Tuesday, July 3, 2012

SEVERE TORTURE now (after I mention Litigation)

I have been sobbing for the last half hour.

They jacked up the torture to 100% to target metal in my neck and teeth

They did it right after I left a VM with Avena Singh with SWOCC about how I needed to have someone call me because there was no legitimate reason to keep me out of college and if they did this to me and stalled until Fall and then dropped me again in Fall last minute, then it would be a litigation matter.

Right after I hung up, The DelBalzos' got their friends to jack up the torture.

I think Avena knows Carl and Mary Del Balzo and FBI.

Then I started looking for my receipts to return this laptop with, and the CIA plotted this entire thing out, start to finish.  FUCK FOWLER.  God DAMN FOWLER. He is nothing more than a NY cover for Alvaro's NY FBI contacts.  Agent Fowler is a U.S. Military FBI Criminal.

These assholes plotted out everything.  They're trying to drive me out of this country after they tapped into me and only want to use me somewhere else, for themselves.  They got people to try to read me, and then try to push me out.  They planned this before my parents went to California last, and they knew I wasn't going to college back then.  That was FBI and CIA collusion and it was months ago they decided this.

All of a sudden my parents were told to go on a "belated Anniversary travel" to California and to Washington State, after April.  I was already in college at EOU and the U.S. decided to kick me out of college again, even then.

I knew because I could tell this trip was not their idea.  They were told to go on it. 

I already had bought the Toshiba at Fred Meyer for $400 and had my mother coaching me to get it.  It's all about FUCKING ALVARO PARDO.

GOD DAMN HIM, OSCAR, OMAR,all of the Colombians, HENRY, Caroline, and Alvaro's FUCKING kids and bitches.  He slept around with dozens of women.  He was a fucking male FBI SLUT.  I don't even think he was Catholic. He was probably a Muslim Obama decided to use, and the Catholics used, and just called "Catholic".  Then they found out he was Muslim and didn't want to tell me they knew and then expose themselves for being assholes and only working with me when they thought I was with a Catholic.

He knew Karin, from Canada, and the FBI and wanted to go to NY for the "honeymoon".  He was FBI employed and all the police knew him.

The latest thing the CIA and military did, with FBI backing them up, is to tell my parents to go on a trip after I bought the $400 Toshiba.  The electronics people stuck a receipt on it with tape and then another and then I had one in my bag.

They had my parents go to Cashmere and Washington and pick up a suitcase for me, with British Airline receipt tags stuck to it the same way receipts were stuck to the Toshiba.  I had this suitcase dropped off, with British Airline tags stuck on it, my old suitcase, when I'm not traveling anywhere.  That is not the point the CIA wanted to make.  They gave me baby girl clothes "to sell" and a suitcase with British Airline tags on it and a bag full of ballet clothes that are not mine and a girls toe shoes.

Then they waited.  This fucking country knew, months ago, what they were going to do.  They planned to obstruct me from college after the first term at EOU and that's why they forced my parents to drop this stuff off.  My parents looked horrified, pale, and miserable.  I could tell the entire thing had not been their idea at all.

I know international men were in town on the day I was going to take a keyboarding test and they already knew too.  I saw some of them looking like they were about to cry, and already knowing and having an idea of what the U.S. was planning next.  I knew they were not from the United States.  I could tell from one man, that he knew the U.S. was already going to kick me out of going to college.  The minute I dropped the nursing anatomy classes for Summer.  If I had kept them, they never would have done this to me.  That was the only chance they were giving me:  BE A FUCKING NURSE OR ELSE.  This man knew the same thing.  I left the house after dropping anatomy and going to take an online test and I could tell he knew what SWOCC and FBI had planned next.

Basically, they had it already set up to make excuses at SWOCC and used Cascio to drive me out.  They had my parents go on a trip after she was involved.  Then they planned to use this same excuse of "too many credits" or any excuse to drop me last minute, with nothing and then expect me to sell the laptop when it was all I had left.  Instead, when I signed up for a bunch of nursing classes, it threw a kink into Trish McMichaels' and her boss's plans.  She knows Fowler personally.  Trish McMichaels from SWOCC and Gregory Fowler know eachother.

