Monday, November 9, 2009

The Woman Who Kidnapped Herself

I had a comment. I saw a little about this on Geraldo or something. The beautiful white woman who kidnapped herself. Whose husband is a millionare. Who said, on recorded tape, to her "abductor", to please make the marks more obvious so people would believe it.

My comment is this--Some people are passing this off as "mental illness".

I don't have a problem with that. My problem is that sure, she may be mentally ill, but a poor, say, black OR white woman pulling the same stunt, would simply be a criminal.

Meanwhile, I met a woman today who told me she'd broken her neck because of faulty stairs at her apartment, and who was mauled by a neighbor's pitbull. The woman is driving a shitty car and barely getting by. Why? Because she wasn't well off to begin with. If she HAD been, the "interest" would have paid for everything. She would have had a kick-ass attorney and ended up with more millions than she had in the first place. She didn't get anywhere with her thing, because she was paying off the hospital debt.

I'm listening to "Talkin' Bout a Revolution" by Tracy Chapman but unfortunately, it's the truth, that the poor are just as shitty, sometimes, as the rich, in their means and methods of trying to get what they want. And they are manipulated, as easily, in their poverty, as the rich are, by their increasing greed. The middle class, I think, are the angry middle child. The Applebees people. Look out.

It's one thing to have community and be a part of something greater than oneself. It is another thing entirely, to succumb to something one should have never gotten involved in to begin with. It may be lonely at the top, or at the bottom, but it's better to be top or bottom, and retain ones own integrity, than to go along with a lot of things many people cannot hold themselves apart from. Hooray for the free spirits.

Cheers, to all free spirits.

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