Friday, March 22, 2013

Federal Sex and Rape as "Cure" for "Mental Illness" & Katies Weed Fed Friends from 14th

I am not myself in this country, and that is true, because I am tortured in this country.

The federal government, as I've said, forced me to live next to U.S. Army my entire life, FBI psychologists (who are on the record) and work for federal employees.

Then they tried to kill me, several times.

I will admit I am not myself, but I'm not mentally ill. This country medicates me without my consent and refuses to give me my own medical records now.

I have asked for my medical records, regular medical records, and I first tried again right after Alvaro Pardo left, and I was being refused all of my medical records.

The hospitals and clinics all refused to send them to me, and it was only when Alvaro was gone.

Alvaro is a fucking asshole. He worked for the U.S. the entire time he was with me, and the U.S. thinks, and tells the entire world (if needed) I am fine, but only as long as I'm fucking a federal agent or being raped by one.

So after I write about all of the psychic shit in the town I live in now, which is overrun by feds, I'm detailing every single rape by federal agents and officers.

It means I'm detailing what I told the FBI S.S.A. Bujanda and Garza did to me, and then anyone can read for themselves how it was twisted into lies.

I'll detail all of their penises, their marks, what they did when I told them to stop, or when I said, "I am not going to have sex with you" and I will describe exactly how many drinks I had, if any were involved, and intoxication, and the U.S. federal employees marijuana "circle" they threw me into in Washington D.C. at Chris Dabney's house, and what these federal employees said to me as they were knowingly raping me or date-raping me. Some of those same federal employees were later in on having me thrown into the Nashville mental ward for "evaluation" where I was never evaluated, and injected like a political dissident, on site.

Then we can think about whether I'm actually "mentally ill" or whether the U.S. has enough federal employees to "cover for" that they had a motive to torture me and call me "crazy" for themselves.

All of the Colombians I met, worked for the U.S. government. They had the whole thing set up to look like it was Colombian nationals, when it was all federal government employees.

If I react NOW, when I'm tortured or when the U.S. did all these things to me, but says "She's not mentally ill!" if I'm FUCKING their AGENTS, that is not "mental illness" and DRUGGING me or MEDICATING me and then quitting torture of me at the same time does not mean the "drugs worked"--it means you fucking assholes have shit to cover for and you drugged me, let people know I was drugged, and then quit torture or quit harassing me, to claim, when I calmed down, "the medications worked".

Alvaro was an employee of the United States and he drugged me the entire time I was with him. The U.S. wanted him to stay with me for 2 years so they could keep doing it, if they weren't just planning on trying to put me in prison, which is bascially what they were trying to do.

Jennifer Godfrey and Michelle Erickson, from CPS, knew Alvaro and that I was being medicated without my knowledge or consent, through him, before he ever went to Wenatchee. He was a federal fuck and a hump-and-dump where the U.S. fucked me over, with another federal agent, and hoped to put me in federal prison before I was able to disclose any details about their other agents who raped me.

Tbeir motive, was to conceal federal gang-rape and MKUltra.

The Catholic church motive was to dirty me up so no one believed my testimony against them. The Jews then involved, did it for Katie. Jews had no other motive to harm me aside from their interest in putting Kate Middleton and the Middleton family into a power position.

So first, I'll describe the psychic work, as I promised and was obstructed from with telephone and computer shut-down. Next I'm describing the federal gang-rapes, one by one, in detail, so the FBI can feel really good about themselves and their lies about my mental status.

If they threw me another federal "lion" and I fucked him, they'd be back to saying suddenly I seem to be "okay" now. If he rapes me, then they stand back and wait, and watch, and smile and smirk, and then they set things up so the minute I speak up, they are ready for me.

RAPE and then DEFAME
RAPE, then discredit by claims of "mental illness"
RAPE and she's psychotic
RAPE and now she's really psychotic
RAPE and now we're medicating her against her will
RAPE now we are destroying her

No drug or medication has ever changed my story. The only person who told me to change my story was Alvaro Pardo, for the federal government. Other FBI didn't ask me to change my story--they just changed it for me and defamed me. They drug and medicate me, hoping to change my story, or my decision to leave this damned nation, and they do it to ruin my mind and creativity. Not one time have I ever changed my story about the federal government and what they've done.

