Thursday, September 27, 2012

U.S. Military Blocking U.S. Military Panetta Interview

I have U.S. military, actively on my computer. Basically, my entire computer/laptop was hijacked from the first day. Not only that, I was told it was the only one I could buy and there was only one left.

Ever since, I've had military intelligence ON my computer, actively disrupting my services, actively doing bizarre things with all of the computer controls, and monitoring every single thing I do and then they block my viewing of an interview by Leon Panetta about "rape" in the military.

How about rape by Italian-Americans Panetta.

How about rape by CIA, FBI, military, and your Italian-American friends.

He just had this interview today, and between his comments and the article comments, they suggest it's typical or normal for two agencies to work together, like military and police.

In the article about the woman, the reporter says it was lucky for her that both the military and police worked on a "joint investigation".

This sort of downplays the idea of "BRIBERY" in situations like mine, where the FBI and the POLICE do not have "joint investigations" concerning sexual abuse.

The FBI do not "investigate" sexual abuse by their own agents. They have no jurisdiction for that. It is not the military with their own judicial system and courthouse and courtroom. If the FBI has employees that raped and/or also sexually assaulted someone, they are required to report it to police. The FBI did not do that. They altered testimony, concealed the truth, and then bribed Sgt. Austria to let them off the hook. Sgt. Austria got a good pay raise and promotion immediately after he did a favor for the FBI. Laughlin.

What about the Italian-American in Wenatchee who knows Tony Block from CPS? Hmm? Panetta? You got a handle for me on that one? How about the Chelan-Douglas police standing by and bringing in your own Italian-American friend to rape me in Washington, when the police knew I was incapacitated, after I was raped multiple times by federal employees from Oregon.

Why is it that the Italian-American rapist who is a doctor in Wenatchee, then had his best buddy Tony Block, supervising the CPS case with me and my son after YOUR people in the military and aerospace industry assaulted us.

Nice that you're looking at rape more closely--try torture.

Try on the torture pants Panetta.

I want to see you give an interview about investigations into U.S. Pentagon torture of U.S. citizens and their children.

When you do that, you might look credible talking about "rape".

Basically, I was watching the video and it kept getting cut off and then an ad was playing over the interview and then it was skipping ahead in the middle of the video clip to a different video. That's after shutting down several times.


Mean anything to you?


Mean anything to you?

How about the Italian-Americans in Wenatchee that colluded with Chelan-Douglas police for a second time, to defame me and say I was "prostituting" myself at The Coast Hotel in Wenatchee, which is owned by an Italian-American man in Seattle?

Mean anything to you?


While you're working on the Pentagon end of TORTURE against citizens, maybe you could also have a little chat with some of your mafia men.

Let's see...First I get raped by an Italian-American in Wenatchee, a man who was Dr. Frank or "Lee" from the Wenatchee Worksource. I believe it was Dr. Frank, and the man had a girlfriend who was a nurse in oncology. That is what he told me.

Then later, Italian-American Tony Block is supervising the entire CPS case after my son and I were brutally tortured while YOU were head of the CIA and Stephanie Sullivan, the one with the Catholic Northern Ireland husband, was in charge of CIA technology.

Tony Block made a point to be at the beginning of the case against me and stared at me with hatred. Then he made a point to mock me and be there at the last visit I ever had with my son. He mocked me. He was your little "closer".

Then, after I didn't marry Alvaro Pardo, I was "banned" by Italian-American "Lee" from Wenatchee Worksource, and harassed and tortured there.

And before that, I was "banned" by the Italian-American who owned The Coast Hotel. Guess what? He used police to do it.

The same police who stood by when I was raped by the Italian-American, stood by and insulted me, calling me a "prostitute" and telling me I was "banned" from going to that hotel.

I had been going there to use wifi at the bar at the top floor of the hotel, not for prostitution, and the POLICE and the Seattle Italian-American knew it.

So they work together to rape me and then they work together to call me a prostitute and "ban" me from places to make me look bad.

Let's think about Julie/Julia Thornton now, shall we?

She was FBI.

I moved to Wenatchee and was counseled by Brett McDonald, who counseled me for over 3 months but then when I started getting to the part about the FBI, she refused to write anything down.

So I got SET UP to be counseled by Brett McDonald, who I then find out, is BEST FRIENDS with Tina Thornton, who was my assigned social worker. Tina's husband is a cop. Is Tina Thornton also related to this Julia Thorton who really looked like Laura Laughlin? Because why did her best friend Brett not want to write down anything I said about anyone or anything concerning the FBI? Then Tina shows up at my first court hearing about my son, along with people like Tony Block, smirking at me and with hatred in her eyes.
How many of you should go directly to jail?

That's the question this reporter should have asked.

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