Sunday, July 14, 2013

4 new babies and 1 new drink (red apple-tini)

There are 4 new guinea pigs.  The two black ones, Francis and Kipper, had 2 white ones, 1 caramel colored one, and 1 black one.  The black one turned out to be the smallest and least energetic so I've kept my eye on it but they all seem to be fine and are decent sizes.  None of them are spotted either, just solid colors on all of them.

I made myself a new drink.  I came up with it as I went along.  I first had vodka with lemon and then plain and then thought I'll make something new so I added some of my elderberry distilled vodka (strong as wine) to a little vodka and then I sensed I could add Dewars scotch and it would turn out okay, just a little and it did, and then I sensed, it now needed apple juice.  So I added apple juice and it turned out to be a subtle red apple-tini. 

The measurements I made better note of the next time I made it because it was so good, and not too sweet but anyway.  I'm sure there must be a recipe somewhere but if so, I haven't seen it and I haven't been looking at drink recipes either...I just follow my nose, taste, and intuition.

I found out when I started making martinis with vermouth for myself, after I figured out what kind of mix or balance I liked, it matched the original recipes that were first famous but I had no idea.  I just added what I thought would work.  And then I tried a very small, small amount of caramel to it and got a light accent of butterscotch as a result, not too sweet.  I like dry martinis with lemon and vermouth and I like a sweet version by using half vodka or gin with half vermouth and then just a touch of torani (or other) caramel and it's a champagne colored drink with a hint of butterscotch and doesn't resemble caramel really.

So anyway, my red apple martini is very good.  So say I.

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