Saturday, October 6, 2012

Parents Don't Want Me To Leave (forced relocation)

I could tell this morning they don't want me to leave. 

They are being forced into giving me an eviction notice. 

I could tell earlier with my Dad, and that someone was already telling him what was going to happen if I chose to go to OSU, and what they had in store, and I could tell this morning with my Mom.

They don't look happy and today they are going to see the horrible Middleton-connected French Jew, the one who is married to the U.S. Post Office worker that I met at their house.  They tortured me at their own house and then observed me while it was happening until she said let's move where it's not so hot, or something like that.  They knew, and they have some kind of a control over my parents.  She is the one who is an elementary school teacher and they both got all of this support from CIA-Virginia people when I criticized them.

I noticed because this supposedly "protestant", "born-again", christian show, The 700 Club, put out all of this shocking shows that referenced them and were insulting me and my parents right after.  That was when I knew The 700 Club does things for CIA and I checked on my intuition to see if I was right.   I didn't know if they were in a location near the CIA or not so I had to check.  When I checked, I found I was correct.  They were right next to the CIA, in Virginia.

Some of the things "protestants" have done have been so shocking I hardly care to go to church at all.  Chris Dabney told me he was raised Catholic and then he drinks and sleeps around so why should The 700 Club people know him?  They wouldn't know who he is or know him at all unless he is also connected to the CIA.  The 700 Club put on an entire show with 2 staff to re-enact something about torture in North Korea (international matters of interest to CIA), and they looked and acted, by mannerism, exactly like Chris Dabney and Nikki.  There wasn't anyway to mistake it.

This morning I was told the reason for the notice was because of my "swearing" which I said I wouldn't do, but they know I have things going on and that it doesn't just "go away".  I also know they wouldn't force me out over this.  We both made lists of things we'd do or try to do, and I have failed with 1 of the things:  swearing.  Big deal.  I said, "I know there are about 3 things you haven't done since your own list was made."  I didn't say it to be pointing a finger but to because I knew that this wasn't why I was being forced to leave.  I know they would never give me a notice to leave when they don't want me to leave and when, aside from this, I've not followed 1 thing on the list when they've not followed 3-4 things.  I said, "Do you still have the list?" and she said she didn't know, that yes, she thought so, somewhere.  I said, "Well look at that list.

She said, "It will give us peace of mind."  No, it has nothing to do with that because I can tell they don't want me to leave because before I showed up, torture agaist them was worse, and if I go, it will be the same thing again.

The whole "peace of mind" is being thrown back to me from Dabney.  Guess who knows Dabney?  This new pastor who came over from Seattle.  How would the 20+ year military career man know Chris Dabney if he is just a "pastor from Seattle, WA"?  Chris Dabney lives in Washington D.C. and he is not Will Wagler. I have never confused the fact since I've been back to Oregon and looked at Will's facebook.  This career man pastor, Kevin Bolls, had a sermon and I was given a CD copy of it, and it was something from before he was at this church.  It was premade somewhere, ahead of time.   He had a man's voice in the background, and sighs and mannerisms, that were exactly like Chris Dabney's.  Chris is supposedly born and raised in Virginia, with a Catholic background.

So how would this "protestant pastor from Seattle, WA" happen to know Chris Dabney and how he sounds (which is unique and not like any man, and the sighs and expressions were all the same on this pastor's tape) unless he knows him or someone told Bolls about him.  Apparently, not only this military pastor (who is clearly involved in torture of my parents), but Mark (the FBI truck driver who is U.S. Army) and The 700 Club people know who Dabney is.  700 Club is based in Virginia where Dabney was born and raised.  Mark was military and FBI-connected and knew Dabney.  That means, either the 700 Club knows Dabney because he grew up in Virginia, or because of FBI, CIA, or military employ there.  It also puts Kevin Bolls in proximity to Dabney through the U.S. military.  And who knew Dabney as well?  Well, James Cartwright, The Chief of Strategy for the Pentagon at that time.

