Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Discrimination by OSU & Julie A. Rickard (Washington)

I have no idea why it is this difficult for a faculty member to lift a restriction to allow me to take a class when I meet the requirements and gave him the evidence that I did.

It is 3 days past the first day of classes and I tried getting into this class for WR 424, which is writing sections for a novel.

The prereq is 2 classes in short story writing first.

I tried to sign up and was blocked so I asked to have this lifted and gave email to point out my 2 short story classes which are on my transcript, along with 1 in poetry writing.

I have faculty at OSU doing the exact same thing they did to me at Eastern Oregon University, I guess to make a point for the Oregon University System and the Middletons.

It takes one minute to lift a restriction and allow a student to sign up for a class and the refusal to do this, is causing delay which they know affects my ability to buy books for the class on time.

I sent email to the English advisor, Steve Kunert, and he said to talk to the instructor John Lariso, and I did. Then Lariso is telling me he has to "check with Ann" instead of listing the restriction which he, as the instructor for the class, is supposed to do for any student that meets the requirements. I've not only had 2 short story creative writing classes, I've taken poetry writing as well. It's all on my transcript, and one of the classes was graduate level.

There isn't any excuse to delay like this over a class, especially when I sent email that proves I met the requirements.

Either they practice discrimination or they don't.
It is 9/27/12.

I am being tossed around by some OSU who are just acting malicious. They're stringing me along, telling me they'll do one thing and then changing what they said. Then they're passing me back and forth between themselves and harassing me.

It's not like they don't know what I went through at Eastern.

I have not heard from John Lariso for a class that I meet requirements for and it's almost the end of the 1st week of college.

Steve Kunert is head of the English department and has played a pass around game three times now, on three different things. First he was giving me wrong information about my "pin" and it was delaying my ability to sign up for classes. Then he was passing me back and forth with a man at the Registrars offices about the pin matter. When a week had passed to sort that out, then he was saying he'd allow one thing and then Louie Bottaro, the Dean for Liberal Arts college, was backing out of what he said he'd do in allowing me to take a class, and I was geting passed between Bottaro and then Steve, which took up more time and delayed my ability to sign up for courses. I was trying to take a Project course (independent study). Every department has it, and you don't have to be part of the major to take it. So then Louie first said I could and then I couldn't. So I asked about doing it with English department and I was told by Steve it had to be "on-campus" and couldn't be "online". If it's independent study and a project, it's however a student can best get the work done. It does not have to be "on-campus". So then I had someone contact me from Agriculture department who said, "I'm WILLING" in the same way I told the gay men who live next to the Jewish Rabbi Rose and Lorraine that I was willing to work in their household...and she goes out of her way to contact me and then strings me along with Steve, and starts to back out.

All this time, they know I need to get the right classes added so I can proceed, and so it doesn't affect the amount of credits I'm taking. I can't drop a class or two without having something to replace it, and they know this. So here it is, 4 days past the start of the term, and they're all stringing me along, which is looking malicious and not like an accident anymore, and they all know that I have to get books.

If I don't have the right books in time, I will be behind in all my classes and cannot possibly get a good grade.

So basically, I got admitted to OSU to be screwed over.

I should not be going to a public school at all. My mother always knew. She knew right from the start, before I ever even signed up at Eastern. She knew private colleges were the only ones that would work out for me, because these colleges are all connected to the State.

I don't have anything else to add at this point, aside from the email communications I've had with the faculty that's passed me all over the place. The email correspondence alone doesn't reflect what conversations I had over the phone as well, but it certaintly shows how something is wrong.

Even my Dad knew. My Dad didn't fully know I was going to be screwed over by OSU until last week and he didn't say a word--just looked incredibly depressed and when I said maybe I'd skip OSU and just sign up for another term at Eastern he actually looked like he thought that might be better.

He knew some kind of BS was brewing. My mother always knew. I think people lie to them too. They get told everything will work out or someone implies things are going to turn around and then constantly, ALWAYS, the government is getting involved and using people who have nothing better to do than enlist the worst of the worst to harass me or try to impede me from going forward with college.

My parents are promised things and have people lying to them as many times as it happens to me.

It's looking like the only decent hint of what is to come, is by reading Middle Eastern news.

It's horrible what happened to Chris Stevens. But it was almost like a warning of what I was going to get with Steven Kunert at OSU. Steven Kunert, the guy who is signing off with "Cheers!" in his first email to me, like Chris Dabney from Washington D.C. I.e, anything involving Steven Kunert is going up in flames...which pretty much, is what's happened to my chance to stay ahead and on task for this term.

