Friday, September 7, 2012

Torture NOW/Middleton & Military-Aerospace Drilled Tooth

I am being tortured by the U.S. government again, more severely again. After not torturing me to my teeth for over 1 month or more, they started targeting all the metal on the left side of my face, including in my teeth and targeted my left ear as well.

The metal on the left side of my plate, to my tooth with the implant from the U.S. military dentist, and to my ear. I can't sleep because of it. I went to my parents house and they said "You're torturing us." My Dad was already awake and said to go on. When I said I was being tortured, he said to leave. Leave the house. Leave the area, whatever. He said they've never been able to make a difference, couldn't now, and never would be able to in the future. "We've never been able to do anything about it, can't now, and never will be able to do anything about it, so leave."

The U.S. is telling them to have me leave bc that's what they want. They don't want me interfering with their black ops here when I have made it clear I don't go along. They don't want me to have a garden, and have ruined it, and everything they do is aimed at ruining any ability I have to work, go to college, have a garden, or do anything productive in any way. I said I can't sleep and my Dad said, "Read a book."

Someone didn't like my post today, my youtube clip, about reading the law books and they don't like to have me appear strong or smart in any way so out of jealousy they torture me. Basically, I'm being tortured for being smart. I'm not going to put up a clip of me while I'm being tortured because this has been done to me on the 7th to make a point for Middletons. I also went for a short walk and there was no difference because it is remote-access torture. So it doesn't matter where I go. There were a bunch of U.S. people waiting for me to walk out and it's more of the same U.S. military-intelligence predictive crap. Anyone international who may have been out there was already linked to the U.S. or they wouldn't have known to expect to see me possibly trying to leave my house area to see if these specific torture effects were lessened off of the property.


I showed my mother the hole that the U.S. military-aerospace group drilled into one of my molars through repeatedly targeting my head and mouth with technology last Winter. I wrote about it and documented what they were doing in my blog, which was last year around October.

I showed it to her today and she said what she knew detractors would say, "It's a cavity." But it's not a cavity. It is now, actually, after what the U.S. military-aerospace did to first drill out a hole into this tooth.

After they did this, it eventually became cavity-like and bc the tooth was weakened, there are a couple of other spots. It didn't happen because of a natural cavity. I documented in my blog, while the torture was actively occuring, exactly what this country was doing to my head and tooth. They drilled it out in the shape of a small triangle. They did it by using some form of technology that penetrated through my head, and made use of the military implant that is in the tooth above. The molar they drilled a triangle out of is a bottom molar, right underneath the metal military filling-implant put into my mouth in 2006.

The U.S. tortured me beyond belief to do this to me and then after it was done, they sent my Dad a youtube clip of a "dam being blown up". It took them several weeks and I wrote about what was happening, and then after it was done, they knew it was done, because then that same day, they sent my Dad a youtube clip to "watch", sent by someone with the name of "Josiah". My Dad didn't show me, he was watching it when I walked in and then I looked around the corner. I looked and saw the person who sent it to my Dad went by the user name Josiah, and it was of an Indian (Native American) Dam being blown up to have a huge hole in it. The Condite Dam.

So the clip showed the blow-up and the "hole" that was left. This was done to my tooth out of revenge for my talking about Harper Seven and suggesting Middleton had used Victoria Beckham as a surrogate. The Dam that had a hole blown into it was an Oregon Native American dam which was to allow "salmon" (fish) to pass through more easily. This man sent the clip to my Dad on the same day they had finished drilling a hole out of my tooth, for what purpose?

Why would my Dad be interested in a hole being blown into a dam? My Dad doesn't care, and he has about ZERO interest in such things.

The other thing, is that one of the book sellers who delayed on sending me my Business Law book for my Spring Term at EOU went by the name "Josiah" again. He was one out of 3 book sellers that either cancelled or sent my book late, causing me to miss 2/3rds of the class and receive an "F" for it. His name is Josiah Wartak, 172 Trade Street/Lexington, KY 40511. I took the box out of the dumpster when my mother wouldn't give me the names of the people who were stalling or cancelling my book orders. For who? For Katie Middleton. William of Wales. This country tortured me for them, and the Middletons are U.S. operatives. Victoria and Bend-it Beckham? Good Luck England, with your poisonous new plant. The people I had to work with in Nashville, TN at Logan's, which was owned by the Catholic man, had an employee there with a son named Josiah. They tortured me at that restaurant and they did it for Katie Middleton, including this Mexican woman who I already mentioned, whose relative was a journalist writing complimentary articles about Kate Middleton from Washington D.C., for The Post. I hope Katie gets what she deserves, and her father and mother as well, the sooner the better. The Middletons need to go. Chris Dabney needs to go as well. He is part of their group.