Chris Dabney works for the U.S. government government in some capacity but it's not disclosed.  So whatever he is doing aside from "bartending" or waiting tables, is connected to the Department of Justice.  His computer friends who came over all the time and wanted me to wait on them, were employees of the Department of Justice in the computer division.  One of them stole all my cell phones from me.  Dabney's Jewish girlfriend (which he acquired later) was a computer major and she may have also been an employee of the Department of Justice.

My mother never used the expression "peace of mind" and I've never used it with them either.  I used it with Chris Dabney and it always came up after that.

I think Kevin Bolls wanted to include what sounded like Dabney in the background of his tape to win my approval for his being in this town and taking the job (he didn't have it yet--he was a trial-interim pastor).  People thought I still had "something" for Chris Dabney, and at the time I was with my fiance I thought I still did a little but I don't trust ANY of them.  AT ALL.  However, I think the military, someone like Bolls, and/or someone connected to Bolls, who watned to win my favor or have me think he was a decent person (believing I liked or trusted Dabney in some way) wanted to have this effect of Chris in the background to imply or signify to me that they were on the same team and so to trust Bolls.  Well guess what.  Bolls tortures my parents and he and Agent Fowler worked on that together when NY FBI Fowler was sent over here about the same time.  Now, my parents had to deal with a huge trench of 20+ career military who pretend to be "pastors" at every church in this entire tiny town.  There is more military experience and research here in this town than in the entire Fort Lewis.  Basically, Bolls thought if I thought he knew Dabney, and if I liked Dabney, I would trust him when he isn't trustworthy.  I didn't say anything but he took the job.  The first thing I noticed at the services was that the people I found who were torturing my parents were the ones who were closest to him right away.  Like Pam Lewis.  When I saw Pam Lewis sitting close to him and looking triumphant when she saw me, I knew 100%, "This man is bad news".

That's when I started checking some things because he also wasn't making any sense like a normal protestant.  He was saying things about marriage and divorce like a Catholic would believe protestants believe.  It was like he was Catholic, pretending to be protestant.  So I checked on things and yes, I have never changed my mind.  I know I'm right.

Kevin Bolls, who knows Dabney, and is U.S. military, moved over here the same time that NY FBI wanted to send Agent Gregory Fowler over here.  The only reason he'd come over from NY, when I've already outlined his friendship and working relationship with former FBI Director Louis Freeh, is to cover for FBI people, like the Whittemores in NY.  Karin Whittemore, who is Canadian and whose family moved to the U.S. next to my best friend Stephanie.  She's the one who dressed up wearing what I told Christa Schneider (Department of Justice) I was going to wear.  Christa knows Dick Whittemore and Dick Whittemore knows Karin from NY.  So not only was Agent Fowler coming out here to keep tabs and wraps on that, and torture and intimidate my parents, and oversee our torture that winter while he was new to Oregon, he was doing a favor for Louis Freeh because Freeh knew what was done to me at University of Utah hospital.  Freeh knew everything.  He was from New Jersey and knew the Thebaults, whom I'd worked for and who didn't like me (I'd talked to the IRS), and he most likely knew the Bechtold family.  He is U.S. Army as well.

I am being forced to leave because of others who want me displaced and want easier access to torture my parents unnoticed.  I saw my Mom this morning and her eyes were watery and not like usual at all.  I don't mean tearing up, but watery like injured and she has huge impressions into her eyes from a few days ago.  It happened on the day that I went to the 7th day Adventist Food Bank, which was this last Tuesday, on the 2nd.  I had to wait around there and pick things up and my Mom was at the house still.  I had a bad feeling when I left so I turned around and went back and then I thought it might be okay to go so I left.  I got back and by that afternoon, he eyes were totally impressed-in deeply and black. 

My mother would also never stall on getting books for me.   It was done to help others who wanted me to fail or get far enough behind that they felt I could not get an "A" anymore.  The same thing has only been done when I was trying to appeal for my son and get things mailed out or printed on time.  I was never given documents on time and I was strung along and found out others were controlling things and controlling my mother to remind her "It's too expensive, isn't it Dicksie".

