Monday, December 31, 2012

Communications & Power Tampered (electricity and internet accounts)

I was told it would take 24 hours to get the code to access my primary account and now I am being told I have to do all of the following.  I've included the text of the message below.  I can't access any of my account information or contacts, and I can't check my mail.

Not only that, my parent's had no hot water last night even though all the breakers or electrical outlet things were switched on and all day today I've been freezing because my electricity was powered down to almost nothing.  I was only able to keep one space heater running and it was running at less than half-power.  I could see my breath freezing in the air.  After my Dad came home, when he did, it suddenly went back up to full power as he was driving by.  For the last week however, each time he's driving by, it's some kind of horrific energy field, the kind used to torture all of us with, that is surrounding his truck so it looks like he's being targeted wherever he goes.  Then I told my Mom about it when she got home and she said, "How can your heater be powered down to half?"  I said it was.  So then I turned it off, so I could heat tea in the microwave.  If I try to use a microwave even, along with 1 space heater running, my power gets shut off.  I mean, it's nothing to do with the way this place is wired.  My parents have the same problem at their house, and it's a nice house.  So then there was no power running for anything in the house until I was hitting power for a cup of tea.  It wouldn't run like normal.  It was running at less than half-power again.  So after over 5 minutes on "high" it wasn't even lukewarm.  It was tepid.  So I waited and waited and the power didn't return to full power, for one item in my entire house--the microwave.  Finally, I opened my freezer door and was going to grab a licorice cough drop and suddenly it turned on to full power.  I was so cold all day that I was unable to do anything.  I couldn't write, couldn't stay seated at a desk or table, couldn't clean or move around my place.  I had on 2 layers for pants, 2 layers socks, 4 layers of thermals and sweaters.  I had my space heater on all night, and because it was powered-down, it was cold in the morning and then got worse.

This is the kind of thing that was done to the batteries of cars I was driving.  I almost died.  In 2003, 3 different vehicles that I drove were being powered-down to lose full power.  They weren't powered-down to lose less than half-energy, they were instantly powered-down to lose total electricity and battery power.  This meant I was driving along the freeway, and it was always freeway, and never country back-roads, and all of a sudden, in a split second, my car had no power.  This was as dangerous as losing brakes.  When it happened, it took about 2 minutes for my cars to go from 65 mph to 10 miles mph and then stop.  It was full-blown deacceleration and it didn't give you 15 minutes to think about what to do.  It was instant, and I almost died.  I was nearly hit and in major car accidents dozens of times  It was done to my vehicles when I was at about 65 mph, or standard top freeway speed, and within 1 minute, I was in the middle of fast traffic at 30 mph and slowing to less than 10 mph, being forced to roll to a stop wherever I could.  It happened on dangerous corners, and it happened while I was surrounded by traffic.  I had to  steer my car (which had zero power) to the middle lane and then the next lane, or however many lanes I was over, to get to the shoulder of the road, where my car would roll to a stop.  I've described having power drained from my battery (to the cars) before, but in case someone thought it was just bringing the speed down a little, no.  It was turning off everything in my car, to bring it to an instant zero-power state.  So it wasn't like I lost battery power and my car slowed down from 65 mph to 30 mph and I was just not able to keep up with traffic or get hit.  My cars were having the power shut down completely, in the middle of fast-moving traffic.  The only way I could steer to the side was from the momentum of the speed I had been driving at, and it doesn't last long.  Try it.  Get up to 65 mph and then pull the plug on your car (if you can).  How long does it take for you to be in danger.
?  I don't think it's possible.  I don't think you can turn off your ignition while driving, and putting on the brakes isn't going to show you how fast it happens.  If you have a car that you can forcibly stall and turn off by switching into wrong gears, you might be able to get your car to shut down.  It wasn't just one car.  This was state-sponsored criminal activity against me.  It happened to 3 different vehicles I owned.  I cannot underestimate how it was very seriously a death wish by the state, and how dangerous it was.  I should have been in an accident and I should have been potentially fatally wounded.  When that didn't happen, then I got hit by a planned attack of hit-and-run.

We recently received a request to recover your Microsoft account Unfortunately, we were unable to verify your ownership of this account using the information you provided. Microsoft takes the security and privacy of your personal information very seriously, and we are committed to protecting the personal information of customers. We have taken the additional step of blocking your account until we can verify you as the account owner. This will prevent any further use of the account, and protect you from any possible malicious activity.
Please submit a new account verification formAt this point, your best option is to submit a new form with as much accurate information as you can gather. The more information you can include in the form, the better the chance you’ll have of regaining access to your account. We’ve included a few tips below to help you fill out the form as completely as possible.
> Submit a new form
Helpful tips for filling out another form:
  • Answer as many questions as you can.
  • Use the information you provided when you created the account, or last updated it.
  • Submit the form from a computer you frequently use.
  • You will be asked to list recently used email addresses and the subject lines from recent emails. Ask for help from family members, friends, or business contacts to confirm their email addresses and tell you the subject lines of the last three emails they sent you.
  • Make sure to use the correct domain for your account, such as,, or Keep in mind that your email address may be country specific. For example, if you created your account in Sweden, your domain would be “” rather than “”.

> Submit a new form
Thank you,
Microsoft Support Team
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052

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