Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Heidi from San Diego/Chicago--Criminal In Our House

This horrible woman is at my parent's house.  I knew there was something wrong with her before I ever met her and said earlier today, "I don't think I am going to visit with you when Gardenia is here."

Gardenia is not my favorite cousin.  She got possessive of Granny when I was in Cashmere and Granny was always talking about me instead of her.  So she started visiting Granny more, around the time Granny said she wanted to make me her trustee.

In the meantime, Gardenia went off to Australia and to Italy, and then most recently has been living in San Diego, California.

I'm not friends with Gardenia.  My Dad knows this.  But this other woman, wanted to get into our house I guess and suggested Gardenia take a trip over here and that they stay in my parent's house overnight.

She's not a good person.  She is a criminal.  I say she is a criminal, based on the fact that I just now caught her attempting to intimidate my parents with a comment she made as I went out the door, after I insulted her.

Before I went to the door, she saw me on the porch and made this huge deal about scratching under her arm where I've photographed I have the rash.  So before I saw her face to face, and she saw me out the window, she was trying to make something out something.  She did this, dramatically, on her side that faces the window which is right next to the front door. 

Then I was in the house and I caught her staring at me with outright venom and hate.  This is before I had said anything to her at all or asked her about herself other than to say Hi, and then I was asking where I should put the gift I had for my son, and the pumpkins.  So why should this woman care what I had for my son?  I was told by Gardenia, "Oh, it's going to be a week before I'm in Cashmere, so I hope the pumpkins will be good still," and I was asked about anything I had inside of the package.  There was nothing to worry about aside from the pumpkins, and I said, "They should be fine for a week shouldn't they?" and I had brought in 2 large bags of them and my mother said, "What's in this one?" and looked and I said, "Pumpkins" and then I said, "Well, if it's going to be awhile, maybe I should just give him a couple of them, just in case."  As I was looking at the pumpkins and then looked up, I looked back too quickly for this woman "Heidi" to change her expression and she was staring at me with hate, and like she was pissed to think I was only going to send a couple of pumpkins along with them.  So I thought, "Why should she care how many pumpkins I send with them to give to my son?"  Why would she be happy if I'm sending a bunch of pumpkins with them and not happy if I don't--why should it matter to HER at all?   I was shocked to see level of vicious hatred she had for me, and I've never met her but she hated me.  So she is connected to someone that feels I am a "threat" to their climbing the ladder or exposing them for crime in some way.  There isn't any reason to hate me arbitrarily, to that degree.  The only reason someone does, is if they're trying to do favors for someone and are worried it's not working out the way they want, or if they still hate someone for exposing something, or view them as a threat still.  Why should she have this kind of hate, over how many pumpkins I send over either?  I'd send more than 1/2 of them over, if I didn't think this bitch would take 1/2 of them to California with her.  Judging by her reaction, when I said I'd send 1 or 2, she has a major personal problem.  She looked capable of full-blown murder in that moment.  This is why I decided to ask more questions, because of her odd reactions to me.

She is from San Diego, California.

So I wasn't even going to see them at all tonight, but I had things to give to my son, so I went over.  She did this when I was at the door.  Then I asked how they met and it's through a gym supposedly.  Most people have more in common than the gym (you'd hope), so I asked if she went to college and she said she did, in Chicago, Illinois and I asked what her major was and she said business.  (She said she was from Chicago, Illinois and met her husband and then had 2 girls, one 12 and one 16 and they divorced and then she and her other partner have been together 10 years, with 6 of them in San Diego, California.)  Then she said she had been interested in criminal justice, but switched.  Her story was all over the place.  She talks like a cop and has the demeanor and mannerisms of a cop.  I would NEVER picture her in an office.  I can see her in the gym, and working as a cop.  After she said she was interested in criminal justice I said, "Well you sound more like a cop."  I didn't mean that as an insult, it was just true.  Then she said, "Well I did work a couple of years in Customs (U.S. Customs) with is Border Patrol." 

I said, "Well that makes sense."  Then my parents, who mistakenly thought I had been trying to insult her told me go out,  really told me to go out. 

Prior to this, Gardenia said, "What about you? you were going to college and you liked it didn't you?" and I said, "Yeah, and I'm in school now."  She said, "Oh!" and then I added,  "But I liked being a Mother more."

That's when they stopped talking and this woman said she worked for "customs".  So I said sarcastically that this explained why she sounded like a cop, and I was going out the door when she made this comment to my Mother that she knew my Dad (sitting in the next room) could overhear.    She said, drawing out the word "delicious", "Mmmmm.  This is delicious" as I had already opened the door and was walking out.  I closed the door and then turned around and opened the door and said, "This is 'delicious'...Yeah.  That's what my son was saying when he was throwing up in CPS visits.  Why don't you investigate THAT?  Bitch."  and I walked out.

She is a definite bitch.

The whole thing about "delicious" was a signal from her to my parents about what horrible things people she knows, have done to my son and forced him to eat and then say repeatedly:  "This is del-ishh-ious!"  repeatedly, in CPS visits.  Repeatedly.  No one in the family uses that word.  Not the Avilas, not Granny and Grandpa, and I never did.  But he was coached to say this and use that word over and over and over, as he was coming in smelling like permanent hair solution and throwing up violently on other occasions.

I hope this 'delicious' bitch is t-boned in a massive car wreck.

Why would she think she could make this comment to my family, knowing what it implies?  What is she trying to suggest exactly?  that if I am rude to HER, my son is going to suffer? 

When I walked into the house, I knew something was wrong because my Dad looked like he was in "hostage" mode, in the other room.  He said nothing and made no expression--I could just tell. This woman is a criminal.

So if Gardenia couldn't stop talking to her, they must have picked Gardenia apart psychologically, to figure out how to get another criminal cop involved with or close to the family.  They've wanted proximity for ruining people, and nothing more.

1.  She wanted to create a reaction by what she was doing from the window.
2.  She didn't want me to see how much she hated me, but I caught her.

After these 2 things, seeing that she was deliberately acting to provoke a response or 'let me know' she was trying to insult me, combined with a desire to withhold from me how much she hated me (and I don't even know her) means there is something wrong with her.  She's a passive-aggressive criminal.  Then last thing she was doing, was reinforcing the fact she is a passive-aggressive criminal, by saying something as I was leaving that she knew me and my parents could hear, which refered to crimes against my son.  She did it in a way to escape detection, by making a casual comment that meant nothing to most, but which she knew we would understand as a threat.

She is therefore trying to position herself with intimidation and insults, while even attempting to disguise the level of hatred with which she has for my family.

This, in addition with her interest in "criminal justice", and her "cop-demeanor" makes it likely to me that she is capable of violence and of inciting violent crimes against others, including children.  She is a criminal.  She is also living in the same area that "Don", one of the FBI S.A.s lived in--San Diego.  Moving from Chicago to San Diego is an FBI thing to do, not a "change of scenery" move.

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