I've been talking to "Steve" and "Liz" for the last 2 days which has been like some kind of William and Katie joke. Kate Middleton knew about it, the day I signed up. She knew what was going to go down and then she went out dancing. I have no clue how I knew she knew OSU was going to screw me over, but I knew when I saw her face in a photo. I have no clue how that works, but it was right there, and I knew in that instance, she knows I have signed up for OSU and she knows something bad is in store for me there. I knew immediately after seeing her picture and I knew she was celebrating over it. It was after that day that later she was filing against her boobie pics.

Chris Dabney is such a hideous excuse for life.

I mean, it would take a really long time to even explain what I'm talking about, but I had hoped that with as large of a University as OSU is, you could find some decent people. Instead, I have either no one calling, or just those who want to string me along and get extra credit for it from someone--under the table.
I got an email from an instructor whose class I've tried to sign up for since the beginning of this week.

It requires 2 short story classes prior to taking WR 424 (writing for the novel). I met the requirements and then I was discriminated against after being made to wait until the end of this week.

(separate note--not related to this post but on the way to the post office, I also saw the dark haired woman from California today. With the white station wagon, who knows people in town and was around when I had my raspberry start stolen from me. She still has the same California plates)

Here is the email from John Lariso:
RE: Emergency for Class‏

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Larison, John Add to contacts
To cam huegenot
Hello Cameo,

I'm writing to let you know that our petition for an override was declined.

Best wishes in the future-

From: cam huegenot []
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 11:47 AM
To: Larison, John
Subject: RE: Emergency for Class

Who is the person you are waiting to hear from? Ann Leeson? I saw you sent the email to her.


Subject: RE: Emergency for Class
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 16:42:20 +0000

Hi Cameo,

With ecampus classes, the override process is more complicated than it is with on-campus classes. I'm still waiting to hear from the powers-that-be concerning whether your Writing for Science can be counted as a prerequisite for WR 424. I'll let you know as soon as I learn the verdict.


I just looked up John Larison and he's into fishing. He had one of his novels reviewed by "Jonathan Rickard" from NYT. I saw a "Julie Rickard" in Wenatchee, WA once (had a professional appointment with her) who was a hateful person, but I'm sure she's not related or connected in any way. I just uploaded a youtube clip about her though,and then Larison sent me this email, telling me I was prejudiced from taking the class.

She lied about me after I saw her for 30 minutes at a counseling center in Wenatchee.

This is from the Colombia Valley Community Health clinic site (it's a federally funded clinic):
Best Wishes,
Julie A. Rickard, Ph.D.
Director of Internship Training

Columbia Valley Community Health
Behavioral Medicine
Julie A. Rickard, PhD
600 Orondo Ave., Suite 1
Wenatchee, WA 98801
509-662-6000 Ext. 1073

Here is the kind of work Julie Ann Rickard specializes in--hypnosis.

My son was showing up at CPS visits with evidence someone had been hypnotizing him and she is one of very few individuals that does this kind of thing in Wenatchee.
She went to Washington State University and here is her thesis:

Washington State University
Research Exchange
Browsing College of Education by Author "Rickard, Julie Ann, 1967-"

Effects of hypnosis in the treatment of residual stump pain and phantom limb pain
Rickard, Julie Ann, 1967- (2004)
The Rickard who reviewed Larison's book is from Boston, MA, where the FBI's James Whitey is from along with others. If I remember correctly, she is also not originally from the state of Washington.

When I met her, she lied about me in records in a way to specifically assist the Portland, Oregon FBI and people in Oregon who wanted a cover for their crimes against me. I knew she was either working with FBI, to help people discredit my rape claims against Josh Gatov and others, or that she was part of helping the Mt. Angel Abbey try to make me appear as though I had seduced a monk and then felt "rejected" by him and made something out of it. The reason I knew she was connected to such a party was because I saw her for about 20-30 minutes total and actually got up and left because I didn't like her and didn't trust her. I sensed she wasn't a good person. So I left, and then I found out she was trying to imply, after only talking to me for 20-30 minutes, that I was "borderline" to others. Borderline is a diagnosis where someone makes attachments too quickly and thinks (falsely) that they are real, and then if they feel 'rejected', they react in an extreme way. So it was basically what either the Abbey, the rapists, or the FBI wanted at that time. She did not diagnose me. You have to have many visits and hours and testing before an actual diagnosis is made that is professional. What she did, is start defaming me by "suggesting" I had "borderline personality disorder" when she hadn't even had enough time with me to know where I worked. I was working or going to college all the way up through my pregnancy with my son, which was in May 2006. I met Julie in 2005, 1 1/2 years earlier, for less than an hour, one time and I never went to her again because I knew she was trying to do a favor for some group. (I wrote about her in a new post)

Then,I found out she was calling people up that I hadn't signed a release to, who worked in Spokane, including a woman named Barbara.

Julie Rickard actually even looks like the Jonathan Rickard who reviewed John Larison's book "Holding Lies" for the NYT.

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