Monday, January 21, 2008

Hit, Again

At about 11:10 p.m., my son and I were just now hit.

My son woke up to writhe and suck his thumb and cry. He couldn't stop. I could hear his stomach without my ear anywhere near it. He passed gas and it was foul.

I felt the hit at the exact same time. My head with a pressure crackling and then my stomach. I felt the sickness and the gas. I was on 3X the amount of medication because I'm having a migraine. I was sleeping well until my son and I woke the same time and then my migraine was worse.

My son took a bottle. I notice I and my son both feel dehydrated and thirsty at these times.

Some others were going down the hall to their rooms at the same time. Makes me wonder...But they were here before me, I think. Need to check. Certain it's from outside but I don't see or hear cars.

Someone will try to kill us next. And no one is doing anything to help us; won't believe this is real. Someone needs to monitor what's going on where I live with a satellite or something.


  1. Hey Cameo,
    I have been trying to get in touch with you. I have been reading your blog and now think that you probably would not want to be in touch with me any longer...due to the fact that I am now a Catholic (like my fiance'). I hope you won't put that against me or think that I am going to spy on you.
    I just have been thinking and praying for you a lot and googled you, and here I am. Please email me if you want (

    love your friend,
    Kelly Halverson

  2. How about an addiction to pain meds? Sounds like you are describing all of the symptoms for drug addiction for the meds you are taking...paranoia, twitching, spasams, they're all there. Wake up to your illness and get some help.

  3. Cameo,
    I have not seen anything new on your blog lately. I hope you are ok. I have really been pressed to pray for you lately. I called your old number and left mine for the nice lady who answered. I truly hope you are ok Cameo. Your blog is certainly interesting. If you need an extra friend I would love to help. I promise not to turn you in to any catholic authorities. :) Just give me a call or something to let me know you are well.

  4. All you need is tango Cameo! That is my answer to all of your problems! I just figured it out. You would make a great tango dancer and it would get you out with your son, help you with the pain in your back (as it did mine after a bad car accident), and give you the mental support as well. Also, there are so many people in the tango world that are also supporters of activists if not activists themselves. I tango and I dj for tango events. It's what has kept me sane through a lot of shit in my own life. You might laugh, but I'm dead serious.

    Your Oregon friend, Kelly

  5. first to "Kelly Halverson": Okay, if this is really Kelly, of course I don't care if you're Catholic. I don't think everyone Catholic is in on what's been happening to me (obviously) or a "spy". I've known you forever. But you could be anyone so I'll have to quiz you first...
    1. Which singer did Andy say I sounded like?
    2. How many times was there intimacy in the marriage? (sorry, but I figure if it's really you, only you would know and remember you told me this and would have the right answer),
    3. At your apartment in Eugene, after you split with the first bookstore coworker guy, what kind of plants were you nurturing on your bureau by the window?

    If it's you Kelly, and you're happily engaged, I'm happy for you honey. Send a reply here first and then I'll email your hotmail. Thanks :)

  6. For the Voice of Reason:
    Raison d'etre,

    You are absolutely right in a sense. Which is why I was so horribly confused as to what was going on and went back and forth. Addiction to pain meds or having something besides normal medication is the most reasonable and logical/likely conclusion, so I kept freaking out about that, myself, as well. However, it doesn't add up. The symptoms I described were FAR worse than narcotic addiction symptoms, and I've been on the same level before, and NOT had those problems. I don't want to write too much here in response bc I'm going to post again about what I think was going on, and how I am now. Thanks for your concern and interest. Take care.

  7. I was being a bit playful about the Catholic thing. I know you would not hold it against me. I really love the church and actually feel like I belong in a church for once in my life.
    1.) I cannot remember what Andy said about your who your voice sounded like. It has to be someone alternative, I think it sounds like the woman that sang "Where the Wild Roses Grow" with Nick Cave. You look like her too.
    2.) I could count on my fingers the amount of times we had sex in 4 1/2 years.
    3.) Orchids, my favorite. I still have them.

    And to boot...I still remember the really expensive dress and necklace you got in New Hope, Penn. that looked drop dead gorgeous on you.

    I knew I should be praying for you. I'm really sorry about your son. Let me know if I can do anything for you. I could be a character witness if you need.


  8. Kelllllllyyy!

    It IS you! I'm so glad you got ahold of me. I read the tango bit and thought, "hmmm...yep, that sounds like Kelly!" but you never know so I gave you the test. Tango. We are birds of a feather. I've always wanted to learn that dance. I LOVE dancing but haven't been out in forever. Anyway, Andy said my voice reminded him of Suzanne Vega's voice, and I don't even know which singer youo're talking about but the crazy thing is, I've always been the singer and yet you've always been far more cultured and educated on music. I still remember your gorgeous paintings too...And yes, haha...I knew it was you when you accurately described your marriage. ! how could I forget? That certaintly put the fear of the Lord into my heart...probably why I'm still not and may never be married. Yikes. And yes, they were orchids. I miss you Kelly.

    Really glad you wrote and I'll write your hotmail address soon. I would appreciate the prayers and again, I'm really happy for you about your new church. I'm not really surprised. I almost converted too--I was RIGHT there. Lots of beauty in the traditions--I went to an Anglican church with the smells and bells once, bc I can't swallow some of the RC dogma, but anyway, we'll talk. Love you and love to your fiance.

  9. Kelly, I had to add, about the dress from New Hope...That day is crystal clear for me too. Remember the necklace had been designed and made by the guy who did the jewelry for the movie "Dracula"? and I wanted to see proof this was true? hahah. It was a beaded cross. It broke when Oliver chewed on it. I still have it but the cross is apart from the choker. I kept that dress forever and then gave it away. It was soooooo pretty! That was great fun. I would love to visit new hope again.

    You have no idea what I'm doing now, and where I'm sleeping tonight and who has taken me in while I find a job. I'm a little afraid to say it bc it sounds crazy, but let's just say he's a reformed gangbanger who was "jumped in at age 9". There's a story in everything and I am TAKING NOTES.

    Crap. Just wait til you hear what happened to us in Canada. It was unbelievable. Okay, no more public discourse...writing you privately next. Love you