Not only did they chisel out a triangle out of a tooth that had nothing wrong with it, it created a huge lump on the side of my head where they directed whatever it was to tap into this and do this. This has been done to me and my brother both and created huge lumps on our heads.

I just had another one recently which is only now going down, because they started targeting my head while I was still fasting. I wrote about it on my blog, that it was being done on the right side of my head, slightly down from the top, and after they did this for about 1 week, off and on, while I was FASTING, another lump appeared where they had been doing this, about the size of a small marble. Only as of yesterday did it start to go down in swelling but it was as hard and raised as the other huge lump they created by torturing me. The U.S. did this to me during my fast. This was done, along with other forms of torture, while I was literally going without any food and only using water. They went after my head after about 2 weeks, from day 14-on.

So in addition to torturing me to my heart while I was fasting on water-only, and sending over a man from Coos Bay, to check on my "mental status", they were also torturing me to the head.

Since my tooth where they chiseled out the triangle is going to fall apart, now that it's weakened, I will be taking photos to document what the U.S. has done, for torture evidence purposes. It doesn't matter if someone wants to say it's from a "cavity". No one gets a cavity like that and I documented what was being done to me and the severe levels of pain that it created, while they did this to me.

Ever since I uploaded CT evidence of the military filling/implant to my tooth, the U.S. quit torturing me to my teeth until recently, a few days ago. As soon as the CT photos and evidence post dropped off and was not posted on this month's posts, they started it up again. So for almost 2 months they quit torturing me to my teeth, whether I fasted or not, and focused instead on torturing me to my heart and using MRI/microwave to create twitching all day.

This is exactly like how they tried to mask the cause of my migraine with a lie and excuse that they occured from "my menstrual cycle". So they tried to match triggering migraines to me, with this, to cover for their criminal activity. Same thing with the tooth thing, because now they have my mother arguing for them saying it's pain from a 'cavity' and not the dental filling-implant by the U.S. military dentist, which they tried to conceal from me on X-rays for years. Same thing with how the U.S. tries to lie and create a natural "cover" for other forms of torture, such as shifting to target only my ear and my heart mainly, and to cause twitching while I fasted. They did this because their excuse was that if I wasn't eating, my heart was affected or that the twitching was from "low potassium" from not eating. However, most of the time I drank water that had potassium electrolytes in it. It had nothing to do with not eating. It is U.S. military-aerospace defense industry technology.

So it's not like I just got this cavity and one day it was noticed. I documented torture occuring in real-time, and then what the effect was, and then my Dad was sent a youtube video clip to mock what was done to me. They knew my Dad knew, and sent this to him, to upset him, knowing he could do nothing about it. This is what the U.S. has done to my entire family. They did this to me, and bragged about it by sending a videoclip to my Dad over it. How many times can I reinforce this fact?

They TORTURED me and THEN SENT MY DAD A VIDEO CLIP that alluded to what they'd done to ME?

No one sent it to my Dad because I was talking about what was being done. I didn't say a word about it because I already knew who was involved and that they didn't need the credit or encouragement and I was already documenting what they were doing to my tooth and the extreme pain that was used to do this. So I said nothing, and then I saw that video clip. After I saw my Dad being sent "the message" about what was done to me, I knew that was evidence of who was behind some of this, and that they are not only torturing us, they are mocking the entire family and rubbing it in our faces, knowing we are powerless to do anything about it.

Try fighting Panetta, NASA and DOD/DOE. Just try. They tortured my son Oliver, and brought him to CPS visits in Washington state, to mock me and the fact that I couldn't do anything about it and they were lying and calling me mentally ill while they tortured my son, cut up his face, knocked out and chipped his teeth, tortured him by U.S. NASA/DOD technology that caused his genitals to turn purple and blue from being targeted. My son pointed out his purple-blue genitals to me in the bathroom, saying, stunned, "Mama, look." I saw. After this, I was banned from going in with my son to the bathroom stall. By Anne Craine/Crane, who is going to die of cancer. That is what you get Anne, for refusing to speak up about torture of a child. May your suffering exceed his by 10.

