Monday, May 27, 2013

Reporting Murder Attempt (obstructed by U.S. federal govt. for a decade)

When Mike Nichols tried to murder me, in Nevada, I was later contacted by Oregon police.

No one from Nevada police called me.  So when the incident occurred in Nevada, why wasn't I contacted by them?  Instead I had Oregon calling me, who had "nothing" to do with it?  It looks like the Oregon police actually had something to do with it because they did ask questions and said there were grounds for an investigation but then they said, "Well, he's dead." 

I later realized there were definitely grounds for an investigation, and the fact that Mike died didn't change the fact he had tried to kill me and that it has affected my entire life.

Also, how would Oregon police get involved, when Nevada police never called me, unless the FBI was involved?   Mike was connected to the other assassination attempt against me by Tony Roos and Bechtold. 

Later, people who raped me and set me up to be raped again, were connected to Mike Nichols.  It matters who his Canadian connections are as well.

And why was Alvaro Pardo telling me if I didn't marry him, learn to play cards and get a job in Nevada?  And Rick Baken, who was FBI in Nevada, just "happened" to move next to my Granny and Grandpa after Mike Nichols died, when Mike knew the Schneiders and a lot of other government-connected people like Bechtold (alone or through Lund) and Josh Gatov.

Then, I had someone try to kill me again, who was apparently Erica Ballinger's next-door neighbor, just a few miles from Tony Roos' workplace, and then I had someone try to murder me AGAIN, in Washington D.C., and police were involved, and that does not even include my being tortured or my son being tortured, or other forms of attempts.

Every single time I have tried to report Mike Nichols to police, my Mom and Dad get poisoned and beat up.

Why is that?  Why do police have a motive to beat my parents up over Mike Nichols unless he's connected to Nathan Becthold, who is an Oregon cop (like Josh).

Not only are my parents tortured or beat up with every attempt, I have someone doing something horrible to me as well, to obstruct the process.

Why are MY PARENTS punished over Mike's attempt to kill me?  Everyone has known what it was, for over a decade, and it was even admitted to me as grounds for a criminal investigation, but the FBI and cops have been creating ways to kill me, cover up crimes against me, and rape me to smear me and make me look bad in the meantime.

I feel bad for maybe one of his sisters if they had no idea, IF one of them really didn't know, or doesn't want to believe it, but it happened and it's the truth and I never changed the facts of this incident.

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