Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Song Today: Kathleen and Lamentations (nails)

(Update: When I listened to it play from the webcam, it starts with "dime, one salty dime". Then I played it on my movie cam and someone, somehow backed it up to "one salty dime, one salty dime" but that's not when it started recording on my side. Then I played it again, after noticing this sudden "addition" the recording, and now the "dime" part before "one salty dime" is gone, like it was cut. So my recording is being altered. I'm going to upload a link of it, as I heard it played back to me the first time. One salty dime is what the State of Washington owes me, and now that is with interest and liability for torture, crime, and kidnapping. Actually, I don't care. I'll just play it with the extra split seconds. It doesn't change the facts of U.S. torture)

Here is the link:

(I put this link up and then at 12 noon the U.S. began torturing me, with technology effects to my left ear. I now have someone, at 12:12, trying to ruin and alter the format of the lyrics. I just checked the formating and it's all screwed up on the view, so listening to the song is better. I'll save the format elsewhere, of the lyrics side by side). I now have someone deliberately messing with my MS Word again. This happened for several days, and then it quit after I videotaped what was happening. Now as of 12:45, after repeatedly altering things while I typed on Blogger, someone is making it impossible for me to use MS Word.)

I had an interesting thing just happen. I turned on the radio and was just going to listen to music. I didn't have another plan and didn't think I would be singing and recording myself. It was one thing and then the next...

So I heard this piano music and suddenly felt a song coming, or wanted to sing, and I hit record on the video cam in case it was decent. I was going to sing along with the song even though I didn't recognize the song or know the name of it or the lyrics. Since I didn't know and had been thinking of lamentations, I grabbed my Bible that was there at Lamentations and opened to a section and sang sort of with, and over it. As soon as it ended, my plastic bag of nail clippings which I had saved as evidence of effects of torture, fell onto my Bible. The same bag of nails that popped up when I saw this man in front of me on the bus, being tortured, "...only a remnant". I had taken it out of my Bible the other day and set it on top of something. I hadn't put it back into the Bible and I don't even know where it fell from bc I wasn't paying attention and my counters were a mess, but at the end of the song, my nail clippings fell down into the center of Lamentations.

I sang what was right there, and then when it ended I clicked off and checked to hear enough of the first lyrics. I could only make out the first part, so I looked it up and found it was a song called "Kathleen" by David Gray.

I will upload it later, with the scripture verses I sang over it, from Lamentations. The words I used to sing over it were Lamentations 4: 1-2, 4:7-12.

Then the nails fell.

The other weird thing that happened last night was I got home from the store after telling shopping. I am not "like this" but for some reason yesterday, when this store clerk took skin with the "sweets" sticker off of an onion I bought, and tossed it, I said, "Could you give that to me please?" and she said what. I said, "The sticker you just threw away. I want it, it's for my son." So she lifted up this trash sack and it was on the top of paper and she said, "this?" and I said, "Yes, that." She picked it up and tried to give it to me and I said, "Just put it in one of the bags." She looked at me and I said, "Choose a bag". I said, "Just choose any one of those bags." So then she put it in one of the sacks. I thought that was one of the weirder things I've done.

So then I was thinking about the plum sauce Lorraine had made me dig out of the bottom of a dumpster. It wasn't on the top of a sack of clean paper. I mean, it was in the middle of a huge black sack of rotting garbage and at the bottom of a huge dumpster. She wanted the jar for the plum sauce they had used. I kept my mouth shut then even though it was one of the worst things she asked me to do. I didn't argue or say anything. I just did it.

I was thinking about her plum sauce and then thinking about "the plum line". I got home and while I thought about this, having just put 2 plums into my refrigerator, at the bottom of the box, after I'd put all the vegetables away, was a plum colored line of sauce, from me going straight out in a straight line in a direction. It was plum colored and thick like plums. The sauce was from strawberries that I had picked up though, organic strawberries that said "good" on the package and had some mold. The brand is "Berry Good". I had cut off the mold where it was and saved some for a sauce and the others for fresh use and the dripping from the moldiest ones made the line.

I thought, "THAT is weird." I was just thinking about what the meaning of "the plum line" was. And there was a plum colored line, right after I put 2 plums into my fridge. One is "Sweet Pluot" (product of USA, #3278) and the other is (4040, USA-E-U) with an accent mark over the E.

I had washed out the container that the strawberries were in, cleaned them up and put them back into the package and it had vents and this is where the juice leaked out from. They were up above some of the other things in this box I had and had dripped down and then ran in a straight line.

The sticker I asked the store woman to give to me says:

Hermiston SWEETS 4670 USA Certified Sweet. (and there is a beaker glass next to it that says something but I don't know looks like "NoL with 2 dots or something above the bottom line for the L".

I just looked up where these onions are from and it's from a place called River Point Farms. On the site the sticker is purple but the one I have is red, yellow, and blue and white and then has the beaker to the left with something. Anyway. It's not something I'd normally do but I knew she had thrown it out for a reason and it bugged me and for some reason, while I would never care about such a small thing normally, ever, I felt there was something to keeping it and wanted her to put it back into my bag. I let her choose which one.

So first it was that, which made me think about how I had done something similiar to what Lorraine did, and then I was thinking about plum sauce and then plum line and then an hour later I was putting plums in the fridge and at the bottom of the box was a plum (colored) line.

Very coincidental. So as I was saying, when yesterday morning I randomly opened my Bible to a verse about "teach a lament" and wondered what that was, it was full circle to then randomly open my Bible again last night and land on "Lamentations".

Um, the nails dropping onto my Bible after I sang lamentations over the Kathleen song, was a little spooky. They dropped out of nowhere, I didn't notice where they had been, and fell into the center of where I was reading and singing from Lamentations.

People are being tortured in the United States of America.

I'll try to write out the lyrics from the Kathleen song and what I ended up singing over it at the same time. It wasn't planned. It was 100% spontaneous. I didn't even know what verse I was going to sing next. I sang a section, skipped over a couple verses and then sang again. So it was a suprise to me when I listened back on it and then looked up the lyrics to this other song. The only other effect that ended up being recorded was a little "ding" that was from one of my video clips that finished processing through "Movie Maker" and it dings right after the word, "princes". I guess right at before "brighter" (their princes were brighter than snow) So that's from my movie maker program that was running, not from the radio or other effect.

I heard the piano and tried to turn on the cam but it was full so I had to spend time deleting a file and then recorded and it picks up from,

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