Sunday, February 3, 2013

Illegal Adoption of Refugee Oliver Garrett

Children who are refugees cannot be adopted by the enemy.  Oliver was illegally taken from me after I asked for political asylum in Canada.  Canada lied and said I was arrested for not leaving their country due to "insufficient funds".  I asked them for political asylum for me and my son, and told them we were refugees and never changed that story.  In court, I was pressured to go along with them, being told if I didn't, I would never see my son again.  The U.S. and Canada conspired to kidnap my son by creating a "false arrest".  When I went to the Iranian Embassy in Washington D.C., 3 months later, I again asked for the same thing:  political asylum.  The U.S. illegally withheld records from me to prevent me from appealing their court decision.  All decisions by the courts in the U.S. were void because the U.S. knowingly took a refugee, from a refugee mother, and held both mother and child hostage.  It is not legal for the enemy to assume "guardianship."  It is also not legal for the enemy to try any court processes with the child, or to adopt them out.

AG Maryann McIntosh can go to Hell.

This is from the UN, about illegal adoption of refugees.  It looks like I have to register my son.

Unaccompanied children are those who are separated from both parents and are not in the care of another adult who, by law or custom, has taken responsibility to care for them. As a priority in all emergencies, procedures should be adopted to ensure the survival and protection of unaccompanied children. An overriding consideration should be to try to reunite them with their families. Wherever possible, unaccompanied children should be cared for by their extended family, and when this is not possible, by neighbours, friends or other substitute families, rather than in institutions.
In response to the conflict in Rwanda and extensive regional displacement, a vast tracing programme was set up in 1994 by the International Red Cross, UNHCR, UNICEF, Save the Children and other NGOs. More than 100,000 children were registered. By May 1996, more than 33,000 of these children had been reunited with family members.

Unaccompanied children are frequently mistakenly regarded as available for adoption. Adoption permanently severs family links. Because of the difficulty of tracing children at the height of a conflict, unaccompanied children should not be considered available for adoption until all efforts to reunite families, including into the post-conflict phase, have been exhausted. This principle is safeguarded by a recommendation adopted in the 1994 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect to Inter-country Adoption.
To parents, evacuation of their children may appear to be the best solution, but this is frequently not the case. Evacuation poses a long-term risk to children, including the trauma of separation from the family and the increased danger of trafficking, sexual exploitation or illegal adoption. If evacuation is essential, whole families should move together, and if this is not possible, children should at least move with their primary caregivers and siblings. Great care should be taken to ensure that any evacuation is properly documented, and that arrangements are made for appropriate reception and care of children, for maintaining contact with family members and for early reunification. Guidelines on these criteria are supported by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, UNHCR and UNICEF.

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