Saturday, January 19, 2008

Radiation? My Son's Burn Spot Which Peeled Like A Sunburn

Just when I'm sure it's medication I'm on, I notice 3 different times of increased pain that I have, which coincides with my son crying out and jerking in his sleep, to arouse and want his bottle at the same time I'm reaching for the pain pills. If I AM on some other medication, I'm sure seeing the exact same thing over and over, as regards my son's pain/crying and my concurrent surges of pain. And, this morning, after a night of it, I heard my son's stomach upset as I felt my own stomach upset. And he and I have had the need to use the bathroom at the same time. Something is weird I think...

I think of 2 things: I went to ER 4 times the day before yesterday with my son. Which sounds excessive, but what I've described kept happening and I was getting progressively worse and my son seemed out of it too. But we both resolved around the same times, generally. The 3 rd time, my blood pressure was up double than usual, as it was the last time, when I felt almost comatose. My son wasn't easily aroused either, and slept. I noticed, that 4th time, I couldn't move I was in so much pain, and I became extremely cold. I was shivering. When they got me in a room, I was lying on a stretcher, shivering lightly and cold. They put a hot blanket on me and something weird happened--As soon as they laid the blanket over me, I had large involuntary and rhythmic jerking. My muscles reacted to the warmth in a weird hypersensitive way. And it wasn't a bunch of little twitches, more like a total body contraction. It had a timing of about every 2-3 seconds: 1, 2, contraction--1, 2, contraction--1, 2, contraction or 1, 2, 3, contraction--1, 2, 3, contraction.

The other thing, is that almost a week ago, one day I noticed a mark on my son's hip/leg. It was where his leg joins to his hip, where a diaper fastens. They were the same old diapers and he's not allergic to them. It was a weird spot. The first day it appeared, it was a half-dollar size circular spot where his skin was just slightly darker and very leathery and dry. So dry, it wrinkles when you touched it. It was like a spot-specific sunburn. A couple days later, the top layer of skin on this spot PEELED LIKE a sunburn. It wasn't flakey, or itchy (he didn't scratch it). A strip of skin was peeling off of it whole, like when you get sunburned really bad, and then after a day or two, you can just peel large pieces of skin from the top. That's EXACTLY what it was like. I thought it was weird it was on his leg crease where I also have a lot of pain too.

It looked like a burn. It was never red first, that I noticed. I change his diaper and I never noticed a red or sore spot. It just went from being a well-defined leathery spot that looked cooked, to peeling like a sunburn, and a few day later, or even one day later, after the top peeled off, little tiny remnants of old skin from the peel remained, and the skin beneath was dryer than the rest of his skin, but not the same leathery dry as at first.

It's like he got hit by something. And about the time I noticed this on his leg, was a day he had been crying almost all day, without seeming reason, and rubbing his legs and bending in cramps. He has loose bowels after the pain we both feel, too.

I decided to write this, because we were taking a nap together, and woke at the same exact time. I didn't move or say anything but felt extreme pain and my son cried out, jerked, and wanted his bottle.

Yesterday, we went to my grandparents house, away from this house, and neither one of us twitched at all or had muscle spasms that night. However, it was like we were "detoxing" from being in a poisoned environment at the same time. Because I was still feeling the crackling sensation in my head, and he started having severe abdominal cramps and arched his back in uncontrollable pain. He sobbed for over a half hour, convulsing in pain and stretching himself out rigid, in obvious pain. My grandfather saw this with his own eyes. He said, as anyone could see, something WAS very wrong.

Something really IS wrong. If I'm on a different med, fine. That would make me feel better for an explanation, but something else is going on that affects me and my son at the same time soon.

I showed the doctor at the hospital my son's weird mark but it was a day past the big PEEL, and was looking a little more normal. But even he agreed it wasn't eczema or psoriasis. He said it was probably an allergy to the diaper. But he's not allergic to these diapers and it wasn't on the other side where the other diaper tab is.

I don't care if someone thinks I'm nuts, I do believe we're getting radiation of some sort and it must be, possibly, a kind that can be targeted to a specific direction or site.

My son had a burn on his leg, when I thought we were both going to die we were in such pain. His burn wasn't like a burn from a stove or cigarette or fire burn. It was different. And it was a half dollar or dollar coin size. And then the following day, I was in ER. I would go in after feeling "hit" and then a half hour to hours later feel better. By the last time it happened, it took at least an hour. I was extremely weak. The ambulance guy said the last 2 times that my bp was abnormally high for me--and they arrived on scene more quickly than the first two times after it happened, so I thought maybe they caught my body's reaction before it went away.

I went to Chelan clinic and hospital to see if my son's bloodwork would show any abnormalities that would match mine, and indicate radiation. But everyone was finding a way to refuse to draw his blood.

I've had the same achey pain all day, which is abnormal for me, and my son and I both have had stomach upset and cramps. But no major hits except this morning and then this last one which woke us out of sleep. It's different from before though--I'm not almost passing out and I haven't felt the pressure in my head and then the crackling sensation.

I had been feeling, when it happened, a sudden "grip" of my head muscles--like it feels like the muscle has cramped (the whole brain and I feel it in my forehead too)up or become very tight within my skull. It's like a sudden increased pressure. It grips and then stops, and then there's a crackling sensation in the top and back and forehead of my head. Not on my face where features are. It's like a release from the pressure and then everything is crackling. Sometimes it affects my ears. My son was suddenly crying at the same time, and holding his head too.