I have NEVER changed my story about the federal government.

They know this, so it's pointless to change my testimony against them, so they punish me and try to bring me down so I'm less creative and productive, to benefit them and say, "she's medicated because we said she needs it". They are falsely diagnosing me and drugging me against my will, and then the entire time, secretly torturing me and telling me to shut up and quit talking about them, and "change" and "change your story".

There is no drug or medication for "Political Asylum" eligibility.

I hope Alvaro Pardo and his children, including his boys, die. I hope all of the U.S. federal workers die with him, for what they did to me and my son.

My Dad has been going along with the U.S. about my son being taken away from me. He has supported the U.S. and the few times he did NOT support the U.S. (or one of the Bob twins didn't support the U.S.), there was nothing he could do. There are twins so it is possible one of the Bobs has kids of his own. And one of the Dicksie's has kids of her own. I am the child of only one of these sets of twins, if I'm their child on both sides. One Bob could have tried to kill me. For the U.S. One of the Dicksie's, could have arranged or wanted me to be killed at some time in the past too.

That doesn't mean both sets of twins have tried to kill me or would consent to horrific government things being done to me. One of the twins had a daughter and she was taken away from them, and I think the U.S. forced them to do it in the first place. She was being "programmed" the exact same way I was as a kid.

The U.S. was programming her. Even how she had a feather and trailed it around everywhere, and played with a dog with it that way--that is what I used to do. I found feathers in our yard all the time and I had few toys to play with so you have to get creative. They were trying to create, this government, a replica of me. Then they traumatized my parents by taking her away from them and having her move to another state.

One of the Bob's has always wanted to take my son from me. He thought it was tradition and what should be done, and that I was incapable of raising my son the way this government wanted. Which is true, because I don't go along with U.S. government "programming" shit. Kate Middleton seems to be compliant enough--she's having her unborn child exposed to hypnosis in the womb. Fucking unreal. I didn't read the article, so I'm not totally sure if it's true, but it was a byline that said, she was taking hypnotherapy counseling. This is with a baby that can hear everything. She's exposing an unborn baby to government garbage.
It's also a joke because I was put through attempts of "hypnotherapy" during a federal employees marijuana weed session where they tried to "birth" something from me. It was horrific and then right after, they kicked me out. Every single one of them worked for the United States Federal Government in D.C. I saw the look on this one woman's face, who told me she was taking "psychology" at a nearby University. She did this whole "guiding" through the process attempt when I started to cry because I was thinking of my son and then she tried to hypnotize me or suggest things and I let her know it wasn't working and got freaked out by that group. They started acting like they were about to have a weed orgy and I got out and stayed in the rooom downstairs. My departure, the first one to stand up and leave, was, I guess, the reason why then all then told Dabney "She has to leave and can't live here."

The entire thing was a set up by Feds and they included their mealy psychologist in it. This is after their agent raped me the first time to start with, and called me a hole. Their other employee there, who was a Marine, gave me food that was medicated, I believe, but I can't prove it and I didn't feel any different right away but I had a feeling from the way he acted and watched me. The rest of them, brought over a psychologist who was younger than me, and then had their "hookah circle" using a hooh-kuh (that's how it's pronounced (HOO-kuh). It wasn't just normal weed either and then they played this hypnotherapy game on me with weed.

So it's like Katie wants to rub in every single thing the U.S. did to harm me and try to use against me, and then does something that is similiar that she's never been kicked out over, or thrown into prison over when she's the major drug addict and dealer. I mean think about it. What better group to be involved in, to "support", than drug addicts. Get some drug addicts on your side, and you have their back-up mafias on your side, as well as the DEA and CIA. Then, if someone rubs you the wrong way, when they find out, incite all of the drug addicts to back you up on your schemes of revenge.

