Sunday, April 21, 2013

Human Rights Is The Jar (copy of my paper)

I'm taking one class that is "easy" and not the type I'd sign up for usually but I needed to fill a slot. My paper was to be about my time management and what I can do to improve it. The assignment was for a personal reflection so it's fairly informal. My argument is that there is nothing I can do to be successful, if the framework that allows me to succeed is not in place. If my rights are not respected, there is no possible way for me to think about how to organize or plan more. I already know how to organize and I am a perfectionist. What this country has done is torture me, obstruct my travel, blacklist me, and have federal agents date-rape me to PREVENT me from being organized. THEY want to be the "Organized Criminals". Mitt Romney's claim that England's olympics were "not very organized" was basically giving some of them a pass on their organized criminal behavior. He's part of Bain and Bain invested in England so it's not like he wants to do anything to ruin the reputation of his investments. He invested in Middletons, and of course he's going to give them a backwards compliment about being disorganized, as if, like Detective Gross said about Josh Gatov, "He's too laid back to be the rapist type", England's olympics and Middletons are too "disorganized" to be calculated torturers.

Time Management by Cameo L. Garrett
(American Sociology Association citations, however, there was not a lot to be found for works referenced in other works)

Time management is something I have a revolving account with.
I have never had a fixed relationship with it in the sense of having the same schedule or plan for years in a row. I’ve had to adapt and adjust to what comes along in life, and sometimes I have been in a position where I was able to take control of every half hour of my life, and put it into a schedule, and other times events have made it impossible for me to plan ahead sufficiently. In a situation where many obstacles have come my way, and disrupted what would be an otherwise organized and orderly life, chaos has been the result.

My own tendency is to enjoy organization and I am even a perfectionist when it comes down to it; however, this is obscured by events that throw all plans out the window, and make it impossible to clean house (so to speak) or keep an itinerary as I am accustomed to. Without obstruction, I am highly organized and I would say more than the average person. I enjoy taking control of my minutes and hours and setting out plans for beating the clock and achieving as much as possible in the time I have to spend.
In my past, I have demonstrated an ability to take on multiple tasks, including lawsuits, work, FT college, exercise, and social events all at once. This changed when the federal government used employees from federal agencies to obstruct my travel and impede my lawsuits. As a result, I left the United States and made a formal petition for political asylum. Out of the assassination attempts made against me, in this country, four of them are vehicular with the same individuals involved; this is in addition to obstruction of my travel! Other related events make it impossible for me to keep my high standards in time management--at this moment, I am hardly organized but perhaps moreso than I was a couple of years ago.
My current schedule for the last week, which was not as difficult of a scholastic week, was 14 hours of study; 5 hours for meals; 6 for exercise; 5 for family; 3 random internet; 4 hours for movies; 7 for misc. personal; 4 for recreation; 30 minutes for commuting; and 68 for sleep for a combined 116.5 total hours, leaving 51.5 remaining hours for other activities.

I don't feel like I have the balance I would like to have
My son was taken from me when I left the country with him to request political asylum, so the amount of family time I have with him is zero, even if I spend time each day to write to him. If the schedule was adjusted to how it should be, were my rights respected in this country, the number of hours for family would jump from 5 hours a week (which is included an amount of time I saw my parents and wrote to my son) to 46-51 hours each week. This is a significant loss of time to me. It means 6-7 hours I would otherwise spend near my son from Monday through Friday, and around 16 hours I might be near him on the weekends, is lost every week that he is away from me. This is, ironically, the approximate amount of time I left for “other” activities when I subtract the other hours that are used each day for study, meals, sleep and other events.

What I spend this time on, rather than being with my son, is how to collect evidence against the United States for what they’ve done to my family. I also spend some of this time looking at ways to optimize health and how to start non-profits, and in attempts to get FOIA from various federal agencies that are responsible for contribution to crimes against me and my son.
Aside from not having the balance that was stolen from me by criminal contribution from the federal government, I would also organize my life differently in how I worked and studied if I did not have to deal with these obstacles. I would be squeezing in more time to study, more classes and work, and I would exercise more.

At this point, because there is nothing I can do about the loss of time from my son, the only changes that I would make for myself are to secure access to my records and contact refugee agencies that may be able to assist. I do not consider myself to be a citizen of the United States even if this is their designation of me, on paper. This country has also not respected any of my rights as a citizen, so their determination of my status is not much more than a cover.

When I left the U.S. and requested political asylum, I left behind my citizenship. Being kidnapped and dumped back into a hostile country (which is what occurred) is not the process to “repatriate” someone and my son was never a citizen (I had had his social security number revoked). So when I think about what effect changes will have on my success, I cannot think of it in terms of my personal responsibility alone; I cannot think of anything I could do differently with regard to my time management at this point, because in the midst of obstacles, I’ve tried almost everything.

I would like to have a better framework to work within, and make a list of each agency and medical facility that holds my records, and collect this information. This would eventually free up more of my time to work on college and other things as well.
Techniques given for improving timing are mentioned in Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do About It (Burka, Yuen 1983):
You have probably made some…predictions about how long some task was going to take you and fully convinced yourself it was feasible. One way to counter such wishful thinking is to compare your predictions about how long things take with what actually happens when you do them. For example, estimate how long it takes you from the time you hear the alarm in the morning to the time you leave your house, and then clock yourself. (p. 159)

I have been dealing with variables because even the right to records has been withheld from me, making a simple request that could have taken up only 1 hour of my time, stretch into multiple requests, over many years, without success.
My success, therefore, depends upon recognition of my rights.

Recognition of my rights is the jar
In the book First Things First (Covey, A. R. Merrill, R. R. Merrill 1994) time management is described as most efficient if you put the “big rocks” into the jar first, and then fill it with the gravel and the sand, and the water. The point is that if we prioritize, more can be fit into the jar.

“ With the ‘more is better’ paradigm, we’re always trying to fit more activities into the time we have. But what does it matter how much we do if what we’re doing isn’t what matters most?” (p. 88).

Therefore, it is advocated we put the “big rocks” in first. However, nothing will hold if there is not a jar to begin with. It doesn’t matter how I try to prioritize my goals if there is no supporting structure for me in the political system of the United States. If other citizens are given a jar and I am not, or if mine is destroyed by federal employees and/or their lack of enforcement of my rights, I am put at a disadvantage deliberately: it is then impossible for me to structure my life as I would otherwise.


Burka, Jane and Lenora Yuen 1983. “Learning How to Tell Time” in Procrastination: Why
You Do It, What To Do About It. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Pgs 147-165.
Reprinted in Academic Learning Success handbook, pgs. 35-50. (OSU 2013)

Covey, Stephen R., A. Rogers Merrill, and Rebecca R. Merrill 1994. First Things First:
Understand Why So Often Our First Things Aren’t First. New York: Simon & Schuster. P. 88.
Reprinted in Academic Learning Success handbook, p. 26. (OSU 2013)

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