Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Rape/Electrocution Report to U.S. Marshalls

Notes from my calls to U.S. Marshall's regarding rape, assault, and electrocution by Barak Obama (not including seeing drugs of marijuana, cocaine references,and a briefcase exchanged indicated to contain money):

October 4.  Reported rape and "crimes" committed by President Barak Obama. 
Response from U.S. Marshalls (white male) was:  "You have to call the Secret Service to report this."

2nd call to U.S. Marshalls when there was no phone number:  "We can't assist with this crime.  You have to contact Secret Service."

3rd call to U.S. Marshalls, later at 3:00 p.m. response was (white male):  "Really?"
I said yes and my call went to their speakerphone or intercom and echoed so it was obvious they'd made my call open to be heard by the entire office.  He continued to say "really" in a mocking tone.  Then he said, "You'll have to make your complaint at a later time."  I asked who I was talking to and he said, "Nobody".

October 7 (I think, or other day):  4th call to U.S. Marshalls  (woman): She answered as "U.S. Marshalls Law" and said "No....Mmmm-mmm." Then she disconnected my call.

October 8.  (black woman answering):  "We don't take calls like that.  We don't connect your calls to the Secret Service and can't help you."

October 8.  (black man answering):  "You're saying the President did what?"  I said he raped me when I was a kid and there was more than that.  He said, "What else did he do?" and I said "He committed other crimes against me as well."  He said, "You need to call your district."  I said what did he mean call my district?" and said I had to call U.S. Marshalls for the district that said they'd give Witness Protection for information about crimes.

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