Something isn't right.

I sort of thought, when I was having muscle contraction under the warm blanket, with applied heat to the surface of my skin, that perhaps it was because my muscles had been heated constantly that day, by some kind of radiation, and then when removed from the scene, I was in a semi-shock which left me abnormally chilled, and then the muscles were hypersenstive to the heat after that.

What do you think? If anyone knows of an explanation for any of this, I will post ideas here. If anyone knows of a kind of device or technology that could cause this possibly, I'd like to know. I read online that the technology IS out there, but I'd like to know what it would be exactly. While our constant pangs (when I'm constantly weak, very irritable, and suffering) may be from a constant source...I don't know, maybe it's possible there are a couple of things going on here. The distance of my house from the road is about 50 meters but I'm not great at assessing distances. I have always heard traffic going by outside when the big hits come, but the constant wearing pang is with or without traffic. Yet, that pain is gone when we leave this house. I would be at ER and the pain would start to go away after a half hour-3 hours. The last time it wouldn't leave completely, it was so bad. But it DID improve, and I DID feel better, which makes me look like a nut to be so out of it and almost comatose, and then fine later, with no explanation except changes in blood pressure which indicate true pain, and my body's response, and abnormal bloodwork.

Medication makes the most logical sense. But what if I'm really NOT on some other medication? Then, given our experiences, radiation makes the most sense. I've been so confused about this. Last night, and a few times as well, I get a fluttering feeling in my ears. Usually just one side of my head or one ear is affected and it's kind of a beat-beat-beat-beat (like 4 times fast and then gone) pressure that blocks my hearing and then releases again.

I do know, the pressure in my head immediately expanded when I was getting hit before, and then if I took a Percocet while I was having one of these weird days, it affected my head pressure in an exaggerated way--going straight to my head, where I felt a sudden squeeze and then release, with crackling sensation and feeling for sometimes hours afterwards.

I'm not nuts. The ER doctor couldn't explain my son's peeling burn spot. No doctor has wanted to examine all of our bruises or do bloodwork for my son. My bruises and my son's bruises, are all circular with well-defined edges. Usually on the legs but I've had some on my arms. Most of the ones on my legs end up dollar coin size. They range from nickel sized to dollar coin sized, on both of us. But only my son had the burn.

Sometimes he goes around the house without a diaper as he is toilet-training.

As for noticing any lights or anything, I HAVE seen maybe 3 times, a bright pure white flash right before I get "hit" or stunned, at nighttime, when I'm near a window. I don't know if it's neurological or really a flash of light but it's extremely quick. I've also noticed a couple times, a tiny red dot, sometimes moving, coming in through the window but out of all the times in the last several months of these weird pangs and being "hit", I've seen this only maybe ONE time (? I think) that I remember.

I don't know how to put this all together. I hope someone knows what I'm talking about and can put 2 and 2 together from their more extensive knowledge.

Last night I had the ear fluttering with a light "hit" and tried to convince myself that I need that new reconstructive neck surgery. But that wouldn't explain other things. Like my son's burn which peeled off in a section piece of skin and didn't flake; like my hypersenstive reaction to a hot blanket after feeling almost shock-cold.

If I WAS given potassium, I read that radiation can lower potassium and then cause thyroid problems. So I need to fill the prescription I was given. It probably really was potassium. So if it's not meds, I've had abnormally low potassium, glucose, alkaline phosphate, and low white blood count. I eat very well. I wanted to have my son's blood tested but people refused. No one would do an MRI of my pelvis and back/spine. Right now, I am weak again to where it feels my spine doesn't have strength and I've had pain and aching in my joints where leg meets hips. My stomach, and son's stomach, have had gas and cramping and right now it feels like I have an ulcer. Just not well.

I thought I would mention the cat. Our CAT has even not been normal. She is so sweet and usually purrs a lot. She hasn't purred hardly at all the last few months, and we do not abuse her. She gets lots of attention but has become like an attack cat and is aggressive sometimes. Not full-on biting, but ears back, etc. She seems to hurt when I try to run my hand over her back/spine to her tail. She used to like it and rarely still does, but cringes like it hurts now. If she's not acting aggressive or hurting, she is sleeping.

I know I'VE been extremely hostile and had flare-ups, but only, for some reason, when I'm at this house have these mood swings occured. It doesn't happen anywhere else. And my son seems to hurt so much sometimes that he will hit me or kick his legs, but it's not behavioral. My grandfather saw that just yesterday. It's like he's hurting.


  1. So, someone MADE you take medication, MADE you drink, and is MAKING you clean up your house. No one can make you take your meds, just because they are prescibed to you isn't a legal binding agreement that you take them. No one can make you drink to get drunk. You are your own person capable of making your own choices that positively or negatively effect your life. And as for cleaning your house, it seems that all this pain you are suffering doens't seem to slow down your abilities to focus and type blogs on the computer at 3 in the morning.

    FBI Agent Dick Steele, devout Catholic and part time Doctor.
    666 Not Insane St.
    Portland OR. 97217

  2. If you are worried about radiation, why don't you put up some kind of sheilding? There are paints and other materials that block EMF. Check here for more information.