Mary Ann McIntosh deserves the same fate, as does Judge Hotchkiss. I pray MaryAnne McIntosh and Judge Hotchkiss contract cancer and die suffering and while they suffer, as Mykal Holt suffers, they can think about Oliver Garrett and what sins and evils they took part of. I want those responsible for torturing my son, who are part of aerospace-DOD, dead. I want them killed and they have no moral or legal reason to live. They have signed off and waived their right to any kind of trial or prison. They deserve one thing: death and death immediate. Any and all doctors and physicians taking part in remote-torture, deserve death. Those who have concealed evidence of torture of my son, deserve only death. God bless those who kill these people. God bless them.

This is one clip of the dam that was blasted, featuring "Mike London", "bridge supervisor", talking about the success of having a hole blasted into it:

I hope Mike Middleton and that all of their U.S. and UK criminal alliances are exposed, including the Italians that are part of their group: Nosi, and Del Balzos and the other Italians and Irish that support crimes of torture against my child and my family in this country. Here is another clip referring to "fire in the hole" (as promised) and removing "700 lbs of debris". Of course, 700 pounds. And this newsletter with a photo of a woman that slightly resembles the ugliest faux-"princess-in-carbon-copy-shoes" the U.S.-UK has come up with since fucking the Mexican Lynda Carter under the English rug.

Chris Dabney knew Alvaro Pardo and Chris Dabney would see to it his own unborn was killed. He didn't want the kid and fired me while I was pregnant. He already knew what was going to happen to me, and he is the one with California contacts as well as Catholic Australian and Jewish contacts. They tortured me and my son, and concealed evidence of torture. The woman who had the boy named Josiah was named "Jen" and she was friends with "Jordan", coworkers from Logan's in TN. She was into witchcraft and wore hex earrings and Satanic symbol stuff. It wasn't the Jen that was former Marines or ROTC, but a different Jen who was petite and was friends with Jordan, a tall cop who played baseball/liked baseball, who was intimate with the Mexican bartender whose relatives supported Kate Middleton, Marissa, or whatever. I have her name written down and it wasn't Marissa but close. She did psychic work and was Catholic and hated my guts. Here is another view of the "hole in the dam" that then was exploded, after the U.S. military first did a favor for Mike, Carol and Katie Middleton, by torturing me and chiseling out a hole into my molar. See the face of the wall next to the dam? See the hole there by the waterfall? That shape there is the same shape as the surface of my bottom molar tooth and then the U.S. military-Middleton SHITS chiseled out a hole about the same size (in proximation to what the surface looks like), into my molar, except instead of being a square, they chiseled it out in the shape of a triangle.

Any attempt to try to convince me that Chris Dabney or Alvaro Pardo (Middleton's men) are decent, or that any of the D.C. people and U.S. military/FBI or Dept. of State are NOT criminal, is worthless. Alvaro tried to put me into federal prison and held me hostage and Chris Dabney was in on it. They both knew Mark who drove the Army truck and was connected to FBI. They are all connected to Mike and Carol Middleton. That's why it was a "deal" to marry him. They influenced others to quit torturing me only if they could get "rid of" me by having me marry their man. The "enemy" we were making "peace signs" to, were the Middletons and their hate crime group that works for the U.S. and UK. Alvaro never "loved" me. HE was the Con and he was a con for the Middletons. He tried to put me in federal prison and he also kept me from contesting a back-whacker from CIA-Nigeria. He is a liar and he encouraged others to steal from me. This country quit torturing me, in the hope that either I'd do them a fucking favor or that by being stupid, they would try to entrap me into going to federal prison. Chris Martin is a fuck-off and so is his fucking wife. All of the British in California who are Catholic were involved. They are fucking cutters. This includes Chris Martin and his super-sensitive wife who can't take an insult about their "Apple" daughter's name. This includes the Catholic Beckhams who torture others in the name of England and the U.S. and who (I believe it's possible) arranged for a surrogacy prior to Katie Middleton's marriage. That's not to even say there isn't another illegimate child that is from Colombia involved. Mark drove a truck for the Army and took me from New Mexico to the East Coast where he already knew who Chris Dabney was. They drugged and medicated me there. I was being drugged and medicated by these assholes from the time I left Canada, because Middleton was involved with having me falsely arrested there and arranging to have my son kidnapped.

The entire time I worked at The Post Pub, they medicated me through their "free meal" by California native Bob Bealieu. When I quit taking their employee free meal, they fired me when I was pregnant and tried to make it look like if I wasn't "medicated" there was something wrong with me. Then my own fiance, Alvaro, was drugging and medicating me. The entire time I was with him, I was eating what he or someone else cooked and served to me. They used me.

