Monday, August 6, 2012

U.S. Govt. Trying To Kill My Family: Sand Mines & Land Mines

I think the U.S., a large group in government, has been trying to kill off or enslave my family to keep us down since WWII. And yes, it has something to do with the Middletons. Since WWII, Navy admirals and CIA officers have gone out of their way to help and protect the Middletons, to the detriment of their own citizens. They wouldn't do this unless Middletons worked for them or had proximity to something they wanted. They wanted to lift a monarchy and they've been trying to kill my family. My Great Uncle Charles Howard was assassinated by the U.S., it had to have been someone in the U.S. doing a favor for Middletons. Maybe, since he was the only flier or pilot in the family, and a Howard, they thought getting rid of him put another pilot into focus: Peter Middleton. After my Grandpa Garrett went out to investigate, the U.S. used this to entrap him and give him a choice of selling his kids into MK-Ultra military slavery, or go to jail and have the kids adopted out to people who would do the same thing. At the same time, they were already abusing the Bairds, my mother's family, and controlling them so maybe they thought putting the two together made it easier to control both of them. I had my Cambodia shirt on today, and did my hair up and there was a loose end so I tied into a knot on the side of my head, just for now, and it looked like the knob on the helmet Diana wore while looking for land mines. I went out with a knife and a shovel to uproot some skunk cabbage. I thought, while doing this, that it was sort of odd that I was wearing this and then digging for a skunk cabbage root like it was a landmine. Then, I hit sand. It was a sand mine. It brought to mind something a relative said once, about how there was some thought that someone had put sand in the fuselage. So basically, in the State of Washington, we had a relative killed by "sand in the fuselage" and then later, my son and I were being tortured in the same state. It's federal, because the implants (land mines) put into my body were put there by different federal employees from different states. Definitely in 1995, it was Utah. But possibly, before that it was Moses Lake. Definitely, in 2006, I had another implant put into my tooth. Now listen to the song by Coldplay, "Paradise". I've mentioned before this is a song that mocks me and my singing or humming on a cassette tape when I was 2 years old, and was a habit I had. They used this in the song, and then for the first time today I realized, they are also using the same ticking speed of the frequency that I detected in my one ear. Not only that, he refers to how her paradise is lost because of a "bullet to the teeth". Implant. Coldplay is a Catholic English band that resides in the U.S. Martin is Catholic and he's British. How would he come up with such a clever idea, about a "bullet to the tooth/teeth?" I put my CTs online, which apparently he'd already seen, or others he knows have seen, and that's what it looks like, a "bullet to my tooth". My mother also has a hole in one of her teeth, put there no doubt by mafia government criminals. English and Catholic. Who else is both English and Catholic and spent a lot of time in L.A. or lives there? Beckhams. Victoria Beckham, who Kate Middleton is friends with. That man from Coldplay, used 3 or more distinct personal references to my own personal history while writing a song that mocks the downfall of someone. Para, para, para-dise. He degrades this person and makes them insignificant with false pity and makes fun of a "paradise lost". This same article is in Reader's Digest, about a Paradise Lost, which references Lisa and someone who looks like a Lisa Thebault. Some group got nervous after I had my son, and added to implants that I already had, by adding another one to my teeth and then my son and I were tortured, by U.S. military, in the State of Washington, by the most extreme methods. After forcing my parents to work for U.S. military and possibly also CIA, I was raised my entire life living next to U.S. military. No matter where we lived, a military person was next door. Then after I was implanted, the same thing happened. Military people moved next to me. I have been tortured under 3 different Presidents, and Leon Panetta has worked personally with all three. Then my son was kidnapped from me while people in this country lied about me to cover up for the fact that they were ruining my life by targeting me with migraines, to keep me out of college, work, lawsuits that protected my life and my son's life. After I figured out something was going on, I was then implanted with another implant to my teeth, in 2006, and then my son and I were tortured to die or be brain damaged for good. The Washington King died by assasination. Isn't that what was feared about Charles Howard Garrett? that he was a king of some kind? or had status above some other group that wanted him down? So which group would fear his abilities, contacts, or ancestry or any other rights most? Because the U.S. used his death to trap the rest of my family into slavery. When I began doing some research, into who was in charge with CIA and military (navy was precusor to CIA), there was a shift of allegiance for some during WWII. I see some of that allegiance and pandering, going to Peter Middleton. That was WWII. Over time, the U.S. had highly positioned officers and people who did favors for Middletons. Why them? because someone there worked for the U.S. military? with special "psychic abilities"? he had contacts with the military just like Carol Goldsmith did. Contacts turn to contracts so easily don't they? It's easier than converting a MTS file to AVI. I can trace betrayal from WWII right up to the Chief of Strategy James Cartwright. The Huss. After