Tuesday, October 22, 2013

(photos) George Bush Sr. Led Sodomy and Gang-Rape Attack

George Bush Sr. was there.  He was there standing next to my Dad and talking with George Bechtold before others arrived.

I don't know if George Bush Sr. was the Director of the CIA at that time, that specific year, but somewhere in there he was President, and also, he worked as Director of the CIA as well.

When men first began showing up at the bridge where I was assaulted, at first it was the guard who had stayed there overnight and then it included George Bush Sr., one of the Robert Jrs, and George Bechtold.

This location was Coquille, Oregon off of Fir Street at the end of a dead end road.  Some of the Bush people visited with a couple that owned a house there, whose names are Neil and Dorothy Haga and who have lived there and owned that house for 65 years.

When they were all standing there, possibly with George Jr. too (he was there at some point and was up at the house with someone that appeared to be Cheney one time), my Dad said, "George?" and then looked at the other one and said "George?" and they laughed and then another said, "And George?" as if there were 3 George's there, and I am positive it was the Senior George Bush and George Bechtold, and probably George Bush Jr.  They mentioned the names of the priests there who showed up and I've seen photos and they are exact, and identical, no mistakes.  One was Abbot Bonaventure Zerr (Jerome Paul) and the other was Odo Recker.  Others who showed up were Charles Spencer and a man who looked like Prince Edward and then Philip (his Dad) behind him.  When I was sodomized I thought it was done because one of the Robert Jrs. had just assaulted me in 4 different barn stalls and asked which one I liked best, imitating what the royal brothers had said in England about me when having me in their beds.  I was asked which one was I going to marry or something too, and then when Charles Spencer came over to sit on my head after Edward was taking off his watch, I thought Edward was there to help me and he instead assaulted me.

Then later when Robin Bechtold raped me  (a decade later) he commented, after taking off his watch as his Dad George Bechtold saw Edward do, "That was awkward".

One of the Dicksies and George Bechtold and others had locked me in the smokehouse on another occasion, still, on a trip to Oregon, when the main house was in Moses Lake, Washington.  So basically, when we moved from Moses Lake, it was to be next-door to George Bechtold, who had his son sit behind me on the bus.  Why move me closer to George Bechtold, who was involved in sodomy of me as a kid?  Preparation to kill me?

Different men took turns walking across the bridge to me, made different introductions or none at all, not saying a word out loud, and beat me and sodomized me with at least 5 different objects, maybe more.

I think the only reason to try to say George Bush Sr. wasn't there was to avoid implicating an entire organization and where some of the people were coming from.  If it was White House, it was White House.  If it was CIA, it was CIA.  I don't know if Bush Sr. was CIA Director before or after I was sodomized off-hand.

I was between 10-12 years old and I'm pretty sure I was 11.  Police came out on a call so there is a Coquille record of it somewhere.   I also know when I was in Germany and assaulted with a vibrator I was 11, not 12, because David Wise brought up the bar mitzvah but if I was confused for some reason when I said this, I was 12.  If I was 11 it would have been during Edward Howards described 'covert trip' in 1986 that we saw each other again.  If not, it was his planned trip.  He supposedly had one in 1986 and one in 1987.  I saw him during trips for both or one of them.  The one thing about Barak Obama is that I do remember thinking it was oddly close to my assault in Seattle/Mercer Island.  It is more likely it was in 1987.  Which would make my being sodomized in Coquille anywhere from 1985-1987, but it wouldn't be hard to narrow it down because some of the same cops work here.

I was living in Moses Lake still, or that's where the regular house was and my Mom stayed there with my brother and I was in Coquille with one of the Robert Jrs.

Katie Middleton was about 3 years old when I was sodomized and they had 5 nails out under the bridge and my Dad hammered one of the down on the far end of one side, and someone else involved hammered down one nail on the opposite far end.  When I started keeping a diary, 2 years later at age 13, is when I found the letter of correspondence between the Middletons, Katie Middleton, and my parents at our house in Moses Lake, and she was supposedly 5 then.

My Mom started marking her calendar with a red dot and another red dot, and when I asked what it was for she said it was to mark the beginning and end of her period.  And then the thing they put at a driveway to mark what was done to me, was a huge red rolling bearer or something with 2 dots at the top, which said "Spar Lead Block". 

I looked up George Bush Sr.  It says at the time he coordinated sodomy of me, he was the Vice President of the United States.  Before this, up until 1977, he had been a CIA Director.  So for the first 3 years of my life, he was director of the CIA.  When I was sodomized with him sponsoring it, he was VP.  He went from there to become President of the United States.

So is this how the Presidents are getting their sponsorships?  Sodomy and rape of children before going into office?  His name is also George Herbert Walker Bush (His mother is Barbara Pierce) and I don't forget the "Walker" part.  He was President until 1993 which means he was in the highest office when I was under attack to be assassinated in 1992, and earlier than that, by Valerie Plame, Dicksie-Dael Baird-Garrett, and Robert Guy Garrett Jr. and others.

Shortly after he participated in sodomizing me, Barak Obama, raped me vaginally.  The U.S. and England started using politicians to rape me when I was between 10-12 years old.  One of the Dicksies has always wanted me dead and at least one of the Robert Jrs was jealous of me and wanted Katie promoted.

George Bechtold was trying to get me to live in his house later after standing by and participating in sodomy of me when I was a kid.

