Thursday, August 9, 2012

"I Think We Got The Right Man" (and woman): Arthur K. Smith and June Dahar Smith Here's one of them. This is an article about Arthur K. Smith and his wife. His wife worked near San Francisco, for University of California. I have to check sources, but this is what it says. She "stepped down" from her nice Episcopal (Church of England) job in April of this year, after I filed for habeas corpus, and named persons guilty of committing torture. He is connected to South Carolina, which is where the Thebault's took their summer vacations at that time. They switched from going to the Jersey Shore to taking 3 month vacations next to Arthur K. Smith (who has a residence there). June is into English Literature (like Janet Bechtold) and botanical gardening and worked near Robin Bechtold, and supposedly next to someone named Bruce Darling. Which is odd, because Robin's former girlfriend was Stacy Darling and I believe her Dad's name was Bruce Darling (would have to check). Thebault's have connections in Houston, TX, where Arthur K. Smith got his next job. He was named by the "Board" as the candidate, on October 22, my birthday, no doubt a nod to the fact that he was still being rewarded for committing crimes that other U.S. conspirators approved of. These people have all gone on to riches and glory and donations coming in that total billions of dollars when you include the East Coast people who are involved with the West Coast people. My son and I have been tortured and almost killed. TORTURED, FOR almost a decade for me, FOR THESE ASSHOLES. And then Maryland thinks they can do me a favor. Right. Do you know how you're going to do my son a favor? You're going to compensate him with billions to match the amounts you poured in as offerings for the blood and torture sacrifice of my son. ROBIN fucking Bechtold. JANET. Thebaults. All of you. Some Mormons have been covering this up because of pandering to the Middletons and their own business associations with the Bechtolds. You people are ALL criminals. My own cousin Rani is so deluded she got sucked into marrying one of your own kind and naming her child "Austin". I can get into that later. My son is to have nothing to do with them. You're returning my son to me, you're compensating him with the billions you've collectively made off of torture profits, and you're going to jail if I have ANYTHING to do with it. I got a card from "Katie", for being implanted and then tortured, while a British man teamed up with U.S. criminals to celebrate their victory. Also, donations of several million dollars went to Arthur K. Smith's alma mater, University of New Hampshire, in Durham (like Bull Durham, the movie) in 1995 and "The Whittemore Center" was dedicated to the Whittemore family in 1996. My jacket was stolen from a parking garage across the street from Whittemore's law firm in 1994, one year after I'd worked for The Thebaults. What do they have in common? I don't know. French, and Arthur K. Smith? Guess when the building was dedicated to the Whittemore family? just guess. May 5th. The same date that my jacket was stolen, which was on May 5th. Cinco de Mayo. Dick Whittemore was involved in stalking me before I ever even met the Mt. Angel Abbey monks. Guess who "created" the hybrid "Cinco de Mayo" rose? An Oregon man. Does he know Whittemore maybe? He went to college at Oregon State University and comes up with rose varieties, and he named one Cinco de Mayo in 2006 (when everyone figured I was done for good). His nickname, for creating this rose, is "The Queen Maker". That sounds sort of like "The Rainmaker", which is a legal movie, but no, he's the "Queen Maker" for creating a rose after Whittemore's law firm stole my jacket and did favors with police and FBI and Dept. of Justice and military they knew, to get even for the Thebaults. And I had no idea. Then, it was Mike Nichols trying to kill me, through the FBI, and after that, I got implanted and Dick Whittemore KNOWS the man. They life-flighted me to a hospital run by Whittemore's pals. The Bechtolds knew the guy, and the Thebaults knew him, and Whittemore knew him. And there were British involved and some Jews as well. Anyone who hated my parents or feared them, or who wanted me out of the picture for some reason, colluded together and they used high powered government to do it. They used NASA and the military and then the FBI backed them up. I'm showing Lehman and Wilson connections between some of these people too. And then remember how Whittemore was dating Christa Schneider's friend's mother. The Department of Justice was behind some of this the entire time. They covered up theft, armed robbery, rape, torture, vandalism, and tried to kill me. I found out this Whittemore-connected woman and Christa wanted to have "Lavendar martinis". It is a direct link to Middleton. I did the research and will explain later. It is about Middleton. Whittemore's contact said, "I want something with more BITE." Then she and Christa had this terrible conspiratorial look on their faces and I meekly piped up, "I'll have one too" when the waiter came around and they looked GUILTY as HELL. They are FROM HELL. I have to say, God truly bless those who have gone out on a limb for me and my son. Who knew they could be in extreme and grave (Phantom) danger if they tried to help but did so anyway. I am very sorry if I ever put a very good person into a bad position, and if I did, I didn't know. I am very thankful to some probably extraordinary ways people tried to tell me things, even if I didn't believe it at the time. So thank you for the small things as well as larger things. I think there is only one possibility at this time, and it is full and complete surrender of the enemy. Anyone who tries to continue their tactics at this point, is committing suicide. You are all going to be exposed for who you're connected to and how you knew about this. That's is a death to reputation. Out of the private donations that were made to Arthur K. Smith