Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Obstructed From College (Patty Otterbach)

It is 2 weeks past the start of college and I still don't have my books.

The person who was ordering them for me has not done it, and the person interfering is Patty Otterbach. She is one of several individuals who are obstructing me from getting my books.

I have no books. I have no order and I was promised several times, this would be done. I saw which individuals were leaving the direction of my parent's house and I know who some of them are.

One woman is Patty Otterbach. She drove past me last night as I walked home and smirked at me maliciously. I was on the completely other side of the road and she made a point to do this, from all the way across the street, to harass me and have me notice. She was happy that I wasn't getting something I needed and she didn't even try to hide it from me.

I asked my mother later, "If you and Patty are such good friends, why is she going out of her way to harass me?"

The other person who is obstructing me works at Whoozits. Her son hates me and hates my family and she travels to California and Las Vegas and knows people connected to Kate Middleton. Her teenage son does not even try to hide his animosity. The only time I saw anything that looked like humanity from his eyes, was when I had lost a ton of weight from fasting and showed up and he was there. My face was almost skeletal. He is a horrible person. My mother always acts nervous around his mother because she is directly connected to Jews that hate them and the Middletons.

The other person who is responsible is Debbie Sweetwater-Burt. Debbie even showed up at the house today.

It is now 2 weeks past the start of college, and my books have not even been ordered, because of people trying to obstruct me from getting them ordered. I have been waiting for these books in order to start working on my courses.

I already cashed the check and am going to college this term. And I have no books. From the time I was ordering books, I was told several days, one at at time, that it was going to be done that day and it never was. So at least 3 days dragged by when I was told it was already done and it never was. Then it was the next day, and then the next, and now, after it's too late to get them today, the latest excuse is that names of the teachers are needed and if the books had been ordered the last 3 days or more I was told they were being ordered, that question would have come up already. So now it's Thursday of the 2nd week of classes and I've been forced to go without any books or even having them ordered because of one excuse after the other. I already let this person know the books are going to take 2-3 days to be processed and then it will be a day after they're mailed. So basically, I am not getting any books even ORDERED until the last day of the 2nd week. Then it's the weekend, and then it won't be until mid-week for the 3rd week that I get anything. There were already assignments due for the first week.

I have someone deleting everything that I do off of my laptop as well.

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