Thursday, August 16, 2012

Videoclip of me speaking about torture This is the link to the first video of me speaking about being tortured in the U.S. Pardon my dirty nails, I was gardening without gloves, and pardon the crying because I am not yet comfortable about trying to edit and cut out parts of a clip. Thanks. I am real. My son is real. Torture is real. Since I made the last video and started putting it together to upload, I've been tortured. I went over to my parent's house and the same thing is happening there. My chest and ribs has been suctioned in where my heart is and I was wondering if it only happened to me and then I saw my Dad's chest was abnormally concave there too. He had been lying back in a chair with a hand over the area and another hand over his head, on top of his head. When he moved his hand, it was concave. The dog was shaking and being tortured along with my parents. It doesn't matter what I try to do, the U.S. allows a group to ruin all of my efforts. If I am self-studying math, they torture me with military technology. This happened the first time I did this. Then I was in college and there was less torture but the computer problems were atrocious and I got my books late. Then, all of these people knew I was going to self-study to get ahead in math again, and since June 25th, I was brutally tortured. They cut me out of financial aid after making promises and then tortured me to keep me from studying math and testing out of lower math classes. Some of these people want me to take lower math classes, just to waste my money and have low level classes on my transcript. Anything I do that shows what I can really, or actually do, has been obstructed with by use of military technology. Even my garden, and ability to weed and keep up was affected by the extreme torture. This country has been allowing a criminal group of United States authorities and officials, to commit crimes against me for reasons of keeping me down, making me look stupid, trying to rewrite history, and looking for their own justification of false statements. All that they've done, during this time, is lie about me, to discredit me, and call me mentally ill when I'm not. So I am thinking of streaming myself. I tried to do it before they took my son, or terminated parental rights, and police stole my camera and everytime I tried a streaming program, I got shut down. The one I was trying to use, that was "free to anyone" was, I found out, based in the UK, with United Kingdom military. It seems to me that a segment of UK military has colluded with a segment of U.S. military, for purposes of torturing me and my son. I also found links between UK scientists and US scientists, in their sharing of delight over torturing both me and my brother. I am not saying all US military or UK are like that, but there is a high level group that's been working together. What would I have to stream about myself? It would be more of a disgrace, to show where I am and how I never go out. That has nothing to do with "mental illness" however, but has to do with being tired from effects of torture all night, ALL NIGHT sometimes for weeks, and with sometimes not feeling like being stalked by people who just want to plot and predict my every step along the road. I tried streaming myself earlier because I knew it would contradict everything the "professionals" that WA hired. There was no mental illness, and showing this on a day to day basis, proved them liars and proved I was being set up and discredited. Now, it would only prove, still, that I'm not mentally ill and I could at least use this as a basis for sharing how this is how I've always been, and all this time the United States was writing lies about me, and documenting it as if it was the truth when they knew it was a lie. I am therefore thinking about doing it, if only to show I am not mentally ill and that when I am then talking about people I've been forced to work for, it's not delusion. It's not mental illness--it's the truth. When I start bringing up the FBI or Judges and things they did that were illegal, when I'm speaking, it will be clearly coming from someone who has zero signs of mental illness. On one hand, I don't want more of my life documented for the work of people who have tortured me and my son. On the other hand, why should they continue to get away with lies about me, and ruin my life and keep my son from me? So maybe this is what I will do, before I go on a hunger strike. And then if someone wants to know what a hunger strike looks like, look on. Hasn't the Federal Government been looking in on me for too long already, and then twisting it to suit their own agenda? They have watched my being tortured and they watched as my son was tortured. They watched torture of a child as if they were putting ameobas into a petri dish. To them, it's nothing. Who cares is I die either. Does it really matter? If anything, it will be less money for this country to rake in for slave labor of their own citizen, and if I choose not to die (and I can do it if I want to, in this state, because they allow it), out of the idea my son might be returned, at least I will show how much of a "drug addict" I am. People who are food addicts, drug addicts, and any other kind of addict, cannot choose a hunger strike for themselves successfully. To go on a fast or hunger strike, it requires self-control and determination of will. If you don't have a strong will, you can't do it. (do it Kate...I dare ya) You can find people who have a "disorder" of "anorexia" but that's not a self-determined fast nor does it have anything to do with willpower. Anorexia has to do with flawed ideas of self-image and the attempt to improve this flawed perception, or with peer pressure from society, and sometimes it has to do with being a person that needs to feel some sense of control. So then if they want to regain control, they might quit eating, but it's not an actual "plan". It's more of a subconscious thing that happens. Choosing to fast, with a plan and reason, or choosing a hunger strike, is different. It is only about philosophical and willful intent, and a plan, and control for a specific period of time. I already know I look older and less attractive at my current weight, and part of this is weight, but part of it is the effects of torture and having been drugged and medicated various times. I don't think or imagine a hunger strike will make me prettier or more appealing. Usually, no one cares either. How many people go on hunger strikes, and how many people care? Unless it is a group of people, usually no one cares at all. Maybe if someone sees me, gaunt as an Auschwitz survivor, telling the streaming camera that actually, "I feel better now at 70 lbs than I ever did when I was 120 lbs and tortured by the U.S. government" will make someone think twice. Then again, this country could torture me at 70 lbs or 80 or 90 lbs, and hope to kill me and blame heart failure. They've already been working at it. At least, if you think about it...who usually goes on a hunger strike? Prisoners do. Prisoners who are tortured or beaten go on hunger strikes. Prisoners who are innocent go on hunger strikes. And mothers whose babies have been held hostage go on hunger strikes. No one goes on a hunger strike without a very good reason. A hunger strike is a conscious act, not a mental disorder. How about those who have had control over torturing me...When is the last time you demonstrated any self-control and went on a hunger strike? You never will, because you are cowards who use anonymity to get away with crimes of torture.

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