and his wife's school (she worked at different schools apparently), it was commented in news articles that Smith "doubled" the amount of money coming into the college, to an "all-time high". Then the same thing was done after I was implanted a second time in 2006, this time going to June Smith's college, a "double amount" for Southern California. Southern California is also where Huntsman is from. All of this talk about "doubles". How they were getting more money than ever in the history of their colleges, out of appreciation for...? Another thing. Arthur K. Smith worked in New York, in Broome County. It's about an hour from Ithaca. He then went to Cornell and got his PhD in "Government" which is where Mary Del Balzo went to college, and she majored in the same thing, supposedly, according to her alumni page. She told me she majored in engineering, and then went to law school. But on record, she majored in government. After Cornell "government" and international relations grad Arthur K. Smith had me implanted at his University, I was then forced to work for Cornell "government" grad who worked for a microchip company. Dick Whittemore is a criminal. I've always known he was, and he is. I was being tortured after discovering only a little bit about his contacts, but now that I know I had implants added, and I see who is giving money to whom and when, I know this man will be going to jail. Strange that he should be connected to the FBI, when he is a criminal. He and Mary Del Balzo are friends. He is connected through a fraud I knew, to the Dept. of Justice. He is connected to the people who put implants in my body and he's connected to the Thebaults and was stalking me on their behalf before I ever met the monks. He is connected to Alvaro Pardo. And, finally (for now), he is connected to the woman my mother is forced to work for, when she and her friends are responsible for my mother's face being slashed with a knife). Debbie Sweetwater-Burt. He knows French and knows Canadians and knows people connected to the Middletons. The person who was most afraid, when I had blogged that I noticed the knife slash on my mother's face, were Cindy and Debbie Sweetwater-Burt. I didn't say it was them, but when I walked into the office, as usual for that time, they were both paranoid, and hid behind a copy machine in a back room and looked guilty and scared. They thought I knew they were involved. There are only 2 possibilies: Ukrainian slashers or British ones, and they had to know Debbie Sweetwater-Burt and people she knew. The dog was naturally afraid of a British accent, terrified. A specific kind of British accent, and from my research, it's one that is most frequent in Catholic parts of England. The other accent he was afraid of was Ukrainian. So either Whittemore's boss Abbot Nathan Zodrow (who is Ukrainian) got a Ukraine person to slash my mother, or Dick Whittemore (who is English ancestry but speaks French) got one of his British pals to do it. Let's see. Susan Hayes who is connected to Archbishop Hayes in WA, Chris Martin, or Beckhams. They would do it and they would care enough. I don't care if they are "celebrity", they've gone out of their way to even write harassing music about us, and have been afraid of my parents. So they tortured them. If you want to have a look at Richard Whittemore's upcoming "alumni" class reunion, for Colorado College, it should be enlightening. The invite opens up for his class (1978) looking like an iphone, like Alvaro used, with AT&T service courtesy of Thebaults. Then the design is exactly like Debbie Sweetwater-Burt's business cards. With a little swirly design, sort of like > < but with swirls instead. Exactly like what she chose for her cards. On page 14, which is the number that Debbie has my parent's house tacked up to her own board as, with 14 acres or some number 14, the college features "Bloody Mary" and then has the little > < design with swirls like Debbie's business. Bloody Mary. And who was hiding from me when I blogged about my mother's face being slashed? Was Mary Del Balzo with the knifer? Because you know, Mary Del Balzo is also a Bloody Mary for using me to observe whether or not "teletorture" worked for her "Cornell government" friend. Also featured on the brochure to tickle Dick's fancy, is something with the title of "If a River has no water, does it still make a sound?" My unborn baby James River, who I talked about in my blog, who was murdered, is made fun of. I've blogged about if a tree falls can you still hear the sound, but this is veiled mockery of murder. I talked about how I was leaking water and tried to get checked out in Virginia and a Catholic doctor wouldn't check me out. Then, my baby was fine and still alive and then he was murdered. I would vote for an atheist over a Catholic like that, any day of the week. If we're talking about Presidency, there is no conflict of interest with a non-religious person being President. There IS a conflict with a Catholic that pays first allegiance to another country, having ANY position in U.S. government. You're murderers and you tortured me and my son while you claim to be "Catholic". I'll take the atheist. Some of you claimed to be Mormon, and a few claimed to be Jewish. None of you had a problem with torturing others, including a small child. God damn you Richard Whittemore and may the smug smirk on your fucking FBI face be replaced with a spitting mask in jail. God damn you. The other features on Whittemore's alumni brochure is art from Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq. And then if you want to meet up and chat, do so at the Lennox Hall. Christa Schneider was trying to convince me to name my baby "Lennox". They are having rugby with the U.S. Air Force, and volleyball with Claremont McKenna, and are featuring another topic with the title "One Degree Of Separation". For Whittemore's amusement, they are also having "Levi", from an indian tribe in New Mexico, put on the music and a man will play on an