Monday, January 21, 2008

It's the Tazers

The horrible problems are definitly from some kind of stun gun and/or other radiation. I noticed I have had some of the sudden ache/pain problems while on the road in my car, but nothing like AT home, where I was so dizzy and almost passed out and then my vision is blurry. I did a google search for effects of stun guns, and several medical things came up. It absolutely fits. I'll put the links here. What's sad is that my son has been affected as well.

I left the house and decided we needed a vacation. So we are somewhere else. Perhaps we will return soon if there is no reason to make me want to stay away. If so, we will return by Feb. 4, 2008.

In the meantime, while on the road, TWICE both my son and I jerked and my son cried out loud from our seats in the car. He began sucking his thumb and whimpering and I felt immediate pain and the ache and severe stomach problems that feel like ulcers and upset. It's like something is burning inside. Most of the time on the road, no problems, but this happened when there was a car behind us, very close, and I pulled over to let them pass, or when someone was passing by. I have been literally almost going nuts trying to figure out the source of the health problems. I blame my narcotics, and then blame something else. I've been so confused and everything seems too unreal. But it's very real and we've suffered enough.

I haven't been able to function as a normal person the pain and then weaknesses is so great. So, I got us out of the house, and took the narcotics as directed, and felt normal. Until we got "hit" at the same time. I knew it wasn't the medication because I had taken them and my general chronic pain had subsided. They were working, though I felt I still needed Advil and Tylenol. We were hit before I took the painpills and afterwards, and both times, the severity of the pain lasted about a 1/2 hour.

I noticed something strange when I pulled into a new town. It is far away from where we go normally, and as I was driving an isolated road, I noticed this guy driving by, looking at me. I felt the shock of pain and my son too, right when he was behind me and starting to drive by. And then he wanted to look at me. I was shocked because HE was the same guy I saw doing this same thing, almost a year ago, when my son quit talking and we were having similar problems. My grandfather says I never mentioned having these problems before, but for one thing, it was NEVER as severe as in the last 3 months or more, AND, I DID recognize something was wrong, because when we started having lots of pain and ache and inexplicable muscle cramps and twitching, my son and I both, almost seizure like, a year ago, I called poison control later or an EPA type organization and asked about organophosphates or something that could cause this. I wasn't thinking, then, that it could be radiation of some kind, and/or combined stun gun. Anyway, when I saw this same guy then, he did the same thing, drove behind for a long time, and then pulled away and last time he was laughing in a hateful way. I don't know how to describe it. This time, he wasn't laughing. He looked serious, and guilty. It was like he was looking for the expressions on our faces, or our reactions. He drove a 70s style sedan that was maroon and he had brown hair in a ponytail, in his 40s or more. He looks very native american but maybe something else. Angular face.

Then I got to our "vacation home" and we had ZERO of the suffering we were having at my house. I might add, none of the traffic either. It was gone. All the pain and weird stuff was completely gone. Until 4:00 a.m. exactly last night. My son woke with a start, crying out and jerking with pain. He cried for awhile and took a bottle, arching his back. I could hear his stomach gurgling. I've noticed his and my stomach hurt and gurgle when this happens, but it's not like hunger pains. We've already eaten usually, and it's a faster and more active type of activity. And for me, it feels like the lining is burning up with acid. From pelvis to just below ribcage. So it happened at 4 a.m. and I wondered where it came from. Went back to bed. Happened again at exactly 5 a.m. Same response in my son. Then at 6 a.m., and finally, at 7 a.m. 4 times, exactly one hour apart. I knew it wasn't my medication. My medication doesn't "wear off" on an hourly basis and my SON doesn't wake up screaming or whimpering in pain, on a schedule like that. I knew someone knew where we were. After the first "hit", I heard others next door wake up and talk too. Others in the house, who had been sleeping soundly before. We all woke at the same time. Of course, I'm not going to ask them about it or explain it--it was probably random for them but I knew the feelings.

