Sunday, September 16, 2007

My Blog is BACK! Publishing Questions and Intuition

Well I am slightly encouraged to find my blog is back in the public search. Not twice as before, or in the same higher relevance (which I believe it should be) but at least it's back and shows on the same first page when someone types in my name, which is very important.

I was thinking, I need to check out the whole legal rights, publishing rights thing.

I believe I read that by using a blog host, you are being "published" by your host and they can claim publishing rights and use your material later, without permissions. I think so, but not positive. If true, what may also be true is that perhaps they can control what you later want to publish in book form?

If I later want to edit portions of my blog and write a book, can Google control any of this? Can they refuse to allow someone else to publish, or can they claim monies? Can they edit my materials?

If my blog is not just owned by me, but also by Google, I'm wondering how it may affect publishing rights to my story later. You know what I mean?

If Google is good to me, and vice versa, I have no problem giving some of my publishing rights to them. I really have never in my life been all about money, although I do have a thing about being fair. If I later wish to publish and receive any kind of monies, well, if someone else were getting rich off of my story, I wouldn't think that is fair. I don't have a problem sharing some of the proceeds, but I would obviously want most for me and my son since it's my story and I would be doing all the labor in writing it down.

Will have to look into this. Always have to think about the future, and I haven't completely lost my business sense.

I omitted some medical info in one recent post because I had written about it, in anger and distress, when I believed what I wrote was only viewed by me and no one else. So I was venting. But I don't think it's a good idea to get into my medical records online, at least not yet, not until I've better explained what has been going on and have a chance to tell more of my story. At the right time, I don't have a problem sharing more info, because it may help others and will give better insight, but right now there's not enough context.

And, as for thinking perhaps I saw Raul Bujanda recently, it very well may NOT have been, and I would think it brazen if it were, BUT I have had a very strange intuitive feeling that he's been over here in this area recently or even now. I don't know how to explain it and I may be wrong, but sometimes I'm right. Something is going on in Cashmere, WA. I don't know how to explain it, but I think there is some sort of investigation taking place in Cashmere. Or there are at least people who know me going there, who don't want me to know. Almost every time I go to Cashmere to visit my grandparents, I pass men driving trucks (usually trucks) who make a point of covering their faces with their arms when they pass me. It is NOT my imagination, and I HAVE been right about things I've "sensed" in the past. In fact, the priest who counseled me for a year, when I worked as a volunteer at an Abbey library, said to me once, "You are highly intuitive" and I've had weird things happen before, like dreams about people and told them, and then have had people tell me it fit a situation that happened to them. I'll write more about the actual things I've "sensed" before and how I found out it was true, in time. A few examples go back to high school, where a boyfriend of mine said to me: "I don't know what you have (ESP or what) but it's weird". I would tell him about things I thought were going to happen or dreams I had, that actually happened later. So, sometimes I'm way off base, but I try to trust my intuition because more often than not, I've been right about things.

I think, to avoid sounding "mystical", or nuts, I will describe some actual examples of what I'm talking about in my next post. And then I'm moving on to another NFTN and getting back on track with my "story". And, of course, I need to find out about the whole publishing thing and legalities.

Finally, thank you Google, for putting my blog back up.

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