If I am not living next to my parents, they're getting Dabney torture teamsters.  This means, U.S. military, Department of Justice, FBI, and CIA.  The people who surround them here, are all federal employees.  They don't even have any "friends" that are not U.S. federal employees.  None of these people are their "friends".  They wanted to leave.  My parents wanted to leave as much as I did.  Patty is a federal employee, the pastors in town are all federal military employees, their "friends" from the Post Office/Department of Ed are federal employees..

If the 700 Club is so interested in the Post Office worker here and his French Jewish wife, and they are based in Virginia, when they go out of their way to harass us over my calling them "sleeper spies", it is very likely they are CIA.  The 700 Club put on shows featuring people that looked like and acted like Chris Dabney and then also things about this couple over here.  It sounds weird but I could point out the programs and then if you were around Dabney, or others, you'd see what I mean.  If this woman is French Jewish, and connected to Virginia, when Kate Middleton's family is part French and part Jewish, I guess this isn't supposed to reinforce the idea that the Middletons work for the U.S. at all.

I am pretty sure Chris Dabney knows the Middletons.  I would say this by things he said to me, how he acted, and that he knew the same British BBC journalist that I met and knew.  He also knows Bob Beaulieu, who is from California and supports her.

The problem with Lisa Mast now, is finding out what her California contacts are again, and then realizing this woman and her husband are not on my side.  I knew this because she knew I'd had a hole blown into my tooth and what to look for.  What I am finding it that she is connected to the Department of Justice (indirectly, as a legal secretary for the Prosecuting Attorneys here) and to someone, possibly on the East Coast, that knew what was being done to my tooth.

I hardly even feel like going to OSU now.

This has been ruined deliberately.

My parents are right.  I can't probably go on-campus there and they will only let me get an English degree if I do at some point.  I was going to make that 1 year down the road but now that I see what's already been done to me, they are right about how OSU will not work out.

I am filing another petition for Habeas Corpus and I am not moving until it is heard.

I know my parents don't want me to move, and I witness their being tortured and I've been tortured.  I'm not going anywhere until someone from this country respects the right to Habeas Corpus and to release of my family from a hostage situation where we are controlled in every aspect.  That Habeas Corpus is to be honored for my son as well.  I had a petition for him which was changed and altered and it was illegal.

The FBI says they want more "details" about crimes Judges have commiteed.

You are getting your "details".  I want the rest of the "details" by-the-way, for my FOIA you fuckers.

I know for a fact, too, that my Dad wanted me to have my garden and have a raspberry patch and put raspberries in this Fall.  He would never give me a notice telling me to leave, when that was something he was also looking forward to. 

The U.S. is allowing others to control my parents and to try to provoke me, and forcing them to work against me.  It is the U.S. that stole my car from me on the way to my parent's house, and who blocked my travel for 7 years.  It is the same U.S. that is trying to sabotage my garden plans after knowing I was signing up for OSU with a plan for horticulture or for my garden in addition to English.  They have forced my parents into making decisions that have nothing to do with what they want or what is best for me or my family. 

This country is corrupt and the FBI has continued to attempt to sabotage and redirect everything I do.

I'm not saying there are not problems or that I am perfect or they are, but the U.S. and people connected to U.S. authorities who have tried to ruin my life and continue to try, are the ones running what is happening.  I know this for a fact.

And no, I don't care at all about Chris Dabney or any of those people.  Criminals over here have shown up thinking I might care about Alvaro or Dabney or someone, and hope to gain my trust by having me think we're all on the same team.  I am not on their team and I will never be on the U.S. Federally-Funded-Rape-Team.  I will never be on the U.S.-Federally-Funded-Torture-Team. 