When my Mom tried to kill me with my Dad and the rest of them and Valerie Plame, after they'd sodomized me and promoted themselves, and electrocuted me, the last words to me from one of the Dicksies was to be:  "Pecan Nuts", pronounced "Peek-AHN Nuts", an acronym would be PN.  She threw a pecan nut into my shirt, before she said this and did this, and some kind of dust but I turned my head or held my breath when I saw what she was doing.

So my "Mom" was assassinating me, calling out a Russian name, a number, some phrase in Hebrew and then using a code of "Pecan Nuts" (PN) which she made to sound like "Be Gone Nuts" and cut my line and there was nothing under me.  I was to die.  What was PN for?  Because I saved the pin from a woman who gave it to me, or because I said I wanted a pin when asked? or because Gary Goldman had stolen my pin from me at my house?  Prior to trying to kill me, one of the Dicksies was eating pecan tarts with Princess Diana and then eating them again at the house in Moses Lake.  I said what's that? and she said, "It's a pecan tart."

Be Gone "Tart".

Just remember something.  Middleton, Goldsmith, and the Garretts do hits together.  I.E., kill people.  So this means their little Euro mafia is also American mafia and they've raped me.  Not Katie.  Me.

It also includes Joy Sterling who showed up to both the sodomy of me and holding me hostage afterwards, and in delivering money back and forth to perform a hit on me at the rock-climbing event.

It also indicates there is really no point to British Monarchy and I see no reason to keep it going after what they've done.  There is no way any of them should be getting money for anything.  They should work like everyone else, and should not be glorifying sodomy of me on a bridge, by giving Katie Middleton a title like Duchess of Cambridge.  She should be on the street begging with her dirty money hands.

This is the bridge where I was sodomized in the U.S.  Don't forget it also happened in England with an iron stick heated to burning hot at Middletons, which they shoved into my rectum.

This is the bridge I was sodomized on, after being sodomized in England by Mike Middleton and royals, in the Middleton-Goldsmith basement.  Past this bridge at the far end there, it goes to a mountain and it was on this side of the bridge the Abbot Bonaventure and Fr. Odo Recker stood and the helicopter with Bill Gates and Brian Thebault hid behind a hill.  The priests stood to the right of this photo.  Also, the water you see under the bridge is very low and was up higher.

This is the house where George Bush Jr. and Cheney went to after I was sodomized and I didn't see George Bush Sr. there, but his son.

This is the marker that was given to the property where it occurred, which is almost exactly like one of the mechanisms that was in England at the dungeon belonging to English royals where I was tortured and forced to sit on an iron cone, and stretched on a rack, and had other forms of torture done to me after I was sodomized with a heated iron stick in the Middleton-Goldsmith basement.  This also has a crank at the top which is like the screw that was turned to tighten the metal electrocution band they put around my head when they were electrocuting me.
This is the writing on it

This is the "crown" it's sitting on

This is one of the nails that was under the bridge and another one I had grabbed onto to not fall in the water.
This is one of several storage sheds I was locked in for 1-3 days, with no food or water, and the VW bug there is where I was assaulted by cops that had a German Shepherd with them, and they removed the seat because it had my blood all over it, and they turned the car on and electrocuted me with wires from the hood of the car.  Behind that storage shed is where Joy Sterling approached me with a gun to my head, telling me not to talk, after one of the Dicksies also approached me with a gun telling me not to talk.  Joy had me stand up against the back of the shed with my Mom.
Shortly after more torture, I was being taken on a rock-climbing trip with Valerie Plame, who worked for the CIA, for another planned attempt to assassinate me, after they had Barak Obama rape me at a house in Seattle and then electrocute me until he ejaculated into a sock with one of the Robert Jrs on the other side doing a same thing with a sock.  Bill and Hillary Clinton got a cat and named it "socks".
Everything the U.S. and some royals did, at this location, was, I believe, an attempt to make royals and Middleton feel more secure about sodomizing me with a burning hot iron poker in their basement, and torturing me in a dungeon on torture devices.  I think they thought if more of them were involved and accepted "joint responsibility" they'd all lie, defame me, and cover for each other until they figured out how to kill me.  And they have tried to kill me many times, mostly when I was younger before they used defamation of "mental illness" to make them feel better about themselves and more secure from prosecution.  Also, they worked the hardest before Katie Middleton was married to a royal, so that was definitely a huge "completion of project" item on the agenda, along with having Obama as President.  They also used what they had done to me to make false promises over Berlin wall falling and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, using me as their propaganda and perversion point.  The U.S. also relied on Mossad and in return, gave Mossad favors.
Alvaro Pardo was introduced through the FBI, Department of State, and U.S. Army along with having connections to England.  He knew Dabney and Mark, and they were all part of the Pentagon, FBI, or CIA, all of them.  James Cartright, who had tried to have me killed in Germany, while on the speakerphone with Mike Middleton, was Barak Obamas primary contact each day, and James Cartright had me stay at his hotel while knowing I didn't remember him, and then, right there in the Post Pub, he stood on one side of me and had Chris Dabney stand on the other side of me, and they each took one of my hands, from either side, exactly as Barak Obama did when I had to sit between him and my Dad and they forced me to give them one of my hands to place on their penises, while I was shaking from the strength of the electrocution helmet they had put on my head, which then vibrated to their penises, to cause erections they then discharged into socks.
That is the United States of America.  Does the Taliban or Al Quaeda  have a good reason to think the U.S. is immoral and corrupt?  Why is it that they are the "voice of reason"?
The United States leadership is disgusting.  The royals and English leadership and Middletons, are disgusting.  They have one thing in common with the other and that is that they are sick and their disease has sickened the entire world.

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