Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bear: Kitty-Cat Love

Hello Little Bear,

You love the kitty and the kitty loves you! Last night though, I had a dream about a psychotic clingy kitty that wouldn't let us go. Doesn't mean anything...I know it's just my subconscious because this cat tries to sleep on your head or my head at night and drives me nuts. So tonight I finally had to gently hit its head to keep it at the foot of the bed. I kept picking it up and putting it at the foot of the bed, and she'd climb right back. So, sadly, I had to pat her nose to get the message across. I cannot have a kitty sleeping on your head and it wakes you up!

Otherwise, this kitty is still a keeper. No more mice! I was no threat, the mice knew, but kitty WAS. I think she scared them off.

When Barney's "I Love You; You Love Me" song comes on, you give her a hug and a kiss. She makes you laugh out loud when she chases you or bats at your feet or hands. A dog would be better though. Kitty chased you once and lost interest. A dog wouldn't lose interest. And a dog would better absorb your hand-holds and tugs. I wish you had a big dog. Maybe later. That would be ideal though. For now, I can tell Kitty makes you happy and is a sort of playmate. You play alone better if Kitty is with you. She relieves your boredom. And even after all the ear pulling and tugging and throwing and holds, she rubs against your legs and goes to you with a purr.

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