Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My Tomatoes

The photo isn't very good and I have to repot and stake them, but I'm doing a small kid-friendly project in growing Russian heirloom tomatoes indoors.


The line on my nose is not natural, it's something that was done recently with technology somehow because my nose has no grooves or lines or dents at the tip and it was done after I saw Katie Middleton's painting and noticed her nose had a weird groove painted into it.  So right after that, I was assaulted and overnight, I woke up the next morning and that is what had been done.  It's worse than it even looks here, but it's one of several things the United States continues to do, and it was done before I picked up Edward Lee Howard's book Safe House again, and reminded them who they are.

There are 9 plants here.  There were 10 and one was stolen when it was very young.  My experiment is going to be about lighting for plants grown indoors when there is not a lot of natural light in Oregon in the winter and I have weather-proofed the windows so they have an opaque-semi-sheer plastic sheet on them and what I'm checking is if a heat lamp increases growth or what effect is has one hour a day or so.  It's normal soil from the ground outside, mixed with a small amount of potting soil the original tomatoes were grown in, and with a little composted material.  They stay covered with plastic for humidity and spiders keep the bugs away.  When I stake them I will take new photos.
I'm not sure what these extra tendrils or feelers are at the bottoms of the plant...I don't see this in outdoor tomatoes and the plants are healthy but it's some kind of additional rooting or something.  ?  Maybe from humidity?

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