Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Exorcist

About a half hour ago or less, the TV began playing a movie without anyone pushing "play". I was by the window, cleaning the windowsill, which is next to the TV, when it happened. I could see traffic going by the house slowly. And then a Barney movie which was already in the player, turned on and started to play. My son hadn't touched the TV and I was right there.

I've had his battery-operated toys going off, my computers hacked without a phone/DSL/WiFi or internet connection, and we've had health problems.

The computer tech I spoke with in town, is Andy Panda. He's said it's all possible. Someone just has to send out a "pulse" and that will pick up certain frequencies. He said it's harder to work on battery-operated toys from a remote location because there is no wire-to-wall or electrical connection.

Not ONCE have I been "afraid" or upset by any of this. I had someone say, "Evil spirits", which I believe is ridiculous. Evil spirits have better things to do than turn on electrical toys and computers/TVs, although I wouldn't put it past evil people to do it in an attempt to harass or bother me. I don't get bothered by stuff like this. This is possible with technology and I would never think it was something to do with a spiritual realm. However! It has caused me to think about Fr. Joachim McCann, who was one of the clergy I had major problems with, who is the same one who wrote me a threatening email after HE counseled me for a year. He actually had the job of the monastery "exorcist" and told me the church used him and called on him to cast out evil spirits and fix "haunted houses". I asked what kinds of things he'd seen or people reported. He mentioned some of this kind of stuff, and doors opening and closing, etc.

Now that I know what's possible with technology, I started thinking about this. It must be quite the racket: Use technology to cause electrical disturbances in a house of an "adversary", or even, a parish member. When the person, especially parish member, is sufficiently freaked out and complains to their priest, tell them they need the exorcist. Get the exorcist to pray over the house and do a big routine, and then after the problems stop, wait for the favorable reaction of the parish member. Maybe people whose haunted houses are cured by a priest give better tithes. Maybe they repay the church with devotion and practical favors. Maybe kids are impressed for life with the belief that a priest healed their house and could really cast out evil spirits. Perhaps someone decides to donate their inheritance or life earnings to the church, in appreciation, at the time of death. As for the adversaries, maybe having a haunted house, with no priest to cure the problem, is sometimes a good way to get rid of people and force them to move.

Everything has a logical explanation and I don't buy the haunted house/evil spirits crap. I am never frightened when these things happen and only have an urge to roll my eyes...

I know who protects me and my son and it's God, and there is no one and nothing to fear besides Him. If someone chooses to attack the health of my son, that is a very serious curse they bring upon themselves. Those who live by the sword die by the sword, and this fits non-sword-like forms of weaponry or strategy. I have never vandalized anyone's car, disrupted mail service, fried computers and printers, stalked them, harassed them, asked a church member to write a defamatory newspaper article about someone to spread disinformation, stolen medical records from a house, or attempted to alienate friends and family from an individual--nor have I planned situations to drug someone or get them drunk, and then leave them to be sexually assaulted by others. I've also never tried to railroad someone or bully them in a legal process, lie about someone, create false or distorted medical records, and I've never had a "good time" harassing someone or making fun of them just for the sake of "having" some sick kind of fun. I don't get jealous of what others have and am happy with my life and what I have and have never felt the need to purposefully bring someone down or break them in an attempt to punish them for making myself or someone else feel bad about themselves. Or, in a misguided belief that someone shouldn't care about the life God gave them or feel they are "special" or worthy in the eyes of God, attempted to cause enough distress to provoke a suicide attempt.

I may write about things people have done, but I'm just doing the reporting or writing. I'm not the one who made the decisions to take a particular course of action. I just write about it. I've generally taken the high road.

I can't change anyone. If someone wants to plot against me and wants to hate me, that is their choice. They have a choice between doing good or evil. I'm not pleading for mercy here. I've seen enough to know some people will do whatever it takes to make themselves feel better, even if it means harming an innocent child. It's out of my hands, and those who want control will take it and use it. If it makes them feel good about themselves and eachother, or their church, that's between them and God. If they don't have any regrets, am I going to retaliate? No, I've never retaliated. I walk away and do my own thing. But that makes some people more mad. They want a confrontation and follow me. If it makes you happy, and this is how you wish to spend your time or earn your salvation (you think), maybe God has some work to do. My hands are clean. Should I avenge myself, I would take that from God. I think God can do a better job at adminstering true justice. And if, in the process,someone who is so hateful tries to break me and my son, and ends up hurting themselves, maybe there's a reason for that. God used pharoah and his hardness of heart, for a greater cause, and that may be the case here as well. Send in the hailstorm and flies. I haven't asked for it, nor have I returned evil for evil. But when the storms come, may the rivers part and my son and I cross to the other side safely, and may those waters swallow my enemies up; may they choke on their own conceit.

My son is brave. I am brave. God is my helper and I will trust in the Lord. Instead of hating me because of my confidence and faith, find something to love.

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