Monday, July 29, 2013

Torture as Retaliation for Whistleblowing; Freedom of the Press Violations

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."   Benjamin Franklin B 
Benjamin Franklin  (1)

This country wanted me to sell my soul to the FBI.
  They tortured me for whistleblowing over government crimes and then, after they put me into a hostage situation in my own country they told me my only option was to marry a fucking FBI agent.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise therof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

                                                                                            First Amendment, U.S. Constitution

This country not only disrespected their entire foundation for what they supposedly stand for, they made a joke out of abridging my freedom of speech for Katie Middleton.

Instead of rewarding someone who would not give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, they rewarded sell-outs. 

I chose not to sell out, even under the worst imaginable extremes of physical and emotional duress.  You go find THAT "reserve" in any of your fucking U.S. salaried employees.  This country doesn't deserve me.  I have always been "too good" for this country which is why this country and their employees tortured me and my son since I was a kid.

I am not sure which country I'm on the same page with, but it's not this one.  I have more of a backbone and respect for the laws and framework that established this country and speak to democracy than any of their employees anymore.  Give me ONE name of ONE employee that beats me.


There isn't one.  What is sick is that out of all these employees who get money to be 'heroes' here, don't know what it means and have nothing to show for it.  Anyone can get a bullet wound.  You show me the ones who have been forced to suffer like me and my son, by their own country, in the U.S. while the U.S. lies and promotes all of these great phrases and laws and doesn't abide by any of them.

I never once thought I was "better" than anyone, but right about the time employees like Robin Bechtold started to feel good about themselves, and made a point to tell me now they felt "better" then me and they weren't mad anymore, was the turning point where either I went downhill for good or they did.

They were the ones who went downhill and they have never made it back.

Pay attention to that first amendment.  It does not just say Congress shall make no law that infringes on the right to free speech, it means and indicates very clearly that any attempt to punish someone for their free speech is a crime.

Let's take that one paragraph apart line by line:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise therof;

i.e, law enforcement, military, NASA, and government employees and politicians shall not give unequal preferential treatment to a particular church or members of such, nor shall they attempt to block the practices of any person who maintains a spiritual or religious belief system,

or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press;

i.e., no one shall attempt to obstruct justice, or create a "bridge" to block or derail the practice of free speech of any citizen whether it is verbal, printed, protest, or any other form of communication,

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,

i.e., no one shall interfere with, or obstruct the right of others to assemble in protest, memorials, or any other gathering for political or other reasons,

and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

i.e., no one shall block the travel to court of those attempting to get redress for damages, or making reports or grievances, nor shall they obstruct justice by refusing to file court documents or destroying records or documents or removing them after they have been filed.  No one shall falsely imprison anyone who has made a report about the FBI or is known to be ready to make such a report to another department, nor shall any person be imprisoned to obstruct the legal process of any other petition to the government.

The Duchess of "Cam-Bridge" has United States government employees to thank for violating the law in order to pave her way.  While I was blocked and obstructed from addressing the government with my legal petitions, in both the U.S. and Canada, she relied on the defamation and criminal actions of others to prevent me from holding them accountable or calling them into question.

The U.S. also showed unequal treatment and preferential treatment to members of certain religions while discriminating against me and encouraging hate crime, and aside from civil rights violations, they encouraged and participated in crimes of assault, battery, rape, theft (without a warrant), and obstruction of travel.

Every single point of the 1st amendment was violated and crimes of attempted homicide added to that.  And then you throw in these patriotic sayings by major founders of the Constitution, like Benjamin Franklin, who states no one who is a pushover with liberty (independence) and takes the easy way out deserves liberty or equality.

I would rather be known as someone pressured to sell family "heirlooms" than someone known to sell out their country and its respect over bribes.  I would rather be the person who maintained her right to independence than the one who married the asshole.

I am not egotistical or narcissistic when I say I know I am "better" than those who work for the U.S. government. 

So if you have someone you think can "battle" me on fair terms, let me know you fucking cowards.


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