At this point, after what the FBI has done to me, I'm glad Alvaro's kid is stuck in Colombia, unless he hooked up with some other woman to marry him into his green card for the FBI.  They tortured my son, the FBI TORTURED Oliver, all in an attempt to push me to marry Alvaro.  They cared about his kids, but not mine at all. 

Then, after forcing me out of classes for Summer, when I dropped the nursing, they were all set.  They knew I'd look for the receipts to sell the laptop so they stole them.

All of the Fred Meyer receipts for this laptop were stolen.  All of them.  I had two stuck on a box and then a bag by Fred Meyer electronics associates.  There was a black man standing there when I went to return a notebook before getting this laptop.  He said he was a photographer and said he was traveling to China.  Then he asked me if I was traveling next.  I said maybe sometime down the road.   I was tortured while I was standing there with him and the electronics guy from Fred Meyer there. Not earlier in the day, but later I was.  Then I got the Toshiba and he wasn't there and the guy stuck another receipt on it so there were 2 long receipts hanging from it, like the British Airline tags on my suitcase.  At the Fred Meyer someone had placed a Canadian penny next to this laptop too.  I didn't touch it.  They had it on the side with maple leaf.

After Avena told me I wasn't going to college this Summer (no honest reason to deny financial aid--it's a fact that if you change your major the matter of "too many credits" is irrelevant if you still need certain prerequisites or classes you don't have--they knew I had no money left because I had used what I had to start paying off debts, bills, and for living expenses.  I got nothing for myself.  It all went to practical things like paying bills to others.  So I had nothing and had been guaranteed by SWOCC that I would be enrolled.

They are all doing this for Alvaro Pardo. 

Let this be known:  I relish the idea you didn't get what you want because your supporters have been so atrocious, it was clearly God's foresight.  God knew ahead of time how cruel and malicious others would be to me and my son so he blocked it from happening.  Go take it up with God Himself.  I was HELD HOSTAGE by this asshole, and he WORKS for the FBI.  Then they want to punish me for not wanting to marry a man they helped with holding me hostage.

The FBI was IN MY HOUSE, stealing my Fred Meyer receipts.  They are also the people who tipped off Tim Dailey as to how much recording I had done. 

The FBI and feds keep getting this odd idea, some kind of bizarre delusional idea, that I might go back to Alvaro or something.  I pick up on it and it is NEVER going to happen.  NEVER.  You have got to be out of your minds.  This is a man who held me hostage, FOR THE FBI, and who applied acid for a blister on my genitals when he left, and took photos of me with my own camcorder, as a parting gift, and turned my photograph upside down.  And he works for the State.

My Dad is outside now with the weed whacker, and everytime I hear that machine going anymore, I think about Alvaro shaving his public hair to trim up for the Seattle FBI offices.  And Department of State.

The police all knew Alvaro in Wenatchee, and acted discreet about it, and the police knew him in Maryland.  These law enforcement people were PISSED that I did not marry him, and he held me HOSTAGE.

I searched my entire house and bags and the Fred Meyer receipts are not there and they were taken off of the box too, so basically, 2 British Airlines tags that look like receipts were it.  Nothing else.  The FBI is responsible for this.

They decided they were going to block me from college and set me up for this, when they told my parents to go on a trip and pick up some things.  They went to this church "Bethel" where all these Australian and British people are, and then they went to Washington and were told to take these things to me.  They put all the ballet clothes and girls toe shoes in a black and white Colombia-native pattern bag.  It wasn't my bag.  It was all stuff someone else set up and told my parents to do.

I called Fred Meyer and the company put me on hold and then put on a song for the occasion, "It's Just A Little Too Late."  The song by JoJo.  And then they kept me on hold and wanted to play some climbing up a mountain song and I disconnected and asked for the store manager who they said was Henry.

Fuck you, you coward.  Like you did anything for my son, ever, or were ever a man without an enormous ego attached.  And fuck you Gregory Fowler.  You need to go back to your homeplate.  It's great if some group feels satisfied with the idea that I'm heartbroken, but you are wrong about that.  My heart was never broken.  Ever.  I called him up..um...never.  Not even while I was tortured.  I never suggested getting back together, EVER.  NOT ONE TIME in all the worst torture and being forced by police to sleep outside in the dirt, literally.

