Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Char's Husband "Mike" (Aerodefense) & Torture

I've been tortured and punished by my cousin's husband, "Mike", who works not only for a space-aerodefense industry (Goodyear), but is most likely an FBI employee. I got the FBI part from someone else, that he is FBI or worked/works for them. Ever since I visited him one time, the U.S. defense industry (aerodefense) started using a specific form of torture on me, to punish me. How would they even know, unless Mike told them. I sat on the floor with my parents as everyone else was taking the seating, and I had one of my legs elevated with my foot outward facing him, Mike. Ever since this, I've been targeted and tortured to one specific leg, and it started only after he left town. It started within the amount of time he needed to get out of town and then tell someone and have his friends then target me. He has a daughter named "Lily" that is 7 years old and he's been part of helping Katie Middleton get married to William of Wales. I was targeted to the one specific leg for almost 1 entire week after he left. Then, it was off and on for another week, whenever I was outside on my porch. After this there was a break until today, when it started again this afternoon. I asked my Dad what he had done today and he said he got tires. Exactly. My cousin's husband is a Middleton and U.S. defense rat that has used his connections to infiltrate my family, and use his older friends (in Spokane) to torture us. This most likely has something to do with either contact he's recently made with my family or the fact that he doesn't like how I'm doing research and figuring more things out. Because afterall, some of what he does is connected to aerodefense industry. I had researched Goodyear when my son and I were being tortured in 2006 because I found out a former owner was acting very strange and making references about my family and I didn't know why. I didn't even know my cousin was dating someone who worked for them. So I just checked on Goodyear and they're headquartered (originally) in Columbus, Ohio, where the Knights of Columbus is headquartered and I had an odd response. When I told Mike, before knowing he worked for Goodyear, that my computer had fried when I was looking up Knights of Columbus, he thought this was hilarious and I could tell he was secretely glad about it. I thought it strange. Then later I asked him who he worked for. At any rate, nothing was happening to me, that was different from what has always been done (and Mike sat there to observe) until he left. After he was gone, I was targeted for weeks, for having my bare foot face him. I was several feet away. But he looked bothered by it after awhile, and then he was cramming green and blue toothbrushes down his kids mouths. He made a point to talk about "she was jumping from couch to couch" to making a big deal about brushing teeth, ...anything he thought would make anyone listening in smirk and laugh with him. He showed up over 7 years ago. From Spokane. He's Catholic. He showed up after Christa Schneider has pin-pointed who all my relatives were and where they lived. Department of Defense. They do favors for Middletons. My mother showed up at the house looking sick and like her face was puffed up on one side only, over one cheek and then I noticed, her two front teeth were scraped somehow on the surface and then dyed orange. She had two solid lines down the front of her teeth, her two main teeth, and the enamel was scraped off, and then the scraped off part was tinted orange from a dye. She was wearing a shirt that said: MEXICO

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