Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My Mother's Personal ESP or Intuition: Dream About a Baby

I thought I'd add my mother in on my topic of Personal ESP, Premonition, and Intuition. It has happened to my mother too, but I don't think as often and she only gave me one example. When she told me, it was like hearing a family secret. My mother never told me about any experience she had until one day I revealed a long list of my experiences and asked her what she thought about them. She told me the same thing had happened to her, and gave an example of a dream she once had:

My mother had a dream that an old friend of hers had a baby that died. It was a particularly poignant dream. It reminded my mother that she had not talked to that friend for years, since she had moved to a new area. So she called her up. Her friend broke into tears when my mother asked her how she was doing...Because, this friend told her, her baby had just died a couple days ago.

My mother told me she didn't know what the dream was for. She thought it was odd, as she had not even known her friend was pregnant, before the baby was born, but felt what could she do about it? It hadn't been a dream where she could warn her friend first. It was a dream about something that happened after the fact. My mother thought maybe God had given her the dream so she would call her friend and comfort her. My mother wasn't even very close to this friend, but she and my father had also lost a baby, 3 days after he was born, and had a lot of empathy for those going through the same thing.

This is the only example my mother gave me of this kind of thing happening, but she said it happened to her more than once, and usually after an event occured and not before. So it's not really premonition but more of a special hindsight.

Is this kind of gift inherited?! And if so, why? My mother was, if anything, embarressed to tell me about her experiences and had kept them a secret from others. I'd like to hear about others who have these experiences on a regular basis. May have to do a google search.

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