organ. So yes, I know Debbie Sweetwater-Burt is friends with Richard Whittemore, and I also know Justin Collier is connected to her. And he was my public defender. All this time, I thought Whittemore was only connected to me after I met the monks, but no, it was before. I was being robbed. Everyone knew I was finished after the Mormon named "Vance" came out, with his military background. Edward Vance Lyman, Lawrence Lyman, Vance, just doing favors for the buddies. Just doing favors for the Mormons who took HUGE bribes and pay offs. Some of these "Mormons" then tried to take my child from me in Wenatchee, and some, who were even cops, tried to conceal evidence of harm to my son. You god damn fuckers. You mutilated my son and allowed others to mutilate my son. I looked up photos of Yulia from Ukraine today, from her hospital bed, after seeing a byline in the news about her in the hospital. Her bruises are just as dark as the bruises were on my son. The only difference, is that he had more. He had them all over his legs, week after week. Where's the international medical community for my son? Not only that, did anyone see this actor "Travis's" mug shot? I don't know who that guy is, but he's someone from CA and his black eye is every bit as dark as the black eye my son received from a grown man. I don't want my son visiting Patrick's son "Austin", and I don't want him spanked, or sexually abused, or tortured, or visited by people he doesn't like. I don't want Steve Mays and those housemates around him. The FBI had BETTER return my son if they know what is good for them and yes, I am calling the shots, because you have ZERO on your credibility. You've been fucking trying to tell me what to do, through pressuring my mother, for decades, and FUCK YOU. Robert Mueller is nothing but a Church of England episcopalian asshole who allowed all his employees to torture me, slander me, and ruin my life. Who stepped down, gingerly, from her little Church of England perch recently? after I filed for habeas corpus? June Smith from Houston, TX, wife of Arthur K. Smith. First they used their U.S. contacts and then they were slipping into the English shoes. The predecessor, Freeh, got Vatican tags the day after my birthday in 2009, when I was being fully tortured and my rights to my son were being terminated. He is from Maryland. He's from Jersey City, but has been living in Maryland. What a great idea. Kid and mother are tortured after being implanted under your directorship, and you take off to Italy to get blessed with a dual citizenship. At least he's honest. He was always a double agent, just like any Catholic in government office. Who was his allegiance with when I was implanted? U.S. citizens and his oath to serve and protect and have "integrity"? He knew we were tortured, and then Mueller, the UK British kiss-up, has known the exact same thing. They've tortured me and my son for Middletons. I mean not just for people who hated me, but for Middletons. That is truly sick. Mormons even sold out for a piece of English ass. The last U.S. government Mormon I knew, stole all of my records, with her Canadian partner, after she made fun of me while on a sailboat, laughing about "Arthur". Look! there's Arthur! She knew about Arthur K. Smith all along. They STOLE my records and pictures and diaries. Everything. Next to Cornell, Carthage, and Broomes County, is Sterling Forest Park in NY. Don't tell me Sterling Tanzers are in the same area again. It's possible. The woman who was wife of the pastor of the church I went to was a reporter. I would rather not find out that he also conspired because the Mormon who stole my property and then passed it on to her Canadian partner, referred to him at different times. And then she knew the man who gave me a ride to Wenatchee, and ditched me, but had it set up for a guy to offer to take me back to where I had to go. That man then lied about me to police and I was charged with Grand Auto Theft. She is Mormon and did favors for Canadians and others. I had 3 or more Wenatchee cops already following me before anyone even lied and said I'd taken the car (which I didn't do). They set it up. The law enforcement tried to smear me because they were concealing crimes of torture, against my son. Guess how the Wenatchee cops thought I had drugs on me later? microchips. These assholes have violated my privacy all this time. They didn't know because my bag was bugged, I was bugged. And the cops got word of it? So here I was, at a payphone, and talking about "stuff" that I had, just to see if anyone would react. 30 minutes later, I was being pulled over and my bag was being searched for drugs. If I am implanted with microchips and I am under constant surveillance by illegal means, that's illegal search and seizure, unlawful wire tapping, and a number of illegal charges I can use against law enforcement. If I remember correctly, the cop that pulled me over and arrested me and searched my bag eagerly, was both Catholic and U.S. military. So what's going on? He has a personal line to the microchips? Or he was called upon by Panetta or some other Catholic monitoring my microchips? My song ideas. Things I sang out loud and worked out on guitar in what I thought was my own "privacy" was never private. I kept hearing parts of songs I'd written on the radio and wondered where it was coming from. Some tapes were stolen, but not everything I've heard duplicated was on a tape. Some of the things were song ideas I sang out loud and shared with no one. So basically, my own intellectual property was also being ripped off. I was a money maker and getting zero royalties for my own work. I had people stealing from me even when it wasn't property but my creative song ideas. And then no college or work for me, just torture. No kid for me either, just babysit military and FBI brats.


  1. If you wore the aluminum foil cap Huckabee could not infiltrate your brain. Put the foil cap on.

  2. Thank you for sharing your precious moments with us.