I was implanted, all it took was hate motive from Thebaults and others to target me to ruin my life. Then it looked like I was just "disabled" and taking a slowdive when it had nothing to do with me or my abilities at all. My own country attacked me and has been attacking me, for a decade. They have no right to classify any of it because the motive was to cut me out of competition and business. That is mafia, not "protected national interest". Basically, it's been something that's been going on for generations in the U.S., and then when hate crime entered in against me, it fed the flame. It gave others an excuse to not even feel sympathetic about me anymore. Religious interests or hate just added to it. So anyway, after I cut skunk cabbage leaves with a surgical knife and dug up roots, I washed them off. I had to dig a foot or more into the ground and it was all clay, and mud, but then when I got to the bottom of the root, and pulled it up, I saw something grey with black streaks in it and touched it and it was sand. My son is being abused and has been abused by U.S. military and my entire family needs to be liberated. It makes me wonder what someone thought they were going to do if my son and I were in Utah. Torture us in Utah, to take my son from me there and then have me go to the same hospital that puts implants into my body? After they abducted my child from me in Utah, where I had no relatives even, and ruined our lives and medical malpractice suits, they were just going to steal my son there? using my response to torture as an excuse? and then what? I would be told go back to the same hospital that named one of their new buildings "South Jordan" in 2006? That hospital bought a bunch of property after they did my surgery like they came into money somehow. They purchased 15 new buildings and right after my surgery, specialized in telesurgery and telepharmacy. So I was going to have a "reconstructive surgery" maybe? where, after they tortured me and took my son, they removed microchips but left in a dental implant so there was only that dental implant to trace back to someone? Because of course, they don't want to be liable for the microchips that were used to target me for migraines for a decade, and used by U.S. government to obstruct justice and my ability to even defend my good name. They didn't want anything to be tracked back to 1995, esp. not if they had a different implant they thought they could use instead. Why track it all back to their windfall of profits, the VA that works with them in rotation, and the fact that after I got another implant or "bullet to my teeth" they named a new large building after Middletons? There is a location in Utah called "South Jordan" but out of all the names to choose from, that's what they chose in 2006. And this is after they acquired an enormous amount of new property after my surgery. The purchase was completed in 1998, after my surgery in mid-1995, making it a larger acquisition 2 1/2 years after I was implanted. Here's where they got one donation in the millions: Jon M. Huntsman. Mr. Huntsman is chairman and founder of Huntsman Corporation, a multinational chemical manufacturing and marketing business with world headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah. Through his cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery—which took place at top facilities across the United States—he felt a void in cancer care. “It felt impersonal, and for a disease in which treatment is often ongoing, it took place in environments that were cold and medical, places less conducive to healing.” During his journey to recovery, Mr. Huntsman and his wife, Karen, committed themselves to advancing cancer research and care for others, including the atmosphere in which that care takes place. In 1995, the Huntsman family pledged $100 million to construct a state-of-the-art cancer center in Salt Lake City. Shortly thereafter, the Huntsmans pledged another $125 million. This man's father went to Stanford, and he himself went to the same university in California that Jordan's current prime minister attended. The University of Southern California. According to what I just read, he got his degree in 1959 from Wharton, left to serve U.S. Navy for 2 years form 1959-1961, and then he received his MBA from L.A.'s USC in 1970. The current prime minister of Jordan (who was also prime minister of Jordan in 1998) is Fayez Al-Tarawneh and he went to a university in Jordan and then to USC, like Huntsman. (The prime minister of Jordan in 1995-1996 was Zaid Ibn Shaker, and he went to college at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.) Jon Huntsman was born and raised in Palo Alto, California. Same place where one SSA for the FBI came from, with another guy (Mormon supposedly) joining him from Washington D.C. He served as a special assistant to the President (Nixon)(white house staff) from 1971-1972. He got his MBA at USC (in L.A.) first or concurrently, in 1971. Jordan's current prime minister (who served earlier terms as well) went to USC for his PhD in economics, so they both went to USC's business school. Fayez was born in 1949 which means he was 18 in 1967 and if he went to college then in jordan and it took him 4 years (could have taken less time), he graduated in 1971 and then went to USC in 1971 or 1972, the same years Huntsman was special advisor to Nixon. I wonder if he helped to advise supporting the Middleton family. Here's a weird random thing I found not long ago. This one girl I used to go to school with, Erica Wiltbank, who my ex-boyfriend began dating, has the same family name connections as Kate Middleton. So Bechtold was dating her and then his parents got into business with the Mormon family who is possibly related to Middleton. That was in 1992.

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