Right now, as it stands, the U.S. wants to drive me out of the country and then the FBI wants to throw up a little "disclaimer of refusal to investigate crimes and torture" by claiming ONE email someone sent to "send details about crimes by Judges" was all they had to do to comply with the law.  They said this to mock me, because they sent it right after telling me to see "the health department".  So it was mockery.  They also have enough facts to investigate and know it.  I have been asking for years.  But they want to use one email like that to send to internationals and claim they were willing to investigate and I didn't send them the "details".  So they are going to get the fucking "details" and then we are going to watch as they do nothing about another valid complaint.

Not only that, the FBI has committed crimes on their own.  They refused to provide FOIA to me after they committed the crime of altering my testimony and tampering with a witness when I was trying to provide information about midconduct by FBI.  They did not just fill in gaps, they changed my testimony.  In addition to this crime, they bribed Portland PD.  It is against the law for any federal agency to bribe another agency to drop a report or case against their agency employees.  The FBI in Portland bribed Sgt. Austria to drop the case by sending in a half-baked report and not allowing me to make my statement.  Then he was promoted to Head of Murder department.  Sgt. Austria is guilty of crimes by altering my testimony, a felony.

The FBI is the group trying to move me away from my parents.

They are also guilty of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress.  They knew it would be distressing to me to sign up for college and count on my books being ordered on-time.  They knew it would set me behind and of course they know I swear if I am extremely distressed.  They wanted to provoke this distress deliberately and then to slam me with an eviction notice to further my distress.  They knew giving me a notice to leave, unexpectedly, at this time, when they ran out of stall tactics by using or forcing my mother to stall for them, would provoke and create extreme levels of distress, and this was their intention.  Their intention was to create PTSD when they already know I have anxiety because of the crimes they have committed against me and my son.

They torture me, they take my son, and while I'm having to relive what they did to me by recounting this for video clips, which they know has already caused distress for me, they wanted to add to it.

Patty Otterbach is FBI. 

I don't know why my mother started shaking recently when I brought up Patty, but she did. I said, "If Patty is really your friend, then why has she been harassing me and going out of her way to mock me when she's driving by?"  and my mother's hands started to shake a little and then her voice quivered and halted and she looked worried and didn't know what to say.

I mean, even if I don't like Patty, most "friends" of other mother's children, do not go out of their way to mock their daughters.  The only reason Patty would have for mocking me or feeling smug about something is if A., she felt assured my own mother was against me, or B., she was assured she could use my mother against me, whether my mother liked it or not.  Probably the last 5 or 6 times I've seen Patty, she has acted this way towards me but it was much more pronounced than usual on Thursday.  I thought, "She is gloating over the fact that I don't have my books and that something else bad is going to happen to me."  She looked like she couldn't wait for me to find out what was next.

So when I asked my Mom this, then I thought it was even stranger that my Mom got nervous about it.  Why get nervous?  Either Patty is a friend or not.  No reason to be nervous unless A., Patty is really not a friend and is dangerous and was just there and my mother is afraid of worse things happening, or B., my mother doesn't want me to know she and Patty colluded together about me and that Patty's freedom of gloating and harassing me is due to the satisfaction she feels that my own mother is against me.

It's one or the other.  Either my mother is not for me and pretends to be, or Patty is confirmed to not be a friend at all and has become more dangerous than even before.

I mean, if I'm friends with Erica Ballinger, for example, and her son Jordan keeps sticking his tongue out at me or decides to write something bad about me (even if it's true), I am not ever going to dare mock Jordan, Erica's son, because I still know, "Jordan is Erica's son".  I would know to never mock the child of a "very good friend", even if that child didn't like me.  If Erica loves her son, she wouldn't like it, and as an older woman, I would have more decency than to do that.  Any grown person knows this rule.  You don't mock the children of your friends, even if the children don't like you.

The only time someone would think or feel they could freely mock the children, is if they are really not friends at all with the parent or if the parent is part of mocking their own child.  These are the only possible exceptions.

So someone is lying.  Patty is not my mother's friend or my mother is not my friend.  Which one.

I know my mother is a set of twins too (which sounds really impossible, but I already know and I've done the checking on it).  So I guess it could be that one is friends with Patty and the other isn't, and one is my mother and the other isn't.  Possibly both are not friends with Patty and then just one is my mother, but something is wrong with the whole "Patty" situation.

