by the U.S. and Canadian government.

(By the way, the information about the prisoner in Canada who was claiming to be former Canada intelligence, has been removed ever since I found it and tried to contact the person.  It was in 2006 that I wrote to the person to get more information.  To me, it sounded credible.  This man had information no one could have unless they were intel, and Canada locked him up and then denied he was ever employed by them.  He was saying, "Canada plotted 9-11".)


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