Saturday, January 19, 2008

Chelan Clinic and Chelan Hospital Fiasco

I won't sleep until I write about what happened during the week before they put me back on some stupifying medication:

I came out of the fog and pain, angry as hell and confused. I had thought I was dying for a couple of months, with unexplained pain. I was so weak I couldn't move, lift a spoon to my mouth, or make it to the next room. I thought I had bone cancer because it felt the way people describe bone cancer to feel. Partially, I was influenced by how my X-ray of my lower back looked too, because it's not normal. I couldn't sit up straight and my spine felt weak. It feels as if the marrow is sucked dry and replaced with wind.

So my voice came back. I yelled, and I wrote angry emails to my family and doctor, and then I calmed down, resolute in my hatred of those who had done this to me, and swimming my way out of the blinding quicksand. I began to sing. I felt my energy returning and it seemed, health to my bones. The pain went away. But after I calmed down, I began to doubt myself again. Everyone was still denying I'd been on something other than "narcotics". They were telling me I was paranoid and had abnormal thinking for thinking such a thing and I was told, by my doctor, that he "couldn't do that" and it was "illegal" without my consent and knowledge. I became very confused. If that wasn't from medication, what WAS it then? The only other thing going on at that time was hacking a tech said could only occur through a microwave frequency.

Why would anyone spend time to hack into my computers? So MUCH time? But then again, I've angered a lot of people, with my willingness to report public information and tell the truth. I have dirt on a few individuals in the FBI in Portland, Oregon, Cashmere, Washington, and New York; on some Catholic clergy that abused and harassed me, sending out the troops against me after they threatened my life; and that's not even the cream of the crop. I have documentation and accurate descriptions to back up what I say. I hadn't said everything yet. I hadn't even come close. So shut her up NOW!

In this town, it wasn't difficult to get enough medical professionals in on an attempt to stop me from writing. I'd already been writing about them and they knew I had grounds for a lawsuit for medical malpractice regarding damages my son and I incurred at childbirth. Not to mention my documentation that this town has the worst disregard for HIPPA and other rules and standards than anyplace I've been. If someone needed a willing party to try to put me away, this was fertile soil. The seeds were planted and it was time to reap the harvest. Doctor Freed took it upon himself, long ago, to be Frankenstein's creator and yet he did not really care about anything other than protecting his and his clinic's interests.

So I was "released" from the misery as the guilty parties tried to find a way to excuse their actions and seal it up to prevent legal loss. I was told to go to this Clinic in another town. I hadn't want to go there. It was still "local" and all my healthcare facility problems have been local. One doctor knows the other and they cover for eachother. I knew that if THESE doctors who were trying to cover their asses, were telling me to go to Dr. so and so, in Chelan, there was a political reason for it. I planned to go to Seattle, actually, but kept my "appointment" with the Chelan clinic just so I could take my son to the Walk-in.

When I got to the Walk-in there, they told me they would NOT see my son until I switched over my PCP and my son's PCP to the Chelan clinic PCPs. I suspected all along that I was going to have problems with this clinic too and that it was part of a legal strategy to make ME look like a problem, not THEM and their care. But I took my son there, just for a blood draw and examination because he hasn't been feeling well. He also quit speaking after a trip many months ago, to the hospital, and that concerned me. He wasn't autistic, but I thought about mercury because he had a horrible adverse reaction to his 2 mo. vaccinations. And because MY bloodwork was not normal, showing low glucose and phosphate, I wondered if it was something in the environment that was affecting him too. I didn't know then that my abnormalities were from the medications. So my thought process was rationale, given the lack of information I had and my tendency to trust even the most untrustworthy and give people second chances.

What happened there was completely bizarre. I had already started writing actively in my blog again, and I believe the medical community was eager to put an end to THAT. So when I asked for bloodwork, I noticed the phlebotemist couldn't do it right. She stabbed both of my son's arms and complained she couldn't find a vein. My son was traumatized and didn't have any blood drawn. Then the PCP came along and held him and I SAW him pull my son's arm away as the nurse was finally drawing blood. He said, "That should be enough for glucose!" He wanted me to go home with that. I thought it was unprofessional. A phlebotemist should know how to draw blood on even a child. So I asked for a referral to the Chelan hospital. I got one, and didn't know that the Chelan PCP was "in on" my medication crap and that they were attempting to refuse to do a blooddraw on my son but didn't want me to know. They were flat-out lying to me and humoring me as if I were 3 years old.

I went, unawares, to Chelan hospital, concerned about my son, and then THEY made a big performance out of drawing his blood and didn't do it. They told me he'd have to be sedated first for them to draw his blood. I said that seemed extreme and couldn't they manage? They said no. I made a comment that it was odd a professional phlebotomist couldn't perform a blooddraw and she got defensive and said, "I could have, but you would have had to be out of the room; you were hysterical." This was a flat-out lie. I had been holding my son calmly and they fussed about my son, keeping his arm tied up, until he began to cry, already scared from the LAST blooddraw attempt. THEY quit without drawing blood, saying HE was the problem and they couldn't find his veins and he'd have to be sedated. Then it got turned around to ME being a problem, which was BS. I even had one of the nurses make up a quote, supposedly from MY lips, out of the blue. This nurse got worked up and said, "You said, 'STOP! I'm hyperventilating!" I had said no such thing, and never asked them to stop. I was the one who wanted them to do the blooddraw! It was my second attempt. I had NOT been "hyperventilating" and made no reference to that. I DID shed a few tears after my son started crying and THEY quit attempting to do the blooddraw. I felt bad for my son and that they had again NOT drawn blood. I was concerned about my son's health.

After being accused of being the "problem", I asked to speak to someone in administration to make a complaint. As I was in the room writing up a quick complaint on a form, I left and saw the 2 nurses go into a room. As I walked out, calmly, I saw 2 patrol cars. Good grief, I thought, and they were called about ME, no doubt, the "hyperventilating" mother. Right before I left, I heard the administrative woman on the phone with the same PCP at teh other clinic who had lied to me and said he was gone for the day. I wondered if someone else would be there at the clinic, because they HAD drawn MY blood, and at that point, I knew something was fishy. I was already suspicious about the recent multiple CBCs and Metabolic tests and after THAT night, I went back to the Clinic to tell them I withDREW my consent to have my blood analyzed. I didn't know who would still be there but there was a car about to pull out as I pulled into the parking lot. Who should it be but the lying PCP who, I was told, had already left the clinic.

More tomorrow. Need to finish this one up.


  1. Hey Cameo, cool blog. Send me an email when you get a chance. I don't have yours anymore. Geoff R. (

  2. Geoff,

    Get me the Hell out of here. I need a normal doctor. I'm losing it and have an entire town+ lying and trying to manipulate and control me and twist the truth. I need to be somewhere where I can write without being concerned about having people set doctors out on me. I can't wait to get into the meat of what's been going on. I waited way too long to write. Anyway, I've thought of you a lot. To this day, you were my best guy friend. I wish we'd kept in better touch but I know we're all busy. I'll write to you soon. I'm having to "clean house", and not in the way I'd LIKE to "clean house". Someone needs to clean house over here with the healthcare community and justice department. It's a sick, sick, community that tries to infect the healthy to carry the same disease. Anyway, I'll write to your address when I'm in a better mood. I don't feel good right now. It's not even my fault but these arrogant assholes...sorry...You know what? Im pretty much the same girl but living with this kind of crap will turn a christian into a Tourette's sufferer.