Patty was telling my mother years ago, not to pay for a lawyer to help me get my son back.  First Barbara Greenman (Portland FBI) was telling my mother to send me a note saying she didn't love me anymore and to never have contact with me again.  It was specifically Barb Greenman.  The same woman who had her friend from California come out to see me sing.  Barbara Greenman is FBI and so is her husband. I was told to remove any mention of her name when I first arrived, because basically, I got it right and the FBI didn't like it.  The FBI doesn't want to add "forced familial estrangement" to their list of crimes against me.  But then after Barbara, it was Patty.  Years ago, when my son was first taken from me, I was being told no one was going to help me with a lawyer (as had been promised) but that she and Patty would "pray" for me.  Instead of "Barb says I should never talk to you again" it was "Patty doesn't think you need money for a lawyer..." 

"Barb doesn't think I should ever talk to you again and I think I agree..." "Patty doesn't think you need money for a lawyer and I agree with Patty, we pray for you though."  My mother let me know Patty didn't agree with my having a private attorney.  Patty was telling my mother I could just take a public defender.  Everything that was done to me at that time, was at Patty's "advice" which was bad advice.  Patty made sure I did not have a lawyer for my case with my son.  If Patty was actually on my side and not a nuisance or trying to ruin my life, specifically, for someone, she would not have been telling my parents not to help me with a private attorney.  It was Patty this, Patty that, and Patty everywhere when my parents were separated.  Now she denigrates my Dad and calls him "Bobby".  When she takes my Mom out on walks with her, my Dad gets depressed and acts worried.  My mother even said a couple of times, "Stay with Dad" and then I saw my Dad getting upset and I figured it's because he knows Patty is bad news and worries about my Mom. 

She also made sure I did not have assistance from my parents in any way, but she told my mother to let me know she was "praying for me".  Patty's "prayers" are like a stick of dynamite in the heart of God.  Oh, oops.  Where did God go?  Anyone know what happened to God? 

She goes into my parents house and sets the entire house up with voodoo-witch stuff.    She moves things around, touches things, and does psychic witch-trap stuff to the entire house.  She's been in my house uninvited as well.  When I insulted Patty for being a Jew or her hair, I then saw photos someone had taken of my mother with my Mom's hair messed up like Patties and my mother looking totally terrified and standing in a corner against a Coca-Cola sign (Raul Bujanda's trademark, FBI). I found those photos on my mother's laptop when she didn't think I would be looking.  So she was punished for my insulting Patty about being Jewish or having "Jewish hair".

The FBI sets me up to be controlled by Barbara Greenman, who counsels my mother to ruin my life, and then Patty Otterbach, who made sure I lost my private attorney and that I lost my son as well.

When I asked about Debbie Sweetwater-Burt, I was told she is Catholic.  That was years ago, before the Catholic thing had become a big issue, because my parents moved to Coquille, Oregon before I had problems with the monks, or before it got worse.  So I was told Debbie was a Catholic then, no problem, and then later, after people know about my reservations (for good reason) I was told, "she's a christian" and "She's not Catholic."  My mother wouldn't lie and tell me she was Catholic when my own mother didn't even know back then why I would ask or that I even had reservations--she had nothing to hide and didn't think it would be an issue for a friend to tell me either.  So how does Debbie go from Catholicism to 'christian, always a christian" over 7 years time?  I mean, by the time I showed up in Oregon, then everyone knew it was a potential issue for me, but not 7 years ago.

Again.  Which one is it?  Patty is my not my mother's friend? or my mother is not my friend?

I guess recently I mentioned this girl my Dad hangs out with but with my mother, and how I was used for MKUltra research as a kid and sexually assaulted and raped.   The only thing my Mom didn't like was that I said I want my son back and I know she didn't like what I wrote about her sister.  The FBI and others already wanted to force me out though.   That's unless they're wanting to move someone else in closer to my parents without my noticing.

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