Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bear: First Tears for Kitty

Hello Little Bear,

This morning you woke up and I was next to you. You looked at me and smiled and then you perked up, sat up straight, and turned to look for Kitty at the foot of the bed, where you have found her for the last week upon waking.

But she wasn't there! I had taken her out of the room because I was on the computer earlier before going back to bed to sleep with you. I didn't want her to sit on your head or cozy up to you and wake you up when I wasn't there.

When you saw Kitty was not there, waiting for you at the foot of the bed, you began to sob. You weren't mad and it wasn't a temper tantrum. Your face dissolved into a really sad expression and you looked at me and started to cry. I said, "Oh! Honey, it's okay! The kitty is still here! She's just in the other room...Hang on, I'll get her." I brought her in and you instantly smiled again and gave the Kitty a hug and hustled down off of the bed so you play with her.

Usually you only cry if you wake up and I'M not there next to you (if I'm up already), but this time, it was all about the Kitty-Cat. It was so sweet!

I said to myself then, (grumble, grumble), I guess the Kitty gets to stay. I have some minor reservations--1. She does seem to be clingy, 2. She sneezes a lot and I want a healthy cat to begin with so I'm going to have to find out what her shots were and if her sneezing is from that Upper Respiratory thing cats get, 3. I hate kitty litter boxes, and 4. She has been trying to catch, eat, or mangle Prince Harry and I think Prince Harry is a little concerned. I put him up higher when I saw Kitty flicking her tail, with three paws balanced on the rim of the fishbowl, and one paw poised to plunge into the water and hook her prey.

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