So I knew if someone kept doing this, others would feel it too. If it's not directed precisely or can't be. And all day today, neither my son nor I have had ANY of the pain and suffering we were having before, or bad aches and stomach pangs. This is completely not normal AND I still have the same medication, which is a narcotic, and it was working FINE, like it should and normally, barring the other bizarre stuff, does. So I knew I could completely rule out these meds. I'm not on anything except narcotics! Or maybe Neurontin? I don't know...All I know is that regardless, the horrible pain, which comes like a "hit" and disappears very slowly while causing severe pain, is not caused by my medication. And, that guy who was so interested in mocking me and driving alongside my car yesterday, was the same one from a year ago, not that only one person is involved. I know more than one individual is involved in this.

I think about an incident at Walmart. I was standing in line at the return counter. I was holding my son, and he was holding a balloon. They had just blown the balloon up and given it to him. A regular non-mylar yellow balloon. I was facing forward and took the balloon from my son and held it close to my chest, with the string taught. Someone behind me asked me a question and I turned to answer. As my body turned to answer this person, the balloon popped for no reason. It wasn't tangled and no one touched it. It was like someone hit it with a pin. The crazy part, is that some guy was down on the end of the room, and HE jumped a little when I looked at him right when the balloon popped. He was holding something inside his jacket and closed it up and turned. He looked caught but I didn't know why. It was so weird. He had the guiltiest look on his face. It crossed my mind that someone had just shot a thin dart my way, or SOMETHING, because of his reaction, like he knew he'd done something, and looked on the floor but nothing was on the floor. All alone, this anecdone doesn't stand up to anything, but put all of these experiences together, and it will form a picture.

Also, this day and yesterday were major stressful days. But no weird pains for the entire day, unlike before when I couldn't hardly breathe anymore without pain.

I have to go back and refer to this last sentence. It is now 5:15 p.m. Right after I started writing the above sentence, at exactly 5:00 p.m., my son woke in the next room screaming. I am at the other end of the house. I got up and went to him and he was sitting crouched over, head down, sobbing, and still. I went to him and he arched his back and acted like he was in pain. I wondered if someone targeted that side and it didn't reach me. I'm not saying my son and I don't have pain at different times, of course not, but I am starting to realize his tummy hurts and this gurgling thing is from whatever hits him. I can tell the difference between a temper tantrum and pain response. In my own son, whom I'm with all day, every day, of course. I put my head to his tummy and he cringed and cried out, as if it hurt to touch or apply pressure. He cried and arched his back like this, for 10 minutes and then calmed down and I could hear his tummy. I could hear his tummy without putting my ear to it.

This stuff is not normal. It's just that by the time I get me or my son to the ER, the worst of the pain is gone and we start to feel normal, as if nothing's wrong at all. It takes about 20 minutes to get from my old house to the ER, and after we wait through getting checked in and into a room, it's been 40 minutes to an hour and we feel 70% better. Unless it's been happening all day, and in that case, I'm miserable the whole time. I could STILL feel some relief getting away, but then the other day, we went back to the house, and some traffic was going by, and it was all day. I was in so much pain and cramping, and severe, severe, ache and weakness, I couldn't function.

I got away and now we're fine?! Except for specific "hits"? In general, in the last day, I and my son, we've had a couple of hits at night, last night, and maybe my son just now, not totally sure about just now...but my strength is coming back, and my health restored and the narcotics WORK and I'm not acting like a raving lunatic? I mean, I get so sick, that now, when I feel better, I realize I'm totally disoriented. I'm so out of it and confused and then have extreme mood swings. My son too. But then I get away and feel rational and things make sense?

I thought the medications were killing me. Killing my back and spine and stomach. The doctors wrote me off, saying the pain was in my head and thinking it was weird I was saying my son had it at the same time. The medications were not killing me. They work on normal pain. But we/are having abnormal pain. This kind of thing is used in warfare, to disable but not kill people. But it can kill too. Someone has been trying, I believe, to torture me and my son. I am positive his loss of speech is because of this. There is no way he could keep language when his brain and neurowaves were being scrambled and fried.

I read up on the effects of stun guns/Tasers, and it fits. It may be something a little different, or smaller, or maybe a couple of things put together that do slightly different things. I will post the links to the information about the health effects of these kinds of weapons,

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