Saturday, September 15, 2007

Leaving the Country and Cover Up

I can't live in this country anymore. It conceals its corruptions better than any other country, and makes false promises of Justice for All. You cannot have Justice for All and capitalism too.

I would rather live in a Muslim country, which is, I believe, the only country that would be interested in publishing my book. My problems began after I worked as a volunteer at a Catholic monastery and was involved in that church and some clergy and monks. There are still some Muslim countries that understand and do not whitewash what the Vatican and Catholic church are really like.

If I am not even allowed to tell my story online as an American, while others continue to slam me and abuse me through a corrupt justice system, it's pointless to stay here. All I need is my documentation of what the justice system has done and refused to do after what I've been through, and the privileges that are afforded the highest bidder, and I'm out of here. But I'm not leaving without my papers and proof. I don't think it's coincidental that my driver's licenses have all disappeared. Umm, about 15 of them in the last year. I told law enforcement and others I was going to leave, and you can't leave the country without one. I think the police have taken them, whenever I've left them at my house while out without them. If I was gone, and they saw a license, they probably figured it was an extra one because I'd have one with me, and they would take it. I believe this is why the police will frame me and charge me with all kinds of traffic crap (ever since I reported the FBI guys in 2004), and profile, but they know they will be caught if they try to cite me for not having a license with me when THEY took it and had to document this in records. How many times have I paid for a license? and where do they end up? I'm not getting another one. If I get pulled over AGAIN, for something stupid like a reflector being a-kilter, or brake lights or tabs when I'm parked in a parking lot or gas station, and the police come around directly to MY car, and ask me where my license is, I will let them know: "You TOOK it". And then I'll tell them to call their boss and tell him I want the last one they took BACK.

Of course, by the time I and my son leave this shithole of a country on the Earth, I will either have to get a new license, get a fake one, or just get the Hell OUT without one. And that is not an impossibility.

And the more I think about it, why even wait for my records? I've made about 30 FOIA requests to the FBI in the year following the 2004 incident and they refused to respond. They didn't want me to have anything to take to a lawyer. Two years later I get one record that is partial and they refused to give me one document that was a medical record. It had to have been MY medical record, and how would someone obtain this without my consent, unless I was being targeted.

The justice system, all the way through, has been abusive and prejudiced to cater to the party with the most money or influence. My last attempt to hold people accountable for what happened, and the corporate cover-up that occured, would have to be made to the DOJ, and I just talked to the DOJ yesterday and the guy asked me not to submit my statement, as he restructured my complaint. If you twist a complaint the right way, it's easier to drop or dismiss. Omit evidence or certain facts, and the offense goes down from felony to misdemeanor. Use the wrong legal theory and have it dismissed because the case doesn't fit. There are all kinds of ways to shuffle papers.

Those with money are able to hire and pay for civil rights lawyers. For the rest of us, we don't get to have our civil rights enforced. Nor are we allowed to have a voice.

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