I had and I have "thrush" regardless of what I eat, ever since Dr. Butler refused to treat me and my son. It's systemic because it was never treated with an IV and the stronger meds. Instead, they used different people to "treat" me through what I ate, and medicated me for this as long as I was having sex with their fucking assholes. I was first being medicated in Blaine, WA after I got out of Canada. They treated me for the candida/thrush and had me eating things given to me, cooked, by others. "Here, eat this" and I ate it, unknowing. The first person to do this was the woman who worked at the Lion's Camp in Blaine/Birch Bay, Washington. As soon as CPS and the state and my mother found out where I was living and who I was living with, they had her involved in "treating" me for this by giving me things to eat and not telling me about it. All of a sudden, "no symptoms". At the same time, Michelle Erickson and Marie Scanlon were testing me and asking all the time if I was "medicated" just to see how I answered to see if I knew I was being medicated without my consent or not. When I said I might go to a doctor, they never wanted me to go to someone they didn't know bc they were controlling everything. Then I went to the East Coast and I was drugged and medicated there beginning with The Post Pub, and their fucking "free meal". I also stayed with Chris Dabney and his military friends on 14th and Euclid, where they gave me things to eat that did the same thing. "Here, eat this." (a Marine that lived there and was friends with Chris Dabney told me to eat something once that he brought home, some kind of round ball thing). Again, I was questioned by WA state and Michelle Erickson, about whether I was medicated or not when all they wanted to know is if I had guessed or knew. They not only "treated" me for thrush, they "treated" me with birth control, against my will and wishes. I have NEVER believed in oral birth control for myself. I tried it one time for 3 months, in 1999, to see if it treated military-triggered migraines (that I didn't know then were military triggered), and it didn't help at all. After this, I never agreed at any time to birth control. I chose condoms always, but never consented or agreed to oral forms of birth control and I never would. Alvaro kept asking, "When are you going to go on birth control?" to find out when they wouldn't have to illegally medicate me with oral birth control. My periods quit when I worked at The Post Pub. They were medicating me with birth control and something else for "thrush" that they never treated in WA. Why? at that time, Canada was doing experimental "trials" for thrush and they were working with the U.S. on it. Also, they didn't want their assholes to have to sleep with me if I had spots on my body from untreated thrush. So they medicated me without my consent. FUCK YOU. They not only medicated me for the thrush without my consent, they medicated me with birth control.

I always have normal periods and they quit when I worked at The Post Pub and ate Bob Bealieu's "free employee meal". I started realizing something was wrong, and quit eating their fucking freebie. So I bought my lunch across the street with people watching me. They didn't like this, because they wanted to say I was "fine now" bc they were drugging/medicating me. And, they probably wondered if I suspected I was being medicated and that's why I quit eating there. So then my period returned and I got pregnant. Those assholes fired me and then murdered my unborn baby. Murder for murder. Eye for eye you FUCKS. I hope your children die naturally from the same things you did intentionally to my son Oliver and my unborn. Of course, then I was pregnant and they couldn't medicate me anymore so it wasn't so "convenient" for them to keep drugging me. They killed my baby, deliberately. The same U.S. military that wanted me to fuck their employees, killed my unborn.

Then I was with Alvaro and all of a sudden, the exact same thing happened that had happened at The Post Pub--a continuation of not having thrush. My periods quit as well. I was having them even if there was other mild bleeding from miscarriage. But while I was medicated, they quit and instead I was still in labor for months until I had a surgery. Then I had bleeding after this. But the entire time I was with Alvaro, he was medicating me with oral birth control. If anything, they wanted me to stay with Alvaro, if not to get trapped to go to jail, to be a guinea pig for them so they could continue their use of medication on me uninterrupted, through Alvaro. 2 years of free non-consensual medication by a "trusted" fuck-off, Middleton's Alvaro. (I am being tortured to my teeth again while writing this after they quit for awhile). Middleton was behind Alvaro. It was Carol Middleton and Mike Middleton's man and that is not excluding who is U.S. and was connected to it. Remember, Bechtolds are Middleton supporters, and knew about my being implanted with microchips, and others (Jewish) also knew about it. So it's not just Middleton. Mike Middleton and his daughter Katie must be real nice people. They had people they know in the U.S., torture me and my infant son and murder my unborn. They knew I was going to have a hole chisled out of my tooth, by their friends in the U.S. aerospace-military industry and then made fun of it, after my birthday. It was done around my birthday of October 22, 2011. They did this to me then and finished it on the same day they celebrated by blasting a hole into a "Con-dite" dam. Who is the CON? It's fucking Kate criminal Middleton. Then they sent my parents a "message" about it. Real classy. Kate Middleton is a criminal and has had a direct hand in the torture of my own son.

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