An army of potheads, crack addicts, heroin poisoners, oh yeah, get the doctors involved too...prescription drugs,...go international! with pure-grade hashish.

My Dad supports the U.S. Army. He supports the CIA and FBI too. Someone is torturing him and torturing us, but at some point, he was forced to work with one of the groups and sign up, informally or not. The only reason they lie is because of this, they were federal (or are) employees and sworn and beat up into secrecy. They're threatened with treason if they admit one single thing is true. So that is the blackmail this country has over my parents. If the U.S. tells my parents to encourage me to move to China, they follow orders. If they are told to harass me when I'm losing weight, they obey. If they are told to give me pills with medications I don't want or know about, they obey. They are forced to do whatever the U.S. tells them to do. They don't move, they don't leave the country, they don't even drive anywhere out of town, without the U.S. ordering it. If mafia is involved, the U.S. already knows and uses them to do what they don't have the stomache to do, but the federal government is responsible for each and every act of violence against us.

The Dad, or "Bob", that was for taking my son from me, wanted to use my son for government reasons just like the government. I don't know if his motives are national pride or interest, or what, but he didn't want me to have my son with me, because he thought I was too young and pretty and it tied me down supposedly but I think that was U.S. enforcement talk because in 1997 when I was going to be a foster parent, as a single woman, and possibly adopt one of the foster kids, they were supportive. I had paperwork mailed to me and had talked to Social Service workers about it and everything and I asked my parents for their opinion and they were supportive. I was supposed to go to a meeting in person next, after I had a phone interview. I had the phone interview and then I was given dates for meetings. So why would they encourage me to be a single parent then, and have no issues with it, but NOT want me to parent my own son later?

I think it comes down to what kind of genetics the U.S. is killing and kidnapping over. The U.S. apparently had no problem if I was to raise someone else's kid, but they were determined to steal my son from me, because they already knew he was gifted and after torturing him, they thought they could use him. All this country cares about, is them. They do not care about parental rights.

The U.S. lies and says other countries are bad for taking kids from their parents, and that is what they did with my son. They kidnapped him. The U.S. Army and Feds kidnapped my son because of his genetics and their past use of my family in federal programs. They did not care about the foster kids waiting for a placement, in 1997, or if I raised them, because it wasn't my DNA--the DNA the U.S. thinks they have ownership to, and has targeted for exploitation, abuse, programming, and uncover programs and torture. The last time they let me even talk to my son, he did something psychic over the phone, and then I knew. And that was the last time I ever heard his voice. "Oh!, it's another Bobby." Another "Garrett", another "Howard", another "Baird", with Mexican something-or-other. They flatter the Bob who thinks it's great, and can be used for the "country", and say, "He's your boy!" and make comments about my son and then they cut us all off from him and torture him and exploit him.

Some of the things they've done, have not been to use his gifts and intellect. They wanted to create a nothingness they could then reform. Break a child into pieces and try to put it together with little U.S. stickers everywhere. They took a child who knew how to count up to 20 by age 3, and instead of teaching him how to count higher, they started messing with him and told him to count out of order, to confuse him and delay his progress. Then they used this, my son, as a marker for their own predictive things later.

When my son was 1, I saw my Dad, one of the Bobs, playing with him and I knew one of them wanted to escape the U.S. It was the first time it ever crossed my mind that my parents had made an escape attempt to leave the country. I felt they had tried to escape and the U.S. kidnapped them and blackmailed them to stay here. But I knew, by 2006, my parents had made an escape attempt to get out. I think there has been more than one escape attempt by one of the sets of twins, in the past. I think it is possible the U.S. forced them back to the U.S. in 1972. I think it possible they prevented us from taking a trip to Edmonton, B.C. once, where we could have left from there. We had a vacation planned and then it was blocked. I also think there was one escape attempt before 2006 and I believe the U.S. kidnapped them, punished them, and made threats.

One of the Bob's, however, seems to go along with federal work, and with the kidnapping of my son.

I'm making another post for the psychic workers in this town.

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