Friday, October 5, 2012

The Black London British Before Alvaro

I was met by black British(who told me they were from London) after I was assaulted by the Nigerian woman and forced into a hotel.    Then when I met Alvaro, I was met with all these Colombians talking about UK British things.  British were around me, and I had a feeling Alvaro had something to do with Toronto, Canada too.

Also, later, it was a British man with a fiance in a zippered-down dress that was there when I was supposed to marry Alvaro. It was Middleton. Middleton, Middleton, Middleton. Well, it was royalty and then also Middleton Middleton Middleton (and Mossad Mossad Mossad).

The U.S. and UK colluded against me and my son.

It was, apparently, Katie's little "Sparkle" team.

Who produced that movie?  Oh yeah.  A jew.

Then in Tennessee there were all these Commonwealth islanders moving into the women's shelter to spy on me, and I am not kidding.  The Katie Krew from The Kislands.

Then, how cute! we see Rhianna riding around in a golf cart with Oprah, after Oprah's been chummy with Fergie in California.  Black Brits with Black US citizens connected to the Torture Team.



I hope you are completely erased from your position and that your family is erased from history as being great people and that your criminal background is always attached to your family name.  Middleton.  Criminals.

God damn your family.  God damn the Middletons to Hell.  TO HELL.

Your Daddy is an Uzi-slinging murderer and programmer.  You fucks.  Your mother is a 1st class British psychic witch with Jewish hate criminals that torture babies.   You, Katie, are a fucking sell-out and stripper.  You launder money, oversee torture, and you have inflicted torture on others.  God damn you and your sorry ass to Hell.  Your Uncle is fucking cocaine dealer and your entire family has been paying dues to the Mafia, the Italian mafia and the Jewish mafia and N. Ireland mafia...whoever you can suck up to, you suck up to.  FUCK YOU BITCH.  You bloody fucking torturing bitch.  Your entire family is a fucking SHAME to your country and you don't even belong to England.  You're a U.S. bitch.  You can't even have babies in your own country because you're too scared to.  You're a traitor.  FUCK YOU. 

YOU are fucking going to bloody HELL.  Your family has been passing out English secrets to the U.S. for decades you fucking bitch.  Your family's concept of "loyalty" is about as pure as the snot in your nose.  I have no clue what your crest  or "last minute" "arms" is, but here's my idea...wait...wait for it...wait for it...(let's say this in the kind of tone that Shirina Edwin or Lauren Hemingway would use...just a minute)...

Barrabas.  How about Barrabas for your fucking crest. 

You fucking bitch.  Your boyfriend, oh, contracted husband, is a coward.  William of Wales would rather insult and torture little boys and allow them to be tortured, than speak up for them.  He would rather not be connected to the poor or meek of the earth and prefers to take a piece of snatch from you and your drug dealing Uncle.  You are partly responsible for his demise and loss of sense. Your Dad is a fucking cop and criminal at the same time.  I mean, let's figure out which "guard" that watched Harry and William is directly connected to your fucking criminal Daddy.

Your family has passed out English secrets, played every side of the card, tortured kids, allowed torture of kids, planned RAPE of women, made dirty deals with mafia and the black market, and you traded your own country's secrets to get U.S. CIA and FBI protection. 

You are a fucking disgrace to your country.  No one in British "royal" history has danced and pranced around publicly, naked, knowing you are already a fucking public figure.  It's like you have nothing to feel victimized over so someone tries to come up with excuses for you to sue over.

You are fucking suing people over taking photos of your thighs while you play tennis, and over your naked body as you walk around nude in public.  All of your fucking lawsuits are over your pretense of humiliation over your fucking body.  You can't sue over torture, you can't sue over actual harassment, you can't sue over theft of your property.  You can't sue over defamation by multiple parties, you can't sue over a kidnapping of your child, you can't sue over being raped.  You have fucking NOTHING to sue over but to look like you have "sense to sue" you encourage your own lawsuits.