NOT ONCE did I call him up and ask to get back together. 

Why go back to a hostage situation where the FBI is the group holding you hostage?  and Department of State?

For anyone who thinks playing a Jo Jo song is going to get to me, it makes me think you really don't get who I am at all.  It helps me to see that while you're playing jr. high make-up, break-up games of boyfriend/girlfriend, you don't even comprehend my level.  My level of feeling down and out or jealous or heartbroken, is and was ZERO.  I didn't appreciate the disrespect of cheating when we made a deal.  That's business fucker.  Not my heart.  So any woman, agent, or man, who thinks they can drive to me or get to me on that, regardless of whether it's Charles, Obama, or William of Wales, is way outside of the scope of my reality.

I'm the one who can go 3-6 years at a time fully celibate.  Copy me.

I don't care about Kate or any other woman, Mykal, or anyone, except in relation to what crimes they have committed against my son or what interest some group has in committing crimes against my son in their behalf.  That is it.

I know what a dog is and I know the FBI is guilty of criminal conspiracy.

If you don't believe me and need all your psychics, try a kid.  Why not try a few kids, and Chinese kids and ask someone without a bias, to tell you what they get.  "Is she tortured?"  They will say "yes" if they are gifted and they will know what level of pain and brutality.  "Is her son, is this boy Oliver tortured?" they will say "Yes" and they will describe some of the things that have been done to him.  If they are gifted enough, in this particular area, they will know how celibate I am, but most kids don't think or know about that.  If they are gifted, and not biased, when you ask them what my beliefs are or how I feel about God, they will affirm most of what I say is sincere.

My son and I have been criminally abused in this country and I'm not leaving because the FBI obstructs justice again with Trish McMichaels and Fowler conspiring with Tim, Tom, or Avena on behalf of Alvaro.

Why don't you ask some of the Chinese kids in China.  Or other countries.  If they can see schrapnel in bodies, some of them might have a talent for knowing who is tortured, how, by whom, and what kinds of methods.  Ask these kids what the pain level has been like for me and my son.

1.  Ask them if it is really "torture".
2.  Ask them how bad the pain is.
3.  Ask them how often we are tortured.

If you want to know what this country is doing to my family, and it's hard to know because it's "clean" torture and "white" torture, just ask.


The United States is torturing me when it knows I have no where to go and no money.  The FBI knows I filed for habeas corpus and then was in college with potential money to support that or appeal for my son.  They used people to lie claiming I'm not eligible for financial aid at SWOCC when I am (according to the rules), and then torture me hoping I'll pursue habeas when I have no money and no ability to travel to hearings.  I asked for local habeas corpus when I filed in Oregon and the FBI made sure it was assigned to a Magistrate who would sit on it and screw it up.  They didn't want to attend hearings with me in person.

Let me repeat this again--Trish McMichaels knows Gregory Fowler, the FBI agent in charge for Portland.  It is possible that Tim Dailey also knows him, but if so, I think it's more indirect.

I also notice that whenever I buy cookies or candy, someone deliberately repeatedly tortures me as if they want me to eat all the cookies or candy to relieve pain.  They've done this almost every time I've bought cookies or candy in larger quantity.  Every single time.


Anonymous said...

Have you, as of yet, sued anyone successfully regarding this alleged multi-national conspiracy? You keep saying you are going to "litigate" and threatening litigation. Hurry up and sue someone. Maybe then you will finally end up in a mental health hospital and get all the help you so desperately need.

Mama said...

You really could polish up your writing. Why not make your mean posts into something interesting at least? like a poem or something? Let me help you honey:


Hurry up
keep saying litigation
As of yet
Maybe you will finally get
then end,
hospital health threat.
Sue someone and all the help up
you have successfully
this alleged national conspiracy
multi-ing desperately
need anyone sued?

There, that's better. I took about the same number of words, exact words in fact, and rearranged it for you to make better sense.