Monday, December 31, 2012

Dr. Bousman: The Obstetrician Who Delivered Me

I thought the doctor who delivered me was named Bousen/Bouson/Bowson but it was Bowsman/Bousman.

If this is the same man, he's about 66, and is Ronald Bousman.  He went to Iowa Medical school,, which, in 2001 (a very lucky year for Katie Middleton, in oh so many ways) renamed their college after a huge donation by The Carver family.  In 2007 they did some business surrounding a Bridgestone tire company and buy-out.  They sold their share and it became Bridgestone.
They've come into new money as well, and are building a huge new complex and naming it "PappaJohn". (Under construction is the Pappajohn Biomedical Discovery Building scheduled for completion in 2014, which will add approximately 250,000 gsf of research space.)

I think this is a photo of him, where he's practicing now, at St. Vincent's.  There is a discrepency between the middle initial "E" for the first link I listed, and "L" for this link, as he's listed, but the rest of the biographical information matches.  If true, he went to Ventura, California to do a residency, which is the same place where I think "" is very popular, like so many other Lynda Carter/Kate Middleton things.  Here is our magic match, which confirms this is the doctor:
For whatever reason, he decided to hightail it out of Wenatchee instead of extending his practice to 2019.

Haha, I wrote, here is our magic match and across the lawn, I can see into my parent's house and they hugged and kissed in front of me.  They are, I guess, the real magic match, but for confirming who is who, I think I found the OB that delivered me.  I recognize the lawyer David J. Bentsen there in the awards notice.  He was always following me, and observing me and was new to town.  I never got the impression that he liked me.

It appears Ronald Bousman, if married to a "Jane" Bousman, has a house in "Surprise, Arizona", on Lagos, which is a diagonal 1/2 hour to Phoenix, Arizona.
The house assessment is from 2009, according to this link.  He lives next to a Salvatore Giammona and I find someone from Medford, New Jersey for "Magic of Salvatore" and that he's a professional ski instructor.  Oh, but it's with a t and not a d, so let me check.  There's a Salvadore F. Giammona on Willow St. and in San Jose, CA.  Another neighbor lives in Pennsylvania and Gaithersburg, Maryland, Hugh David Ellington:  Gaithersburg is inbetween Germantown (where I lived with Alvaro) and Rockville (where Lynda Carter lives).

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