"Here I am naked!  Look at me!  take a photo!" ( aha.  now I'll sue them over taking photos of my great and fantastic body.  I hope no one notices that I worked out in the gym for months first.  I guess it's been 1 year now that I've been working out because I don't have underarm flab anymore...Yeah, it's a great time to walk around naked.)

It's not like, Kate, you are a little naked prophet walking around naked and stripped for 3 years, with no clothes and barefoot, as a sign of what is to come for your country.  Or wait.  Maybe you are and you don't even know it.  With you, England will be stripped bare.

 Good luck Charlies.

Just think about what England might have in store with you.  You have no respect for yourself and no respect for your own country.  You don't even have enough common sense to keep yourself clothed outdoors.  That is GREAT sign of intellect.  Wow.  I mean, really.  Wow.  If you can't even fucking figure out how to keep your clothes on in public, how do you think anyone will trust you to keep state secrets?  You can't even keep your fucking "secret personal parts" a secret.  You use all of your energy hiring spies to chase ME around and to torture my son, but you spend no time on preserving what little decency your own country has. 

It's not like you made a mistake.  That was a calculated move on your part.  How is it you never got naked before?  Hmmm.  Almost 6 years went by until you decided to bare it all, after hiring a personal trainer and working out for 1 year.  Oh don't notice me!  Don't um, photograph me on my vacation because I WILL BE HALF NAKED PLAYING TENNIS outdoors....and yeah, don't get excited now and climb a tree to watch me and take a photo my pets.  Oh!  Hey guys! 

This fucking bitch sets up grounds for her own lawsuits, pretends embarrassment, and then literally goes for a quick win on something stupid that she encouraged and brought upon herself.  Twice, she's sued over stupid things.

If anyone had grounds to sue, Harry did because he was indoors and thought he had a right to privacy and he had far more a right.  He didn't sue but he has "Party-Pants-Down" suing enough to gain notice.  What a great girl.  She's got pins all right.  She even has a Voodoo team putting pins into little boys like my son.  FUCKING BITCH.

You're a traitor.  Your family works for the U.S. and you actually enlisted some of them in slaughtering others.  She has encouraged people in California and elsewhere to collude against my entire family and MY OWN COUNTRY TORTURED ME AND MY SON


The FBI gave MY RECORDS to this fucking bitch.  My own country refused to honor a request of their own citizen for their records, which was to protect me and MY SON Oliver.  Over 7 years, they refused to give me records that I had a right to.  They gave my records to Kate Middleton instead. 

What does this say?

It says the fucking bitch is working for the U.S., not England.

On my son's blood, my blood, and my son's poisoning--FUCK YOU BITCH

God damn Kate Middleton and Her Family and All connected to her, including the U.S. FBI.  They broke my hand over this bitch, and the FBI gave Kate Middleton my records when she had no right to them, and I, as a citizen, am the one who had a right to them.  My son Oliver was tortured by his own country and his own FBI officials.  My son was tortured as I was raped, for the fucking Middletons.  The United State of America is guilty of treason.  And Katie fits right in as the perfect traitor of her own country.  Just as she stripped, so will England be stripped of all their pride and secrets.  The U.S. got their woman into the position they groomed her for and killed Diana over.  Fuck you Middleton.  You fucking Mossad bitch.
The stack of bills says "$10,000" across the top.  Let's get a closer pic.  Notice the word above?  It's federal money, U.S. federal welfare that supported the fucking Middletons.   Hmm, no, I think that's good enough.  The word at the top is "federal".  U.S. federal.  That's their star.  Katie the Mossad replacement for the Diana Muslim.  If she parties enough, she doesn't seem so Jewish or French.  How much of the money from the assassination went to the French Middletons? 
Let me see now.  How do you make a shadow dance?  still trying to get ahead of your cloud of depression?  Fuckers.  You're going to jail.

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