Monday, April 22, 2013

Ghosts Talk (photos)

This is a photo I took of something randomly arranged on my couch. I didn't arrange it. I was taking photos of myself, first for my son and then got a second wind and just having fun and then I noticed something and thought, "what is that?" so I looked and saw this. So I took a picture. I'll put up photos of me later from that night (last night).

I have no message in posting it. I just thought it was coincidental, or a little strange. Anyway, I will post a few of me from several days ago with no make up on and then some from last night. This webcam makes me look about 10x worse than the other webcam I had--I think it takes pretty bad photos, but I tried my best! I mostly took them with the idea of for my son and then sometimes, in taking a bunch of photos all at once to get a good one, I ham it up.

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